Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • GTW Game 11

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      Okay, here we go. The players are:

      Eugene Chin

      Two are pure dagnasty evil. One's something else. One's something else. Four are innocent. Voting ends in approximately 46 hours. Those with special roles should be contacting me before that time, if possible.

      _"Greetings humans!" mrxak welcomes the UN security council. "I've called you all today for this wonderful emergency session to discuss something important. I know some of you are busy, and others of you don't care, but right now we have a serious issue."

      mrxak winks at four of the people in the security council. Unfortunately, everybody's sitting in a nice set of four rows of two, and the direction of those winks is impossible to tell. He clears his throat as Anon looks bored.

      "As I was saying, a very serious issue. Four of you probably don't care too much, but the other four, well, they probably know things. But you should all care! Because this is important!" mrxak puts down the balloon animal he just tied. darth_vader notices that it's a doggy and sits up straight. "You're all gonna die! It's inevitable! But some of you may die sooner than the rest! Because of nukes!"

      1Eevee1 looks scared.

      "Yes, that's right, nukes! Nukes everywhere! Falling from the sky!" mrxak continues. "You see, there are two terrorist cells operating on this planet, trying right now as we speak, or as I speak, as the case may be, to blow us all up! No more balloon animals!"

      Eugene Chin jumps as mrxak pops his balloon doggy.

      "Of course, that's why we're here. To save my perfectly legitimate balloon animals for war orphans business. We can't have any more balloon animals for war orphans if all the little kiddies are dead from nuclear holocaust, can we? Eh? Eh?" mrxak waits, until GutlessWonder finally laughs forcefully. "Thank you Mackilroy , or whatever your name is. Anyway. Two of you people are the leaders of those two terrorist cells. It's very scary yes. But if we work together, I'm sure we can figure it all out."

      "What about the other two that you winked at?" nfreader asked, reading off of a piece of paper mrxak handed to him at the start of the meeting.

      "Oh, those two," mrxak winks again, but of course nobody could tell where it was directed. "They have other... interests. But don't worry! They probably want to stop the terrorists just as much as the rest of you."

      prophile looks at his watch, then catches mrxak's attention by waving the agenda sheet.

      "Yes yes, it's time for the debate and the vote can begin now. I uh, have to go do some... balloon animal making... for orphans..." mrxak wanders out of the room, leaving the rest of the security council in great distress and confusion._

    • So... Two special roles?

    • So we have a 1/4 chance of killing a dictator each round. Hmm.

    • _mrxak runs back into the room, as if he had forgotten something.

      "I nearly forgot!" mrxak yells, causing everyone to immediately look up to see what he has to say.

      mrxak grabs the popped balloon doggy and throws it into the trash can, then hurries out of the room quite quickly leaving the security council somewhat bewildered._

      PMs are out now. Everybody knows their role, whether they are special or not. But really, aren't we all special in our own ways?

    • ...

      I vote for the balloon doggie. It's not special enough.

    • It would be poetic, I think, for a mrxak game to have nfreader as a terrorist. What we have to realize is that this time around, with mrxak as the host, we're all playing against him as much as we are against each other.

      This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 01 November 2007 - 03:43 PM

    • _mrxak wanders back in with a bulgy jacket on, but despite the heated room does not take it off. He puts down his violin case and produces a few long rubber balloons to start making more animals.

      "Anybody that's voted gets one," he tells the delegates. "We're on a time clock here remember, the bad guys could strike at any minute."

      He makes an blue elephant for GutlessWonder and tosses it slowly towards him, but it only makes it a tenth of the way. mrxak shrugs and kicks it, sending it three more feet, but still quite far from GutlessWonder, who has to come and pick it off the floor himself.

      "Now I have a little more business to attend to. We can meet again in a few minutes. Anybody that needs to get a snack or go to the bathroom or whatever should uh, meet me... uh... in the alley... yes," mrxak looks around nervously, then winks at his podium. He leaves the room again, this time turning the lights off. When somebody flicks the lights back on, they see that everybody's already left the room in different directions._

      Voting ends in just over a day. Please vote soon, and please contact me if you're pure dagnasty evil or something else.

    • Vote: GutlessWonder to maintain a tie.

    • I'm going to remind people that there are still other alternatives to vote for by voting prophile. Retracted.

      ... And, because I keep getting flak for "Not Voting." From mrxak. Who is likely to murder anybody who doesn't vote.

      Hmm. 'No Lynch.' We haven't seen that in a while, and with only eight players, a single 'No Lynch' would grant an extra day before the end.

      Then again, mrxak is moderating. If only one person say's 'No Lynch,' mrxak's likely to kill him.

      I think.

      See the "I Could Be Wrong" part of my sig.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 02 November 2007 - 02:56 PM

    • I agree with GutlessWonder. mrxak and nfreader - it's the classic combination. We all know Nick is evil in most games anyways. I hereby vote for nfreader.

    • that, GutlessWonder is pure evil.
    • _mrxak returns and looks over the gathered delegates.

      "What's the deal, guys? We're still waiting on three votes. darth_vader, 1Eevee1, and prophile, you should vote already, geez," mrxak says. "I mean, we're all doomed if you don't kill somebody, right?"

      darth_vader, 1Eevee1, and prophile look nervously at each other and nod, knowing that they have to make a decision soon.

      "Good, now once you're ready. Go ahead and vote. And uh, some of you should probably contact me, or whatever. For uh, balloons and stuff. For orphans..." mrxak trails off, then picks up his briefcase and leaves the room without another word._

      I would hope that people at least have their initial votes ready by tomorrow morning, and the special roles yet to contact me do so by then.

    • nfreader.

      You always act like that when you are a terrorist, with short voting reasons.

    • GutlessWonder , to maintain tie. Also, I can't help thinking that saying nfreader is evil simply because mrxak is moderating is a bit silly. After all, he could have made nfreader innocent, knowing that we would think that he was evil. Or he could have made him evil knowing that we would think that he was innocent because that seems less likely somehow. We could keep chasing around forever, and I know we have to kill someone in the first round, usually without much good reason, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence for nfreader. Hell, I don't think he's even posted anything other than his vote for GW.

      If nfreader does turn out evil, I'm sure people will jump on me for having posted this, but whatever. Someone always needs to be the skeptic, just as someone always needs to start out the voting.

      Edit: GutlessWonder, not gutlesswonder.

      This post has been edited by darth_vader : 01 November 2007 - 08:36 PM

    • I have a good idea as to what the evil thing is.

      mrxak, that little number you left in the bathrooms on the third floor just declared war on a small 3rd world country. I hope you're happy.

    • I wonder where prophile is. Perhaps he stands to gain something by avoiding voting? Though it seems that's kind of pointless as everyone else has already voted.

    • @nfreader, on Nov 1 2007, 08:46 PM, said in GTW Game 11:

      mrxak, that little number you left in the bathrooms on the third floor just declared war on a small 3rd world country. I hope you're happy.

      Mr. Giraffe Balloon doesn't have authorization for that!

    • @mrxak, on Nov 2 2007, 02:18 AM, said in GTW Game 11:

      Mr. Giraffe Balloon doesn't have authorization for that!


    • Sorry, timezones. Although, of course, we are in the same room.

      My gut feeling is towards nfreader (retracted), even though I have no evidence.

      This post has been edited by prophile : 02 November 2007 - 05:21 PM

    • Mmmh.



      Sorry to do this, but...

      GutlessWonder , to maintain a tie.