Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • 1v1 DEFCON Tournament

      7 44 6683

      with prizes!

      We (the other DEFCON moderators, and MagnusApollo) have been discussing an "official" DEFCON tournament for some time. Logistics and timing have foiled us repeatedly. So, if you are looking for an "official" tournament, this is not it. On the other hand, Magnus has offered a DEFCON soundtrack to this winner of this event, should it get large enough (say, 16 participants).

      If you are interested in participating in this one-on-one DEFCON tournament, please read the rules, and post below, in bold (i.e. I'm in! ), and indicate your preference with regards to seeding (either by joined date, or with a seeding round, as explained below). For any other tournament related questions or comments, please post in this topic. I would like to keep this thread as free from clutter as possible.

      If you are interested, please sign up soon. I will close registration in about a week and a half. I am sorry for the length of the rules -- most of it is organizational information.



      The tournament will be open to all ASW forum members. If you are not a forum member, and would like to participate, please create an account, first. Eligibility is not restricted to Mac clients -- users of Windows and Linux are invited to participate, as well. All interested participants must sign up by Sunday, 22 July 2007, 12:00 Noon, PDT.

      Optional Seeding Round
      If all of the players are amenable, I would like to get players seeded in an appropriate fashion. Once all of the players have signed up, I will assign them to groups of three or four. Each player in each group will play one game against each other player in the group. When all of the games have been played, all players will be ranked based upon number of wins. Ties will be determined by score, with further ties determined by a coin toss (or dice roll, or other random event).

      If the players do not wish to go through this round, ranking will be based upon the forum join date.

      Direct Elimination Round
      Once the players have been ranked, they will be placed into an direct elimination table, based upon their ranks. The table will have the following format:
      Posted Image
      The format will be direct elimination. If you lose a game, you are out. If you win a game, you are moved into the next round.

      Seeding Round: After the seeding groups are announced, players will have two weeks to play all of their games. They must schedule their own games (via PM, email, IM, or any other medium), but I must be made aware of the game times. Players who are having difficulty contacting their opponents, or who are having difficulty scheduling games must contact me as quickly as possible in order to arrange alternate plans. If a competitor fails to show up for a game, and does so without immediately contacting me, he will receive a loss for that game, with a score of -100. The player who appears will be credited with a 0 point victory. If two players fail to schedule a game, both players will receive a loss for that game with a score of -75.

      Direct Elimination Round: At the beginning of each round, players will have one week to play their games. They must schedule their own games (as above), but I must be made aware of the game times. Players who are having difficulty contacting their opponents, or who are having difficulty scheduling games must contact me as quickly as possible in order to arrange alternate plans. If a competitor fails to show up for a game, and does so without immediately contacting me, he shall be



      from the tournament. If two players fail to show up for a game, they shall both be warned, and the game rescheduled.

      Game Setup
      All games shall be played using the Tournament rules, with one territory per team. Games should be hosted on stable internet connections. If anyone is interested, I am willing to host games, using the DedCon dedicated server. If anyone else wishes to host tournament games, I will send you the config file.

      In order to verify games, both players must submit a screenshot of the final score. These screenshots must contain the expanded score dialog, the "Game Over" text at the bottom of the screen, and may include the "Victory to (name)" text. Additionally, the screenshots should be taken in such a way that the entire globe is shown, and the "Territory" mask must be selected (so that it is possible to see which player was which territory). Players not submitting screenshots will be warned. If neither player submits a screenshot, both players shall be warned, and the game must be replayed, unless a spectator submits a screenshot. Screenshots may be taken using the (P) key in game, and will be found in your ~/Pictures directory.

      Other Rules
      Chat spam, name calling, trolling and other forms of abuse will not be tolerated. Players reported for abuse, with confirming screenshots of the chat area, will be warned.

      "Ghosting," or joining a game that you are playing as a spectator to receive intelligence, is strictly forbidden. Dedicated servers will have anti-ghosting measures in place. Players caught ghosting will be



      from the tournament.

      Dropping before the game is over is generally considered rude. Any player that drops before the "Game Over" text is displayed shall be credited with a defeat. The final score of the game shall be that reported by the game when the "Game Over" text is displayed, but the dropping player will automatically lose, even if his score is greater. In the direct elimination round, this will lead to automatic



      . This includes drops for any reason, including network trouble. If you are dropped for reasons beyond your control, you have 12 hours to send a protest to me, explaining the drop. It is possible that I will allow the game to be rescheduled, or otherwise alter the outcome. This decision is entirely at my discretion.

      Dropping as a host will result in automatic



      . This includes drops for any reason, including network trouble. If you are dropped for reasons beyond your control, you have 12 hours to send a protest to me, explaining the drop. It is possible that I will allow the game to be rescheduled, or otherwise alter the outcome. This decision is entirely at my discretion.

      Penalties fall into two categories: Warnings, and




      Players who are



      forfeit their current game, and are eliminated from the tournament.

      Players who are warned suffer no immediate penalty. However, if a player is warned three or more times, they shall be




      I retain the right to add to these rules at any time in order to deal with problems as they arise. However, I intend to do as little of this as possible. The goal of the tournament is to have fun, so I will be as hands off as possible.

