Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game 32 signup

      14 27 4096

      Again, I'm not playing. But sign up here if you're interested.

    • Oh, why not.


      Although I made a complete hash of last game.

    • EKHawkman is supposed to host, right? Somebody (named Mackilroy) should PM him and tell him he's gonna be hosting this round. Anyways, I'll sign up when he shows up, because if he doesn't, it looks like I'm the backup host.

      Scratch that, it looks like I'm supposed to host this round. I'll attempt to think of something creative...

      This post has been edited by Rebelious : 22 September 2008 - 08:55 AM

    • Don't have time for it this week, busy busy.

    • I'll be more active...

      RJC Ultra

    • jrsh92
      RJC Ultra

      Lets see if I can not be an idiot this time.

      Here's an interesting idea in terms of rules/gameplay: Let people PM, but make them inform the entire group of people when they do so. It's true that in real life playing this game, you would not have the tool of the "private message", HOWEVER, it would be fully possible to pull someone over to the corner and whisper in their ear. The only issue is that everyone would see you doing so... but they wouldn't be able to hear what you said. This would have very... interesting strategic effects. The IA could use the old IA PMing trick of informing someone of their role to prove their stance as the IA and then assembling a voting block to eliminate the terrorists... but the terrorists would know when they did this-- or at least when they sent the PM's. This might encourage innocents to send junk PM's every now and then to distract from the fact that one person is sending PM's that actually matter. That in turn would force the terrorists to send some PM's to make themselves not stand out as "the ones who aren't spamming out the IA's identity"... it could get unbelievably crazy because irrelevant messages would need to be used to drown out messages and irrelevant messages would also need to be used to cover the fact that one might not want messages drowned out... confused yet?
      As I said, quite realistic in terms of what could happen in a physical mafia game, and yet still with the wonderful chaos and insanity required for the ASW forums.

      This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 22 September 2008 - 03:22 PM

    • jrsh92
      RJC Ultra

    • If jrsh92's idea goes through, I'm going to be really glad I didn't sign up this game.

    • @jrsh92, on Sep 22 2008, 01:05 PM, said in Game 32 signup:

      Lets see if I can not be an idiot this time.

      Here's an interesting idea in terms of rules/gameplay: Let people PM, but make them inform the entire group of people when they do so. It's true that in real life playing this game, you would not have the tool of the "private message", HOWEVER, it would be fully possible to pull someone over to the corner and whisper in their ear. The only issue is that everyone would see you doing so... but they wouldn't be able to hear what you said. This would have very... interesting strategic effects. The IA could use the old IA PMing trick of informing someone of their role to prove their stance as the IA and then assembling a voting block to eliminate the terrorists... but the terrorists would know when they did this-- or at least when they sent the PM's. This might encourage innocents to send junk PM's every now and then to distract from the fact that one person is sending PM's that actually matter. That in turn would force the terrorists to send some PM's to make themselves not stand out as "the ones who aren't spamming out the IA's identity"... it could get unbelievably crazy because irrelevant messages would need to be used to drown out messages and irrelevant messages would also need to be used to cover the fact that one might not want messages drowned out... confused yet?
      As I said, quite realistic in terms of what could happen in a physical mafia game, and yet still with the wonderful chaos and insanity required for the ASW forums.

      As the host of this game, let's just say that I'm not going to implement this idea...

    • **jrsh92
      RJC Ultra

      It's looking like I'll finally be getting some time off at work, so I should be able to devote more time to this game than I did the last one. 🙂

    • It's crunch time for me; I'm not going to sign up.

    • **
      RJC Ultra

    • ...would you like to play a game?

      RJC Ultra

    • GutlessWonder
      RJC Ultra

      I'll go ahead and play this round.

    • Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

    • Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

      Maybe it's my turn to be innocent now. 😛

    • Rebelious, make orcalovebri9 a bad guy :p.

    • Question: when should I close signups and start the game?

    • Whenever you want to.

    • Ok. I'll be starting the game on Sunday, signups close Saturday @ 8 AM PT.