Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear Warfare #28

      12 90 12461

      <Classified Material - Events detailed never really happened>

      The leaders of nine countries silently filter into a conference room meant for use only in times of crisis. Crisis on the order of nuclear warfare. The room borders another, much larger room containing military personnel working at computer consoles, making calls on telephones, and the green outlines of continents and countries looming on a screen above them. This room can be seen through a glass wall, presumably one-way glass, from the room that now contains nine different people.

      These two rooms themselves are part of a much larger compound, bored out of the heart of a mountain, and meant to be indestructible from nuclear blasts. This would be the safest place for the leaders of the world. Hopefully.

      Another person bursts into the conference room. "Sorry I'm late," the man says. "I was supervising the updating of codes for several hundred nuclear silos; thirty years of disuse had left the codes obsolete. Nobody could launch nukes even if they wanted to." The man shrugs. "Except, of course, for that terrorist group that decided it would be a good idea to send the world into World War Three."

      A councilman coughs discretely, and the man shoots a glare at him. "That's why you're all here today. My name is JacaByte, and I'll be hosting a little game that will decide who the terrorists are, and who isn't. Oh, I forgot to mention that, according to my agents, two of the people in this room are the terrorists who were responsible for that nuclear incident. That'll be valuable information for everyone. The rules of this game are simple,

      • Every round you will all cast votes for the person you think is likely to be a terrorist.

      • Each round will last 48 hours.

      • At the end of each round, the person with the most votes will be taken out of this room and, well, "disposed" of. You don't want to find out what that means. The terrorists will also get one kill of their own.

      • In the case of a tie, nobody will be disposed of. You do not want this, as the terrorists aren't going to wait for you guys to settle your differences and kill somebody anyway.

      • Roles will be revealed at the end of each round.

      My agents also tell me that there's at least one person in this room who is trying to figure out who the others are, what profession and background they have and such. He's on our side, so try not to elect him for the electric chair." Several of the councilmen exchange frightened looks. "I mean to be disposed of." JacaByte quickly adds with a weak smile.

      "And you might be interested in the 'scoreboard.' It has all your names on it:

      Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

      you'll be able to use it to keep track of who's alive and who's dead. Unless one of you has a photographic memory, it should prove useful to all of you."

      - - -

      PMs will be sent shortly. If you didn't receive a PM, that means that you're an innocent and you don't have a special role of any kind. I figure my inbox will get less crowded if I only sent people with a role a PM. If you're new to this game, feel free to PM me a question, but I don't think we have any new players here.

      Now start voting!

    • I'm going to open by asking Eugene Chin where he was June Fifth, 2003.


    • Oh, I forgot to mention: this round will end at 12:00 PM MST on Friday the 8th. (2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM GMT)

    • @shlimazel, on Aug 6 2008, 01:55 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear Warfare #28:

      I'm going to open by asking Eugene Chin where he was June Fifth, 2003.


      So, where was I, five years ago, during a Summer month?

      At home, in the air conditioning.

    • Quote

      So, where was I, five years ago, during a Summer month?

      At home, in the air conditioning.

      AHA! That means that you are clearly responsible for the forty foot tall rampaging robotic attack air conditioner that invaded my small european country!

    • @shlimazel, on Aug 6 2008, 03:09 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear Warfare #28:

      AHA! That means that you are clearly responsible for the forty foot tall rampaging robotic attack air conditioner that invaded my small european country!

      A fighting robot made to look like an Air Conditioner?

      No sir, that is not my work. I clearly said I was in my home, enjoying air conditioning.

      If you had been attacked by a 40' tall fighting robot that looked like a house, you could have made that connection.
      And frankly, robots that look like Air Conditioners? Robots that look like Houses?

      I'd never stoop to such levels of campish villainy.

      Besides. The fighting robots my nation employs fall into the categories of Infantry Compliment (6 feet), Light Support (15 feet) and Main Combat Units (30 feet). Anything larger is, in practice, no more than a giant target for AP rockets. Even the aforementioned MCU's suffer from such problems.

      I was not behind the air-conditioner-robot attack upon your nation. I neither condone the construction, nor the use, of 40 foot tall air-conditioner robots, and have no such units in my armed forces.

      I mean, just think of all those CFC's getting into the air!

    • Oho! Is that so! Then how do you explain the clearly marked Made In Eugene Chinia label on the upper left hand radiator stack!?!

      Your own manufacturing sector has betrayed your villainy , sir!

