Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII

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      _The world was more secure, these days.

      Over a decade ago, scientists at MIT had started on a complex project: to create a true, sentient artificial intelligence. After several false starts, they succeded in making a system with minimal intelligence, which then gradually became more and more aware every day. D.A.R.T.H.V.A.D.E.R. (Directional Attention, Realistic Thought-Holding, and Variant-Articulate Determination, Expression, and Recall system) unlike its movie counterpart, began to grow incredibly wise, and soon was solving international dilemmas from history without trouble, and playing games of military strategy with ease.

      Then the machine came up with a solution for the nuclear disarmament problem.

      The question had dated back ever since the end of the Cold War, and even before. How could nations get rid of their stock of nuclear weapons, without making themselves a prime target? The computer had the answer. All missile silos would be put under the its control, and held in place therein.

      Coming from any human, the answer would have been laughed out of the country; however, the AI was not prone to emotional surges, and could not be bribed, nor could it be influenced in any way (at least, the computer geeks who built D.A.R.T.H.V.A.D.E.R. were sure of that.)

      The answer still was a bit ludicrous, and so the computer geeks at MIT laughed it off. Unfortunately, the AI decided that the best thing to do would be to email the UN and tell them about this new theory. Somehow (we're still not sure how), it got decided as a good idea. The AI would be moved to the UN headquarters in New York. There, it would be modified to best work in the UN environment, then it would be given full control of all nuclear missile silos, U.N. building security, and various other minor positions. On one condition: Rename the machine. No one was going to work with anything, malevolent or not, named D.A.R.T.H.V.A.D.E.R.

      So it was that F.A.T.E. (Fully Automated Thinking Environment) gained control of the world's nuclear arsenal, then gradually set about reducing it, as well as beginning to bring peace between warring nations.

      The world was more secure, these days...

      ...until now._
      _The 14 ambassadors sat around the large table, wondering why F.A.T.E. had summoned them to this meeting. Usually, you never saw F.A.T.E.-- it tended to hang around and manage its own concerns in the background. However, they were sitting around a wooden table, waiting for the machine to make its entrance. It did.

      'Good morning, everyone,' said a neutral voice out of nowhere. Several of the ambassadors almost jumped. Hypochondriac did jump. The voice continued:

      'I have summoned you here to find a solution for an extremely serious threat to our security and the security of the world. You may have noticed that this is not the room you are accustomed to; this is because this room, next to my main processing center, is fortified against the occurence of a nuclear assault. Terrorists have somehow managed to take control of some of the missile silos I normally oversee, and are threatening to carpet-bomb the entire world, one country at a time, until they are handed over absolute political control of the U.N. and various developed nations. Communication has been completely lost with the commandeered silos.'

      F.A.T.E. continued: 'The silos in question are scattered across the world, over 14 countries. The countries you represent, to be exact. I have received information stating that the terrorists all hail from 2 distinct countries, and the terrorist presence is clustered in those two countries; furthermore, the terrorists have managed to place "representatives" in key locations in their respective governments, including the ambassadors here today. I will repeat what I have just said: 2 of the ambassadors clustered around this table are secretly terrorists. '

      F.A.T.E. paused and waited for the chatter (which mostly consisted of the ambassadors denying being related to terrorism) to die down, then it continued to speak.

      'Since you are ambassadors, I of course cannot scan your minds, a measure applied to the minds of the staff and security personnel that work in this building. While doing so would solve the problem, it would be unethical (and a violation of your diplomatic immunity). I do, however have a solution to this situation.'

      F.A.T.E. paused, as if taking a breath, then went on. 'I tried to foresee any problem situation when I was installed, and come up with a solution; if I could not come up with a solution, I would ask the Secretary General to come up with a solution, which I would then follow. When I brought this scenario to him, I was given these instructions to (hopefully) ensure the survival of the civilized world:

      1. Every ambassador would have a vote, and would vote at certain intervals.

      2. Whoever received the most votes would have an extremely high probability of being a terrorist, and I was authorized to delete them immediately, then perform a posthumous mindscan for whatever information I could gather.

      3. When I was sure as to who a terrorist was, I was to launch nuclear missiles at that terrorist's country, with intent to end the lives of every single inhabitant of the area. If an ambassador who I had deleted and scanned was found to be innocent, I was to launch missiles only at the hijacked silos.

      You have 48 hours to decide who among you is most likely to be hostile to the interests of the United Nations, and the world.'

      'Good luck.'_
      Some Advice

      • F.A.T.E. believes it highly likely that at least one of the ambassadors has had training in espionage.

      • If a person is deleted by F.A.T.E., his role (if any) will be revealed as soon as it can be determined. For terrorists, this will be immediately after their death. For any other roles that may exist out there, it might take a bit longer.

      • That said, if a terrorist nukes someone-- anyone-- their role probably won' t be revealed until much later.

      • F.A.T.E. can choose to end a round early at any time.

      • F.A.T.E. will settle ties in its own nasty tricky non-deterministic little way.

      • If you have a special role that requires you to PM the host each turn, please PM before the deadline or your choice will be made for you.

      • If you fail to vote by the deadline (or vote abstain or no lynch), F.A.T.E. will vote for you.

      • Trust no one.

