Just a reminder, you have a max of one post after you're dead. Thanks.
I told you guys before I didn't trust Anon for hanging low, and he seemed very eager to jump on the nfreader bandwagon.
Vote: Anon
This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 15 November 2007 - 03:55 PM
Unfortunately I have decided to vote darth_vader ( retracted ) because I am trusting prophile who I am almost positive is good, nfreader who spent his dying post to accuse you of being the cause of his death. While I know my evidence is sketchy at best, I believe that it is very possible that you are a terrorist.
This post has been edited by Manta : 12 November 2007 - 07:16 PM
Having spoken to darth_vader in PM, I'm confident enough for the moment that he's not an evil dictator, so that's retracted.
Conspicuous only by his absence, however, is 1Eevee1 so I'm (for the moment) putting my vote there.
Hmm, I'm disinclined to abstain this round because I feel that to do so at this point would aid the dictators...both Anon and 1Eevee1 have had low participation (at least from what I've seen this game) which is generally quite suspicious. (They are included in the group that I mentioned earlier by the way.)
Until a clearer view of the situation develops (if one ever does) and both players have had a chance to argue their cases, I think that I'll go with prophile and cast my vote for 1Eevee1 (for the moment anyway).
@manta, on Nov 12 2007, 03:46 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Unfortunately I have decided to vote darth_vader because I am trusting prophile who I am almost positive is good, nfreader who spent his dying post to accuse you of being the cause of his death. While I know my evidence is sketchy at best, I believe that it is very possible that you are a terrorist.
Where, exactly, does nfreader accuse me? And how does that make any sense anyway? I didn't even vote for him! All I did was point out that what he said was a bit stupid, given the circumstances, and he jabbed me back a little. Certainly nothing approaching an outright accusation of me. Also, now that prophile has retracted his vote for me, will you do the same?
I've been flat out for the last couple of days, guys, but yeah. Anyway, I'll abstain from voting for this round. The whole lack of intelligence bit, you know.
@darth_vader, on Nov 12 2007, 07:42 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Where, exactly, does nfreader accuse me? And how does that make any sense anyway? I didn't even vote for him! All I did was point out that what he said was a bit stupid, given the circumstances, and he jabbed me back a little. Certainly nothing approaching an outright accusation of me. Also, now that prophile has retracted his vote for me, will you do the same?
Apparently I'm as clueless as I suspected and my vote is retracted, I will edit my previous post to retract the vote. For this round because I do not wish to accuse another innocent I vote abstain.
Just a heads up to everyone. The round will end tonight.
EDIT: To be specific, around 11:00 PM CST, or 5:00 GMT, or 9:00 PST.
Though I'm mistrustful of anyone who jumps on a bandwagon, I have to agree that 1Eevee1 has lain low aside from jumping on some bandwagons. Suspicious indeed, and I doubt I'll get anything better this round, what with no one posting and all.
(Dibs on hosting the next game)
Real life is getting really complicated..
I'm out for this game, sorry..
Something just isn't sitting right with me. Intuition vote: Selax
And I never post because my internet connectivity is limited to "whatever unsecure network my wifi antenna can get." During the day I can occasionally manage something brief, but the topic being as large as it is, by the time I get caught up on the topic, the antenna has lost the signal.
Post No. 5000
Final votes:
1Eevee1 : 3
Anon : 1
Selax : 11Eevee1 looks up in shock from his seat as NATO soldiers arrive and take him away. Moments later, his country is annihilated. As the delegates look on, a shot rings out from a window in the ceiling, and prophile collapses and dies.
Mack steps to the podium once more. "Fellow delegates. We are running out of time. I've received word that prophile's country has been destroyed, and we all saw what happened to 1Eevee1. I implore you, tread carefully. Trust no one. Those who are left are Anon , darth_vader , Manta , RJC Ultra , and Selax. Less than half of the original candidates. I-"
Anon interrupts, asking, "Where is Dark Jet?"
"Funny you should ask that. Guards, search the building." Security sweeps the whole building, but Dark Jet is nowhere to be seen. His country is still intact, but it's as if he just... vanished.
"I'm afraid Dark Jet is no longer with us."
"No. He is... elsewhere. But again, gentlemen, be careful. I'll see you soon."
The lights over the podium again fade to black.
Hmm, I feel that I need to reply to this accusation (as to not do so would be a very suspicious action). To be honest, I feel that I'll have a hard time doing so because I don't have any specific evidence to reply to.
Anon, on what evidence are you accusing me? If none, then why are you accusing me? I might note that, unlike many players, I have not attempted to "fly under the radar." Wouldn't a dictator take advantage of such a large number of people doing so by doing so as well?
For that matter, if I were a dictator, why I would point out that such a group existed? After all, its existence would benefit me in such a case, would it not?
I think that I could also point to various musings in my posts. For example, if I were a dictator, why would I call it strange that they had killed SoItBegins? After all, I would have had to vote for him (at least, I think that's the case), so why would I find it odd they hadn't just waited for him to be voted off? (To me, that event looked likely, but I suppose the dictators believed prophile would back him up.) I suppose you could say that I posted that as a psychological ploy in case I was accused, but does that seem likely?
By the way, I noticed that Mack had posted while I was making this post. Since I've already spent a bit of time on this, I'll make only a few observations and say more tomorrow.
I'm still not certain who may or may not be guilty. Prophile believed that darth_vader is an innocent, and I'm not certain what the number of abstainers means. Could a dictator have hidden in this group? Would this have been sensible or needless? Are the dictators getting worried about accidentally voting each other off?
It's possible that Anon accused me in an attempt to save 1Eevee1, but, given the time that he posted, I don't know how likely that is. I'd like to hear his reasoning behind accusing me, personally.
Eh, finance studies were starting to pile up anyway. Saves me dropping out as well.
"With my last breath, I curse Zoidberrrrrrg..."
@selax, on Nov 14 2007, 01:51 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I'd like to hear his reasoning behind accusing me, personally.
A careful review of all of your posts. You've played soft positions the whole game. Also, I do not suspect Manta or darth. With five players remaining, for the game to still be viable, there are either two or fewer dictators left, or some kind of crazy ability possessed by someone remaining alive. I figure, if the game doesn't end with your death, then killing RJC Ultra in the next round will be a win for the innocents.
My vote for Selax carries over to this round.
I believe darth_vader and Selax to be innocent, and although I'm not sure about Manta, I still don't trust Anon Retracted at all.
This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 15 November 2007 - 03:56 PM
I, frankly am unsure who to vote for. I have only three choices, aside from darth_vader who prophile (who I am almost positive was innocent) supported and was convinced of his innocence which was good enough for me. This leaves me with anon, selax, and RJC Ultra as possible terrorsts. For right now I'm not accusing any of you, but merely looking at your history. I need to review the topic before jumping to a conclusion like I did last round.
Edit: Grammer in first sentance, added the word who.
This post has been edited by Manta : 14 November 2007 - 10:39 AM
I really don't like these blind games. I was sure we got at least one dictator. I really thought the odds of getting two were good. Am I just completely lost? Are there more than two dictators? It seems that there are at possibly two special roles left, in addition to the dictator(s) and innocents.