    • @shlimazel, on Aug 6 2008, 05:27 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear Warfare #28:

      Oho! Is that so! Then how do you explain the clearly marked Made In Eugene Chinia label on the upper left hand radiator stack!?!

      Your own manufacturing sector has betrayed your villainy , sir!

      Clearly, an attempt to implicate me in the attack this construct conducted on your nation, as well as to sully my reputation by using such a bizzare vector of attack as an Air-Conditioner Robot.

      I will authorize my agents to track down any sales of such components made in my nation in the year leading up to the attack; however, radiator stacks are not a controlled technology, and as such, even if some of the Components originated where you say they did, the Robot could still have been built by some other organization.

      After all, I did not immediately assume that You were at fault for the May 2006 Cheese Bombings against the Second Android Battalion Infantry Compliment in my nation, even though my top Chemists, Geneticists and Culinary Experts concluded that the whey leftover after the attack was identical to the strains used in the production of Tilsit Cheese that your own nation exports. We concluded that the cheese had been bought legitimately from your distributors, and changed hands multiple times before it was used in the attack. You had nothing to do with it.

      Likewise, I have nothing to do with it if any of the Components used in this robot originated in my nation, and changed hands after they were legitimately purchased; but I assure you again that the Robot itself was not manufactured by my people.

    • Shlimazel (retracted) , you seem to be a little too ready to jump on people about air conditioners...

      (Obviously this will change when we start talking about something other than air conditioner robots and cheese.)

      This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 07 August 2008 - 11:32 AM

    • There's a report going around that a pink horse was the controller of the "Airconditionator".

      Eugene Chin, do you have any pink horses in your armed forces?

      I for one, cannot understand where people get these foolish ideas from, but regardless.

      1Eevee1, leader of PinkHorsebonia.

    • Well, there are no pink horsies in my country. I barred them.

      My apologies.

      And in any case, while we are throwing unfounded allegations about, 1Eevee1 employed some of my translators earlier for a job that he could have done easily. That leads me to belive that he was using his in a time-travelling op to change the labels on a specific airconditionor.

      Dramatic music

      No, no evidence.

    • Hey guys, if you don't start voting, Orcaloverbri is going to have the majority of the vote with Shlimazel. Surely you wouldn't want him to be disposed of over one measly vote?

    • Psh, we don't need him anyway. The last thing we need is distractions like air conditioners!

    • It's obvious who the bad guy is. We're talking about evil air conditioners and (tasty) cheese here, but SoItBegins Retracted is, strangely enough, nowhere to be found.

      This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 08 August 2008 - 10:13 AM

    • Aren't you jumping the gun a little bit there? darth_vader and Rebelious are also absent thus far. You seem pretty eager to pick on SIB. Perhaps you just want him out first round again? I'm keeping my eye on you, RJC Ultra.

    • RJC, what exactly do you think you're doing? The only reason I wasn't here is that my netconnection went wonky again. Then Firefox crashed (I'm never running a 75-tab session AGAIN!). I haven't been lurking-- I just was unable to appear.

    • Those with special roles, this is your early warning: PM me. You have 19 hours and 30 minutes till this round ends and the next one begins. I'm not going to have any "night time" periods. So once those 19 hours and 30 minutes are gone, they're gone.

    • RJC Ultra

      That's going after an easy target with negligable reason. SoItBegins hadn't been lurking for multiple rounds, and that is a blatent attempt to create a bandwagon. Ironically it seems to have worked, but against you.

    • @templar98921, on Aug 7 2008, 09:33 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear Warfare #28:

      RJC Ultra

      That's going after an easy target with negligable reason. SoItBegins hadn't been lurking for multiple rounds, and that is a blatent attempt to create a bandwagon. Ironically it seems to have worked, but against you.

      I don't see how this bandwagoning argument applies to RJC Ultra, and the "easy target" argument is on rather iffy ground.

      You may be right about there being little reasoning, but being only the second player to vote, what would RJC have to go on? I saw it as little more than a fluff vote.

      Your logic is wonky, and my gut is telling me there's something screwy going on.
      The closest I can describe it is this: its as if you tried to copy a page from my evil playbook, but got all the notes wrong; as if you made an attempt to copy my style, but misapplied the methods.

      Its a feeling I can't shake.

      Vote: Templar98921

      RJC Ultra: (2)

      SoItBegins: (1)
      RJC Ultra

      Templar98921: (1)
      Eugene Chin

      No Vote: (5)

    • 3 hours till this round ends. I would have expected more activity last night. shrugs