Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I'd like to welcome the new moderators

      14 24 3717

      of this fine new forum

      I have the pleasure of maintaining my little monopoly of Introversion port forums here, and I am joined by the somewhat new moderator Mackilroy from over at Sketchfighter. I'm sure you all know us fairly well, if not, you will soon enough (Wa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!!)

      But enough about that, we got newbies!!

      Please give a nice round of sucking up and congratulations to the newest members of Ambrosia Software's moderating team.......

      (drum roll)



      (drum roll)


      You may know them from the other Uplink and Darwinia forums, or elsewhere, but anyway, I want to welcome them to the team and I look forward to seeing them crush your spirits.

    • A DEFCON web board? I will gladly submit my spirit for crushing if it means DEFCON comes a few days early :laugh:

    • @mrxak, on Apr 3 2007, 01:55 PM, said in I'd like to welcome the new moderators:


      Hey that's me!


    • I claim the fourth post on this forum in the name of the Earth!

    • (Begin huge gap of time before this forum is visible to the public again)

    • Heh. Too bad the n00bs can no longer see this.

      Well, I'll sit here until they show up. 🙂

    • Congrats to the new moderators! But remember, do not let the power go to your head. 😉

    • Oooo... power! I feel all tingly! 😉


    • Welcome, xander. 🙂 Good to have new guys with us.

    • Hey, welcome new mods!

    • Welcome guys. Don't let the power get to your head too often. 😉

    • (End huge gap of time before this forum is visible to the public again)

    • (noob)

      "I can't wait to blow stuff up."

    • Oh boy! Congratulations to the new moderators!

    • Nuke them all! alalalalal

    • Maaaan. I love DEFCON, I should be a mod : (

    • Actually, they were promoted about two or so weeks ago. 🙂

      grunadulater: sorry man, maybe next time. 😛

    • @mackilroy, on Apr 18 2007, 06:22 PM, said in I'd like to welcome the new moderators:

      Actually, they were promoted about two or so weeks ago. 🙂

      Yeah, April 3rd.

    • @nfreader, on Apr 3 2007, 01:59 PM, said in I'd like to welcome the new moderators:

      Hey that's me!


      How the hell...

    • He slept with Andrew.