Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • And I suppose that's supposed to mean you're the IA? If you were really the IA, you'd have investigated the people you most suspected, no? You would have investigated me, in the first round, and could tell everyone how evil I am last round, as I'd be the last traitor left. That didn't happen. Your changing of your vote, to save SoItBegins because you had IA info on him? Doesn't make sense since you put him in jeopardy to begin with.

      Saying those two people are innocent is a nice gamble, I have to say. JacaByte has already voted for me once, and really you just need to convince the other two. Telling them you know they're innocent with the hint you're IA is a classic way of getting people on your side.

      It's just a gamble though. You don't know who the real IA is, but I'm your biggest threat right now and you're desperate. Anyone could claim they are the IA right now to save themselves, but nobody smart would unless they knew 100% who all the remaining traitors are. So here you are, making vague claims and hoping I'm the real IA. Just as you voted against me first to preempt my vote against you, you know any second claim to be IA after you will be met with extreme skepticism.

    • Just as an FYI -- Day Three is going to end early tomorrow as I will be busy ~ 5 PM. New ending time is 4 PM CDT, 9 PM UTC.

    • It is consistent with the way he convinced us all to vote for retep998 instead of croc, however. That's why I'm convinced he is the IA. He has been trying to avoid suspicion, yes, and he's also been trying to defend other players when that's an illogical thing for the traitor to do without his partner.

    • It's a desperate move inconsistent with the facts. Here's a more consistent statement.

      I'm the Intelligence Agent. I investigated Techerakh in the first night, and croc in the second. It's why I didn't vote for Techerakh despite all of our disagreements, and tried to get him to be a better diplomat so he'd be an ally. I didn't give any evidence against croc this round because I know he's innocent, and whereas I can't speak definitively about anyone else. I'd still vote out croc this round, if it saves me, because I haven't had the chance to investigate enough people to make a definitive statement as to who the bad guys are. After all, if we don't kill the right person now and the IA is revealed, we are probably screwed in the next round without that night's intelligence.

      Is that more believable than mud212's gamble? I suppose it's up to you to decide for yourself.

    • Well guess what? I'm the IA too, my problem is I investigated prophile in the first round and Techerakh in the second, so now I'm just as useless as all the other innocent players in this game. Offing you this round makes strategic sense, because then I'll be able to determine the role of mud212. If myself and mud212 are still alive next round I'll know for certain who the second traitor is.

      I could do it the other way around, but you've been pulling our strings the entire game. You've only fed us enough information to convince us to vote for whoever you want lynched. You're not as transparent this game as you were during GTW 35, and that concerns me. Therefore, I want your dead body to tell us what your role really is and hopefully we'll be able to end this game a round early.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 08 June 2012 - 01:00 PM

    • See? It's easy and fun.

      This is why I prefer voting records to desperate statements made when the vote's all but certain, as it was until mud212's magical revelation.

      I can't imagine how I can be not transparent, after that massive post I made earlier, outlining every event in the game and my thought process on it. It certainly convinced you, right until mud212 saw he had three votes against him and implied he had insider knowledge. Why did it convince you? Because it made sense. Me being the traitor doesn't make sense, unless everyone else in this game has been helping me at every step of the way, making themselves look suspicious.

      You claim I've been pulling the strings, but when was that, exactly? I've gone along with your votes and you've gone along with mine. I didn't agree with croc last round, but I wanted to save SoItBegins and that seemed to be the way and so I followed you. You can claim mud212's been trying to defend people, but obviously I did as well this game.

      If you really honestly believe I've been controlling you, then maybe you should ask yourself why it is you've trusted me? It's because my story is consistent, and fits reality. mud212 keeps mixing up his facts, changing his mind about why he did the things he did. He lied about his vote for nfreader. His story keeps changing about why he voted the way he did last round. He says he's suspicious of me at various points, then claims he's the IA but also claims he never investigated me? But suddenly, as soon as I outline what actually happened in the game, he changes from saying I'm bad because of "history" to "hey guys, I'm the IA".

      You say I haven't been transparent, but then what is mud212? I'm not even sure what you mean about last game. As far as I can tell the only difference between this game and last is last game I was right about two traitors, and this game I've only been right about one, so far. Perhaps if you'd clarify (pun totally intended).

    • Methinks she doth protest too much.

    • So I decided to off mud212. There's three possible outcomes from his death;

      1. He's the IA
      2. He's an innocent.
      3. He's the traitor.

      If mud212 is the traitor we win immediately. Yay!

      If mud212 is innocent that means there's a 33% chance of the IA being assassinated. If the IA is assassinated the remaining two innocents are off on their own, and this could end very badly.

      If mud212 is the IA that means mrxak is guaranteed to be the remaining traitor.

      So the way I see it, by lynching mud this round the innocents will have a 66% chance of winning the game if mud212 is not the traitor. That sounds reasonably good to me, so I think we'd best see mud off on his merry way.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 08 June 2012 - 01:54 PM

    • Yup. We should definitely vote for mud212, for the reasons JacaByte gave. Diplomats are guaranteed a victory at this point, it just depends on when it happens, this round or next. The evidence heavily points to mud212, so we might as well kill him first. If I'm the traitor, you guys can kill me next round, but of course, it won't have to go that far.

    • When you have come to claim my head, then shall you know me and see the truth of things.

      The only question that remains now is who will die with me?

    • What is the point of posting if my posts just get edited? Why don't you guys just write dialog for me? Enjoy your bastardized forums version of a great game guys, I'm not gonna play the whole "haha look i'm a moderator your post was dumb ZAP ZAP" game. PEACE


      This post has been edited by croc : 08 June 2012 - 03:26 PM

    • Am I to take this to mean that croc isn't playing anymore?

    • At the very least he's not being cooperative.

    • Forty minutes until voting is closed.

    • If croc isn't playing, and the traitor isn't completely stupid, the game is over. The traitors win. I'm dead, and so is one of the other innocent players, leaving the traitor, the innocent, and a non-player. This is effectively a tie, leaving the traitor free to pick off the other two. So congratulations, evil one, you've bested us.

    • Final Vote Tally:



      mud212 is dead. JacaByte and croc are also dead.

      Remaining players:


      The game is over. mud212 was the Intelligence Agent. mrxak was the other traitor.

      Signup for Game 38 is here.

    • Eh, don't blame him entirely. I had a secret plan to still maybe win, but when he quit, I didn't need it. We'll never really know how things might've turned out.

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