    • I'll give it a go.

      Edit: Seeding? Meh, join date.

      This post has been edited by CDR Arnold Judas Rimmer : 13 July 2007 - 10:01 AM

    • Count me in 😉

      damn <_< no rolly eyed picture on this forum.

      Not bothered about seeding method.

      Ingame name: TeddyBearPicnic.

      This post has been edited by TeddyBearPicnic : 13 July 2007 - 07:25 AM

    • Signed up :rolleyes:

      Seed by join date.

      This post has been edited by prophile : 11 July 2007 - 04:20 PM

    • To those who have already signed up, would you please edit your registrations to indicate what form of seeding you would prefer, and your in-game name?

      A seeding round vs seeding by joined date.

      This also applies to anyone posting after this. 😉

      Thank you,

    • I'm in, even if I haven't played enough Defcon to be a threat to anyone.. I am only concerned for my internet connections ability to keep up. 😉

      I have no preference for seeding method... Since I won't make it past the first game 😉

      Edit: My name on Defcon is "X"

      This post has been edited by xel : 12 July 2007 - 08:03 PM

    • I'm in too. :laugh:

      Prefered seeding method: based on singing up date

      In-game name: rus|Mike

      And by the way if singing-up stops at July 22 when will the tournament itself start?

    • @rus_mike, on Jul 14 2007, 11:10 AM, said in 1v1 DEFCON Tournament:

      I'm in too. :laugh:

      Prefered seeding method: based on singing up date

      In-game name: rus|Mike

      And by the way if singing-up stops at July 22 when will the tournament itself start?

      It will start as quickly after that as I get the seeding done. 😉


    • Singing-up... heh.

    • I'm in. This is gonna be sweet.
      I want one of those soundtracks!!!


      (my in game name will be Peter)

    • Alrighty, then. Six people have signed up:
      Xel (X)
      TeddyBearPicnic (Hyperion)
      CDR Arnold Judas Rimmer (Ace Rimmer)
      rus_mike (rus|mike)
      p3ter_st0ry (peter)

      As this is not nearly the number that I was hoping for I do not think that the offer of a CD to the winner still stands, but I will get in touch with MA about that. If y'all are still interested in playing, the table looks like this (with seeding based on forum join dates):

      Posted Image

      Thus, there are two games that need to be played in this round:
      rus|mike vs Ace Rimmer
      Hyperion vs peter

      prophile and X are both automatically advanced.

      Please, those of you that are participating, arrange your games, and let me know when they are to be played. All games must be complete by Monday, 29 July 2007.


    • No CD!!!!
      Oh well, It'll be great anyway. I can't play anytime next week, so if I make it to the next round(I probably won't), I'd appreciate it if you could give me an extra day or 2.


    • @p3ter_st0ry, on Jul 23 2007, 06:22 PM, said in 1v1 DEFCON Tournament:

      No CD!!!!
      Oh well, It'll be great anyway. I can't play anytime next week, so if I make it to the next round(I probably won't), I'd appreciate it if you could give me an extra day or 2.


      You need to play a game against TeddyBearPicnic. Arrange it with him, then let me know.


    • @darwinian, on Jul 23 2007, 07:34 PM, said in 1v1 DEFCON Tournament:

      You need to play a game against TeddyBearPicnic. Arrange it with him, then let me know.


      We have our game date: Thursday 8PM BST (7PM GMT).

    • Our game with Ace Rimmer is played and I managed to win it. Here is the screenshot.

    • @rus_mike, on Jul 26 2007, 05:05 PM, said in 1v1 DEFCON Tournament:

      Our game with Ace Rimmer is played and I managed to win it. Here is the screenshot.

      Congratulations, rus_Mike. As soon as Ace gets me his screenshot, I will make it official.


    • @darwinian, on Jul 26 2007, 01:53 PM, said in 1v1 DEFCON Tournament:

      Congratulations, rus_Mike. As soon as Ace gets me his screenshot, I will make it official.


      Yes, it was a loooooonnnnnnnngggggg game. So long infact, the counter reset back to 0. I should have won, but was too overconfident. It was a good game nonetheless. I enjoy playing rus|Mike.

      Posted Image

    • or im just really bad.

    • me and teddybearpicnic/Hyperion kept getting disconnected, we tried like 5 times, and on the fifth we nearly finished, but we again got dissconnected. He had something like 140 and I had like -5, so I think its safe to say that he won. Hyperion's really good!

    • I spectated Ace and ruslMike's game :rolleyes: , took me forrrreevvverrr to connect :blink: , but i got there just in the end to watch Ace trying to nuke mike :laugh: , watched the whole thing whilst i was synching, was fun to watch, ill write a debrief on the IV forums shortly 😛 .

      Yeah me and peter tried like 3 or 4 times :huh: , the first 2 he said he suffered from connection problems so we dropped and tried using a dedcon which got about 2 thirds into and then i lost my connection, which was annoying as i was just taking out his last silos :mad: Posted Image anyhow i hosted a last time and we made it halfway through the victory timer when peter left 😉

      Before:Posted Image

      After: Posted Image