Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Cathedral Of Chaos

      Sketch returns...

      The Story:

      Upon returning home after obtaining the five legendary stars of the page, Sketch discovers that his best friend Scribbles has been taken captive by an evil organization know as Dark ink... uh, I mean Dark Inc. (Darkness Incorporated), The group is made up of The Pen's most loyal servants, and there's no doubt that they have a devious plan to disrupt the balance of Sketchtopia up their sleeves! Once again, the services of Sketch are required! He must brave the horrors of the Cathedral Of Chaos (the headquarters of the organization) and rescue Scribbles from the clutches of the nasty lot. He's proven his worth before, and with you helping him along the way, he can surely do it again!

      More along the lines of The Temple Of The Pen than my last level, and considerably bigger too. I've already got about 50% complete, so I'll put up some screenshots whenever I can, though the scenery won't look as detailed as it did in my last level.

      This post has been edited by Silverwind : 09 March 2007 - 03:20 AM

    • Right, first pictures up.


      Ooops... you're quite right Pi, I'll just fix that.

      Attached File Water.gif (22.16K)
      Number of downloads: 86
      Attached File Computer_Room.gif (24.73K)
      Number of downloads: 70

      This post has been edited by Silverwind : 18 February 2007 - 12:28 PM

    • Pictures seem to be broken... But it sounds cool! If it's anywhere near as good As Epic of Sketch, it'll be way cool.

    • Looks like you've got a new awsome level, I havn't tried it, I just saw it in the editor. Way better then The Epic of Sketch. I really like the stain water, I'll use that for a new re-designed Temple of Death.

      This post has been edited by FireFalcon : 18 February 2007 - 12:29 PM

    • Thanks, I hope it turns out ok.

    • Woo! I just noticed that the Dark Inc.'s computers are PCs! Ha!

    • That looks really nice. Hope this gets finished!

    • Yeah, just like a PC to break down. Hehe...

    • @silverwind, on Feb 18 2007, 12:45 PM, said in The Cathedral Of Chaos:

      The Story:

      Upon returning home after obtaining the five legendary stars of the page, Sketch discovers that his best friend Scribbles has been taken captive by an evil organization know as Dark Inc. (Darkness Incorporated), The group is made up of The Pen's most loyal servants, and there's no doubt that they have a devious plan to disrupt the balance of Sketchtopia up their sleeves! Once again, the services of Sketch are required! He must brave the horrors of the Cathedral Of Chaos (the headquarters of the organization) and rescue Scribbles from the clutches of the nasty lot. He's proven his worth before, and with you helping him along the way, he can surely do it again!
      More along the lines of The Temple Of The Pen than my last level, and considerably bigger too. I've already got about 50% complete, so I'll put up some screenshots whenever I can, though the scenery won't look as detailed as it did in my last level.

      Can I be BETA tester?

    • Certainly, and thanks for volunteering. Fire Falcon's testing what I've got so far, so when I've got the next stage complete I'll PM it to you.

    • Nice.

      The Epic of Sketch was a very nicely-built level, so if you're making a bigger and better one, this ought to be great. The graphics will also be interesting, judging from those screenshots (mind if I also grab that water effect for a map I'm working on? I doubt it will be released before yours). I am definitely looking forward to seeing this map complete, and when you're looking for beta testers, I'm available.


    • Sctually Silverwind, D-ATTACK lives in my house, so I can send it to him and vice versa. 🙂

      This post has been edited by FireFalcon : 18 February 2007 - 01:44 PM

    • I would test as well.

    • @Fire Falcon: That's great if you could send it to D-ATTACK, it will save me the effort 🙂 Thanks

      @Edwards & Dogbert: I don't want too many BETA testers, but I might take you up on your offer later on if I need more people. Thanks for volunteering by the way, I'm glad to see people taking interest in the level.

      @Everyone in general: Anybody is free to take any ideas the level contains and use them in whatever way they want. Credit for the water should probably go to GSN since I think he's the one who came up with the idea.

    • Heyyyyyy, that water looks better then mine hmmm I need to correct this forthwith 😉

    • Quote

      Heyyyyyy, that water looks better then mine hmmm I need to correct this forthwith

      lol, yeah, the water's hardly used in the level but it does look cool 😉 I used accumulative Ink Stains in layer 2 giving it the blending effect, and set the alpha value of everything placed on top of them down to just below half. Non solid Lava Rocks and Crosshatch Coarse Long's were then placed to line the bed of the river, giving depth to the water, and a few Wall Short Ice's were placed near the entrances to the water to make it appear that the ground slopes downwards. The result: Well, I'll have to wait and hear what the BETA testers think of the water when it's finished. (For the water fall I used a bundle of techniques that still don't make it look right, but it's coming along...)

    • Compare with mine:

      A transparent, light-blue sprite in layer 9. At least it was easy to do…

      Actually, now that I think about it, yours may be a bit processor intensive. I hope not, as it looks pretty cool.

      This post has been edited by gray_shirt_ninja : 19 February 2007 - 12:18 AM

    • @shishkabibal, on Feb 18 2007, 12:33 PM, said in The Cathedral Of Chaos:

      That looks really nice. Hope this gets finished!

      Darn! (am I allowed to say that) I thought I asked if I could beta but I guess I didn't... So can I?

    • Again, as I said to Edwards and Dogbert, I already have Fire Falcon and D-ATTACK testing it and I don't need much more than that. But I might, we'll see what the future holds. Once again, thanks for offering, it's really considerate.