Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • GTW 41

      9 202 7012

      Sugar and Soil

      Fun fact: You'll see these fun facts while the game is loading.


      "Gentlemen, we have a situation."

      All seven advisors looked up as the Vegetable King walked into the room, holding his carved wooden staff. This was almost certainly about the international situation.

      Ever since the Candy and Vegetable Kingdoms had banded together to annex the neighboring Fruit Kingdom and depose its insane ruler, tensions had always existed between the two countries.
      By the time the Fruit Kingdom was broken into parts, half each becoming Candy and Vegetable Kingdom territory, a hidden 'shadow war' existed between the two countries. Agents of each country showed up as the villains in each other's popular fiction. There were real infiltrations, of course, at both low and high levels.

      Then, scientists in both Kingdoms completed development of their ultimate weapons.

      The Broadspread Caramelization Bomb , or BCB for short, was the Candy Kingdom's last resort. Everything in its blast radius, friend and foe alike, would be blasted into a fragile afterexistence as a sugar statue, as it seeded the very ground for Candy Kingdom colonization.

      The Liquid Compost Bomb , or LCB, was the Vegetable Kingdom's answer. This bomb was filled with a liquid right with all the materials plants needed to grow. Seeded within it were deconstructor nanobots, ready to disassemble anything they came into contact with in the blast radius, reassembling it into utmost-quality soil.

      After each nation test-fired its bombs on different remote islands in the Fresh-Water sea, tensions between the two superpowers had never been higher. One careless gaffe, one wrong move, and both nations could find themselves decomposing into soil and sludge.

      That was before today.

      "Gentlemen, we have a situation," the Vegetable King repeated, pulling down the projector screen at the end of the long table. "Two days ago, a strike team entered the capital of the Candy Kingdom, in an attempt to steal current military intel. All were captured. This morning, we received the following video."

      He activated the projector screen. An image of the Candy Queen appeared on it, long, red hair flying as she ran.

      "The dancers '1' through '4' have been confirmed to be four of the five strike team members," the King explained. "We believe the doppelganger in the mask to be the strike team leader, who was only captured after sending back an important amount of information."

      No one else said anything. The advisors were all staring at the video, mouths open in horror.

      "The information we received," the King continued, "is why we are holding this meeting." He raised his voice so that everyone would hear him clearly. " If we do not take action now, the Candy Kingdom will launch Caramelization Bombs at major Vegetable cities within 24 hours. "

      That got everyone's attention. In second, the table was host to a host of argument and accusation. The King slammed his staff down on the floor.
      "Listen!" he said, as the hubbub died. "There is something we can do. I have spoken to the Kingdom's weapon research division. If we can keep the Candy Kingdom busy for several days, our own Mark II Liquid Compost Bombs will be ready to launch. If we succeed, we will be able to fire them, obliterating strategic components of Candy infrastucture, rendering them unable to retaliate."

      The Vegetable King began delivering folders of info around the table. "Unfortunately, the intelligence the team leader sent back indicates that our efforts against the Candy Kingdom so far have been thwarted by a cabal of three high-ranking, deep-cover agents." He gestured at the advisers. "They are all within this room."

      It took three loud bangs of the King's staff before order was restored this time. "Here is what we will do. We will go around the table, in order." He scribbled on a pad of paper, and held up a list.

      Order of Proposals
      Eugene Chin

      "I will list one of the objectives the strike team has singled as important. The person who is next on the list will propose a subset of this group to handle its execution. Everyone may then vote to ACCEPT or REJECT this proposal." He slid a carved wooden bowl to the center of the table. "Secret ballot, of course."

      The King finished, "Once a proposal is APPROVEd by a majority, those named will supervise the execution of the mission. If we are to fulfill the missions in time to keep the Candy Queen busy, we will only have time for 5 proposals. Keep this in mind, or the last thing we will see will be the business end of a Caramelization Bomb."

      The King looked around the table. There was something approaching desperation in his eyes, under the surface.

      "Good luck. Gentlemen, you may begin."

