Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • You going to tell us Shlimazel's role?

    • Oh, sorry.
      He was innocent.

    • Well, I guess I'll start things off again with a vote for



      , for lurking, as Templar98921 brought to my attention.

    • I'm sorry about the's really not intentional. I have other things on my mind, and only occasionally remember to check in here.

      This is twice now JacaByte and Rebelious have both voted for the one who got lynched. The first time, someone else who voted for the one who got lynched was night-killed. This is pretty standard behavior for terrorists. What is also typical is night-killing someone who voted for the same person as themselves. Rebelious and JacaByte were instantly suspicious to me. Now mrxak was in that position, and somebody else died - interesting considering mrxak made of point of noting that terrorists like to let him live. kickme's death seems a pretty obvious attempt to frame mrxak. Putting the facts together, I'm going to go with JacaByte. darth_vader tends to lurk from my (admittedly limited) experience, so calling him out on lurking probably isn't the best move. I am convinced mrxak is innocent. Rebelious is also on my list, but JacaByte tops it because of kickme.

      This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 02 September 2008 - 05:49 PM

    • @orcaloverbri9, on Sep 2 2008, 05:45 PM, said in GTW Game 30:

      I'm sorry about the's really not intentional. I have other things on my mind, and only occasionally remember to check in here.

      This is twice now JacaByte and Rebelious have both voted for the one who got lynched. The first time, someone else who voted for the one who got lynched was night-killed. This is pretty standard behavior for terrorists. What is also typical is night-killing someone who voted for the same person as themselves. Rebelious and JacaByte were instantly suspicious to me. Now mrxak was in that position, and somebody else died - interesting considering mrxak made of point of noting that terrorists like to let him live. kickme's death seems a pretty obvious attempt to frame mrxak. Putting the facts together, I'm going to go with JacaByte. darth_vader tends to lurk from my (admittedly limited) experience, so calling him out on lurking probably isn't the best move. I am convinced mrxak is innocent. Rebelious is also on my list, but JacaByte tops it because of kickme.

      I'm not always lurky, though the beginning of school has my mind on other things these days. Thanks for refraining. This late in the game it's not such a great strategy anyway.

      Posting from Chrome!! 🙂

    • Well, I'm very willing to reconsider my vote, but I want to see how Rebelious and JacaByte respond to orcaloverbri9.

    • Hmph.

      Ah well. I saw that coming. Have Fun!

    • Since apparently nobody else is going to vote this game, and since I hate ties, I guess I'll vote for JacaByte.

    • Blame my lack of presence on the razor's edge of school work, not my role.

      @orcaloverbri9, on Sep 2 2008, 04:45 PM, said in GTW Game 30:

      This is twice now JacaByte and Rebelious have both voted for the one who got lynched. The first time, someone else who voted for the one who got lynched was night-killed. This is pretty standard behavior for terrorists. What is also typical is night-killing someone who voted for the same person as themselves. Rebelious and JacaByte were instantly suspicious to me. Now mrxak was in that position, and somebody else died - interesting considering mrxak made of point of noting that terrorists like to let him live. kickme's death seems a pretty obvious attempt to frame mrxak. Putting the facts together, I'm going to go with JacaByte. darth_vader tends to lurk from my (admittedly limited) experience, so calling him out on lurking probably isn't the best move. I am convinced mrxak is innocent. Rebelious is also on my list, but JacaByte tops it because of kickme.

      Wait, what did I do? I voted alongside Rebelious? I didn't even now about that until now. Chalk it up to a coincidence, but it looks like I'm damned if I don't and damned if I do at the moment. Your logic has me pinned no matter what I say, but I want to say that you're wasting your time and mine. I'll admit that I played horribly for the first two rounds, but that just means that I'm a really bad innocent.

      Personally, I find the fact that you aren't even considering the fact that we don't know if mrxak is innocent or not disconcerting. You even point out the fact that the terrorists let him live for one round, and that kickme was killed to frame mrxak. I think that, if the terrorists wanted to frame mrxak, that they would have killed me instead. That would be a whole lot more convincing than having kickme killed. Of course, that wouldn't work if I'm a terrorist, no? How about this; if I were a terrorist, mrxak would have been dead before the second round started. I would have made sure that he didn't have a chance to figure out who's who, and would have gotten him at the earliest possible moment. He's far too dangerous to leave alive when he's innocent, or when he's a terrorist. Also, I'm probably still alive because the terrorists (namely, mrxak) saw that killing me would only backfire; he would have seen that his death would have only followed after mine.

      The pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place; I'm positive that you and mrxak are the terrorists in this game. Of course, it won't matter if I'm killed, will it?

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 03 September 2008 - 07:00 PM

    • JacaByte: why get me killed at night when you can use me as a lightning rod during the vote? I'm sure you realize that as soon as I'm gone, you're next up on the chopping block.

    • Oh, I'm going to die no matter what; if I turn out to be right about you, (which I will) chances are the terrorists will have rid of me anyway. If I'm not right, there'll be two innocents and two terrorists. Game over. I have nothing to lose.

    • I still strongly suspect that that the guilty parties are lurking, but because of your vote I have no choice, I can't go after any of those lurkers. If we both end up being innocent, I'm blaming you when the innocents lose.

    • Baloney: You're free to change your vote to whomever you choose. You don't have to all gang up on me and kill me, after all. In fact, if we don't kill anyone this round, we won't find out who's a terrorist and who isn't, but we'll be able to go on to another round. We'll be minus one council member, and there'll be two terrorists and three innocents. The odds would be very high of nabbing a terrorist.

      But whatever. What I'm suggesting is not only ludicrous, but it hinges on your action, and my vote is going to stand. I won't be able to change it before the round starts again, and I don't think anyone else is about to vote any time soon. It looks like I'm about to die, and we're going to lose the game. Adios amigos, I had fun this time around.

    • Well, this is what happens when people don't participate <_<

    • Round 3 is over. Stand by.

    • darth_vader -
      Eugene Chin -
      JacaByte - mrxak
      mrxak - Jacabyte
      orcaloverbri9 - Jacabyte
      Rebelious -

      RJC Ultra walks back into the conference room again.
      “Everything has changed in the last few hours, my friends ” he begins.
      “I took the liberty to nuke Jacabyte’s country and search the resulting rubble for any evidence of terroristic activities, but it appears you guys have chosen to kill an innocent again.”
      Four guards show up and shoot down Jacabyte.
      “Darn, was that really necessary?” Eugene Chin asks.
      “Sure, why not,” one of the guards answers.
      “Well ” RJC Ultra continues, “I also spotted several nukes from orcaloverbri9’s country destroying the part of this world Rebelious was chosen to represent. Rebelious, who in turn nuked the hell out of orcaloverbri9’s major cities, turned out to be a terrorist! As you can see, there’s still hope for the-”
      RJC Ultra abruptly stops as Rebelious draws a pistol and guns down orcaloverbri9, before committing a not so pleasant suicide.
      “Awwww holy crap not good I mean, guards, please clean this mess up.” RJC Ultra says.
      “I’ll be leaving you for the last time then. Three of you left, one of you is a terrorist. You know what to do.”

      Jacabyte was lynched. He was innnocent. Rebelious was killed by orcaloverbri9, the assassin, who in turn was killed by the terrorists.

      Player list:
      Eugene Chin

      Round 4 ends at 5:00 PM UTC on Saturday.

      This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 04 September 2008 - 11:32 AM

    • I told you mrxak was pure dagnasty evil! You didn't listen and now you're all screwed!

    • Can't say I told you so.

    • Well, one out of two ain't bad...