      Finally, here is the complete player list:

      Anon - Dead (Killed by Terrorists) - Hacker **
      Buffalo The Kid** - Dead (Lynched) - Terrorist **
      darth_vader - Dead (Killed by F.A.T.E.) - Puppetmaster (was Protector)
      1Eevee1 - Dead (Killed by F.A.T.E.) - Intelligence Agent
      Eugene Chin - Dead (Killed by F.A.T.E.) - Terrorist and Hacker
      GutlessWonder - Dead (Killed by Explosion) - Ordinary
      Hypochondriac - Dead (Lynched) - Rebound
      JacaByte - Dead (Killed by kickme) - Hacker
      kickme - Dead (Killed by F.A.T.E.) - X-Threat
      Manta** - Dead (Killed by Terrorists) - Protector (was Puppetmaster) **
      mrxak - Dead (Killed by F.A.T.E.) - Reality Editor
      prophile** - Dead (Lynched) - Intelligence Agent **
      RJC Ultra - Dead (Killed by kickme) - Ordinary
      Shlimazel - Dead (Killed by Terrorists) - Shielded
      **_**F.A.T.E. - Dead (EVERYBODY DIES)

      **_You should have by now received a PM stating your role, and the fact that the game has begun. Happy playing... >)

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 28 January 2008 - 11:36 PM

    • I think I'll vote for either Chamrin or Shlimazel, since neither one of them signed up to play on the official sign-up topic. Also, I didn't get a PM yet. Are you just slow about sending them out, or should people that received no PMs assume they're innocent?

    • 1: I'm a bit slow in sending PMs out. Everybody should have got one by now.

      2: Chamrin and Shlimazel signed up in the advertisement I posted in the Banter & Brawl.

      Good night all, and happy GTWing in the morning!!

    • I read the topic in question, and my position still stands. First of all, it's not clear that Chamrin really intended to play this game (he said he was going to play EV), and neither one of them could be bothered to sign up on the actual sign-up topic, despite it being linked to. We can't reward laziness. I'll assume for the time being that Chamrin really was just making a joke and when he gets his PM he'll respond to tell you as such and you'll take his name off the board, and so that leaves me with



      . If Chamrin is in fact playing, or if RJC Ultra and prophile manage to get added to the game, I will consider voting for one of them instead, but right now I'm confident that Shlimazel is quite evil. If not in the game, then in real life.

      For those new to games that I'm a part of, I always vote first (if possible). Bandwagoning on me because of it is silly since I do this whether I'm evil or not.

    • @soitbegins, on Jan 20 2008, 03:41 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII:

      1: I'm a bit slow in sending PMs out. Everybody should have got one by now.

      2: Chamrin and Shlimazel signed up in the advertisement I posted in the Banter & Brawl.

      Good night all, and happy GTWing in the morning!!

      Yeah, I'm not playing. I think you missed the point of my post in that topic...

      Anyway I am not a terrorist, regardless of what SoItBegins said in his private message to me.


    • Isn't F.A.T.E the AI system? Since it's on the list does that mean it could be voted for? I have two players in mind will wait a while and see if anyone else is thinking like me

      This post has been edited by Hypochondriac : 20 January 2008 - 09:59 AM

    • Yeah, I don't think we can vote for F.A.T.E., or can we?

    • The sign up topic hadn't been made when I said I'd play, so I couldn't sign up. Anyway, no use saying I am or am not a terrorist-no one would believe either.

      So, you just place a vote for anyone you think is a terrorist?

    • @shlimazel, on Jan 20 2008, 10:39 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII:

      The sign up topic hadn't been made when I said I'd play, so I couldn't sign up. Anyway, no use saying I am or am not a terrorist-no one would believe either.

      So, you just place a vote for anyone you think is a terrorist?

      Yup, that about it. Unless your the terrorist or the intelligence agent

    • Why? Why did no one listen to me? I'm such a cool acronym!

    • Ok, thanks Hypochondriac. In that case, FTM I vote for mrxak. Just because. 😉 If I get a better one I'll change my vote.

    • @soitbegins, on Jan 20 2008, 11:07 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII:

      Second note: RJC Ultra and prophile , sorry if you didn't make it to the signup sheet. If you still want to play, PM me before the end of this turn.

      I guess I'm in...?

    • Hmm... The first round is always the most difficult, and with 13 people at this table I think I should wait for a bit to make my decision.

    • Because I do not wish to kill an innocent, I will vote no lynch ( retracted ) until evidence arises on who is a terrorist.

      This post has been edited by Manta : 21 January 2008 - 03:00 PM

    • I, too, will abstain from voting until evidence going in any direction is revealed to me. Or until I find a way to get information...

    • OK, here's a little clarification for all concerned.

      First: Chamrin has been removed from the roster, and prophile and RJC Ultra have been added. There are now 14 ambasssadors seated at the table.

      Second: F.A.T.E. is the AI. It's basically Me-As-Game-Host. So no, you can't vote for it.

    • I will also withhold my vote until anything incriminating had been said or a falafel hits me in the head. (Hey it rhymes!)

    • Suddenly, a falafel materializes in the center of the table and launches itself at Buffalo the Kid 's head. He is not injured, other than now having sauce all over his face.

      Sorry. 😛

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 20 January 2008 - 03:49 PM

    • This no lynch person is intriguing, but in the grand tradition of things I shall wholly support Retracted Shlimazel for this first round's nuclear blossom.

      This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 20 January 2008 - 07:27 PM

    • When I said falafel, I really meant a giant bluish-orange wombat made entirely out of whipped cream that is incapable of instant materialization and/or going through temporal rifts and took at least 56.30 hours to make, starting at the first time I said that my vote would be withheld, so I am still withholding my vote.

      This post has been edited by Buffalo the Kid : 20 January 2008 - 04:12 PM