      **Target #1  
      Infrastructural Attack: Munitions Production**  
      Intelligence indicates a large cluster of factories on the outskirts of the Candy Kingdom's capital are involved in productions of large munitions for a planned military invasion of the Vegetable Kingdom, after the bombs fall.   
      It is rumored that deep under the factories, one top-secret assembly line is responsible for the assembly of Caramelization Bombs themselves.  
      A pair of saboteurs has been readied for this mission. Their goal: To cause delays and shutdowns in production of all armaments. However, the facilities are heavily guarded and secured, and the saboteurs will need accurate information if they are to have any hope of succeeding and getting out unscathed.  
      **JacaByte** , please make your proposal. This proposal will contain two names. Once the proposal is made, all may vote to ACCEPT or REJECT it.  

      Misc. Rules

      The traitors all know who they are. Traitors, using PMs or any other private communications system to coordinate your votes, proposals, or other actions is forbidden.

      Everyone else, take any received private communications with a grain of salt. Not all people are who they say they are.

      The five missions will require 2, 3, 3, 4, and 4 people on their proposals, respectively. Once a proposal is accepted, all on the proposal secretly vote SUCCEED or FAIL. One fail vote is usually enough to doom a mission, with the exception of Mission #4, where two fail votes are required. If you are an innocent, you should always vote SUCCEED.

      As stated above, a maximum of 5 proposals may be made for any mission. If 5 proposals in a row fail, the game ends in a win for the traitors. Keep this in mind.

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 24 August 2012 - 07:42 PM

    • Ugh, I hate loading screens. Make better use of RAM!

    • Taps C64 a couple times

      ...I think it's stuck.

      aborts loading and reloads tape

    • @mrxak, on 24 August 2012 - 05:44 PM, said in GTW 41:

      Make better use of RAM!

      RAM: (rams mrxak)

      OK, game start is GO! Role PMs have been sent.

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 24 August 2012 - 07:13 PM

    • Hooray, this time I'm an innocent, loyal advisor.

      I highly suggest you outline the actual rules, like how many people are going to be on each mission, whether or not the bad guys know who each other are right now, etc.

      If the bad guys don't know who each other are yet, JacaByte I suggest you make this team just you and Eugene Chin. If the bad guys do know who each other are, I suggest you and me.

    • @mrxak, on 24 August 2012 - 07:09 PM, said in GTW 41:

      I highly suggest you outline the actual rules, like how many people are going to be on each mission, whether or not the bad guys know who each other are right now, etc.


    • Actually, I think I'll pick a partner from SIB's list at random. I know it's redundant, but it's still random. gave me a 4, so my partner for this round will be retep998;

      First proposal, first mission;


      Additionally, I have a question for SIB; will accept and reject votes be sent to SIB via PM or will we have to post our votes in public? (I personally think the latter breaks the game, as the innocents can steer away from trouble if they see that a proposal is getting much more support than it should.)

    • @soitbegins, on 24 August 2012 - 04:56 PM, said in GTW 41:

      Misc. Rules

      The traitors all know who they are. Traitors, using PMs or any other private or semiprivate communications system to coordinate your votes is forbidden.

      Everyone else, take any received private communications with a grain of salt. Not all people are who they say they are.

      The five missions will require 2, 3, 4, 4, and 5 people on their proposals, respectively. Once a proposal is accepted, all on the proposal secretly vote SUCCEED or FAIL. One fail vote is usually enough to doom a mission, with the exception of Mission #4, where two fail votes are required. If you are an innocent, you should always vote SUCCEED.

      As stated above, a maximum of 5 proposals may be made for any mission. If 5 proposals in a row fail, the game ends in a win for the traitors. Keep this in mind.

      You should make it clear that coordinating votes or proposals privately is forbidden.

      It's 2, 3, 3, 4, 4. Hint: there's only four good guys ;).

    • ... The only thing more horrifying than what they did to that strike team was the sadistic execution of that poor onion.

      @mrxak, on 24 August 2012 - 07:09 PM, said in GTW 41:

      If the bad guys don't know who each other are yet, JacaByte I suggest you make this team just you and Eugene Chin. If the bad guys do know who each other are, I suggest you and me.

      While it's a moot point now, I'm curious about this suggestion. While I think I can trace the reasoning behind it, I'd like to hear the explanation to be sure.

      @mrxak, on 24 August 2012 - 07:32 PM, said in GTW 41:

      It's 2, 3, 3, 4, 4. Hint: there's only four good guys ;).

      Ooh. Good catch. With three traitors, and a final mission that can only bench two people...

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 24 August 2012 - 07:39 PM

    • @jacabyte, on 24 August 2012 - 07:26 PM, said in GTW 41:

      Additionally, I have a question for SIB; will accept and reject votes be sent to SIB via PM or will we have to post our votes in public? (I personally think the latter breaks the game, as the innocents can steer away from trouble if they see that a proposal is getting much more support than it should.)


      He slid a carved wooden bowl to the center of the table. "Secret ballot, of course."

      Via PM. Secret ballot.

      ALSO: Fixed the bit about how many on each mission. Sorry about that 😊

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 24 August 2012 - 07:41 PM

    • @eugene-chin, on 24 August 2012 - 07:37 PM, said in GTW 41:

      While it's a moot point now, I'm curious about this suggestion. While I think I can trace the reasoning behind it, I'd like to hear the explanation to be sure.

      See Game 40, first proposal. But, since the bad guys already know each other, it's no longer optimal to put you on the team.

    • It's not optimal to put mrxak on a team either, since I don't know his role. He could be a traitor trying to land a spot on the first mission. I think my solution was best.

    • I'm still feeling my way around these new rules. As far as I can see, it looks like there's no good reason to try and get any one person particularly on a proposal, considering we have no information yet, much like the first turn in GTW, where there's no way to know whether you are lynching the terrorist or not in the first turn. Unless I'm missing something?

    • Because we have no information yet, and the first proposal contains me, I do hereby vote approve on Jacabyte's proposal.

    • @shlimazel, on 24 August 2012 - 08:47 PM, said in GTW 41:

      I'm still feeling my way around these new rules. As far as I can see, it looks like there's no good reason to try and get any one person particularly on a proposal, considering we have no information yet, much like the first turn in GTW, where there's no way to know whether you are lynching the terrorist or not in the first turn. Unless I'm missing something?

      Not the first proposal, but then, there's no reason to accept this first proposal, either. Each vote we have gives us some information.

    • @shlimazel, on 24 August 2012 - 08:47 PM, said in GTW 41:

      I'm still feeling my way around these new rules. As far as I can see, it looks like there's no good reason to try and get any one person particularly on a proposal, considering we have no information yet, much like the first turn in GTW, where there's no way to know whether you are lynching the terrorist or not in the first turn. Unless I'm missing something?

      A Quick Primer to 'The Resistance'

      Public information comes in three types:

      • What names someone proposes
      • Who votes what on any given proposal, and their associated publicly stated opinions
      • The results of approved proposals

      What you do with it is up to you.

      Remember that there can be up to 5 proposals per round. It is often to the innocents' advantage to examine as many proposals as possible in a round.

      By the way, in case you missed it, JacaByte has made the following proposal:

      3 people have voted so far.

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 24 August 2012 - 11:56 PM

    • At first I was going to mindlessly accept, seeing as there's no information to go on in the first round - but I'm going to Reject instead.

      Even if the first mission went forward with both names as terrorists, with a size two committee, the bad guys wouldn't dare fail it; and a double fail at this stage would make finding the last traitor almost trivial, so we learn nothing if this mission succeeds. I'll point out that trusting people who had been on a first successful committee cost the innocent's both of the last two games. Game 39's first committee was chock full of bad guys, and people kept trusting them. And Game 40 showed us both SIB and mrxak letting Mission 2 pass. It might have been a sub-optimal choice at the time, but they played the resulting trust to full effect.

      So, going into mission 2, the only thing we're going to have is: "Who did you pick as a partner?"

      If it's an innocent picking the committee, then that answer is effectively random. If it's a traitor, though, he'll have to ask himself "Do I want to pick a traitor, and try to build trust, or should I pick an innocent and try to frame him?" Either way, if we learn one of the first five proposers is a traitor, we'll have something more to go on.

      So, if all we've got going into Mission 2 is "Who did you pick as a partner?", we may as well ask it five times.

      We've got five proposals. Let's use 'em.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 25 August 2012 - 01:13 AM

    • By the way, I applaud JacaByte and SoItBegins for alphabetizing the proposals so far.

      I strongly condemn those who have yet to post and participate in the discussion.

    • So darth_vader and Techerakh then?

    • I'm going to go along with Eugene's logic for now and Reject this proposal. The more information we can get in the first turn, the better the chances are that we'll be able to pick out the terrorists later on.