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    • Multiwinia Preview

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      I thought all of you might like to see this:

      It is one of the first movies from IV's next game, codenamed "Multiwinia." It is basically multiplayer Darwinia. It looks like it is going to be great! Here's hoping that Ambrosia decides to continue their partnership with Introversion, and publish the game. 😉


    • Yay!


    • Gary kicked Chris's arse.

    • That looks very, very fun. I'll second that hope for Ambrosia to publish a Mac version.


    • Frankly though, I hope this is just a minor project, and they're working on a totally new 4th game.

    • @mrxak, on Jul 16 2007, 10:43 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      Frankly though, I hope this is just a minor project, and they're working on a totally new 4th game.

      Do some research, boy.

    • @mrxak, on Jul 16 2007, 09:43 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      Frankly though, I hope this is just a minor project, and they're working on a totally new 4th game.

      According to Chris, this a new game, based loosely on Darwinia. But if that doesn't do it for you, IV are also working on Subversion (linked to by prophile), and just hired a new person, who is probably working on a "lite" version of DEFCON for a portable system. Multiwinia is due in 2008, Subversion in 2009, and MobileCON at some point in the future, who knows when?


    • Guys, I played this video back in VLC, and made a QuickTime movie out of it for your viewing pleasure:

      Multiwinia Gameplay (45mb, 5 minutes long) it's more friendly for Mac users to look at.

    • Awesome. Thanks Andrew!

      Out of curiosity, did you use VLC transcoding, or rip it through SnapZ? Despite many many attempts I have never successfully managed to transcode a video with VLC and have it open-able in anything else. (Specifically Quicktime, or FCP which are usually where I'm trying to play it in the first place).

    • Sweet. I tried the original Darwinia and thought it was pretty cool. I'll have to try this.

    • @andcarne, on Oct 14 2007, 01:55 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      Awesome. Thanks Andrew!

      Out of curiosity, did you use VLC transcoding, or rip it through SnapZ? Despite many many attempts I have never successfully managed to transcode a video with VLC and have it open-able in anything else. (Specifically Quicktime, or FCP which are usually where I'm trying to play it in the first place).

      Of course I used Snapz! 🙂

    • I visited ASW HQ today and I got to see Multiwinia live right on the computer of the guy working on it at ASW. It looks really really cool.

    • @andrew, on Oct 22 2007, 06:18 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      Of course I used Snapz! 🙂

      Guess I'll just have to stick to that method too then.

      @mrxak, on Oct 24 2007, 02:49 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      I visited ASW HQ today and I got to see Multiwinia live right on the computer of the guy working on it at ASW. It looks really really cool.

      Damn. I wish I had access to a car. I'm closer then I'm likely to be again for a long time. (In Hamilton, ON till Friday). Google maps says about 2.5h to Rochester. Sadly, I have no vehicle to get there.

      I guess I'll just have to wait till it's released.

    • Cool.

      Incidentally, the best way to handle AVI videos is natively in QuickTime Player, with the Perian plugin. This plugin lets you read... well, just about anything, including the FLV files I've gotten off YouTube. It also means I can transcode without the help of the VLC Player.

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 22 November 2007 - 07:22 PM

    • And what is this on IV's front page!?

      Posted Image


    • But it brings you to the defcon page.

    • @lnsu, on Nov 24 2007, 05:59 PM, said in Multiwinia Preview:

      But it brings you to the defcon page.

      Yeah, but the graphic is up. Currently, the rumour mill indicates that the Windows beta will be starting in January, so IV are probably getting the page ready to go for that. January betas might indicate a March release, with the Mac release not too far behind, depending on how many problems there are.


    • Hmm... so, my take on the video:

      - Squads, air strikes, and armors are power-ups...
      - Power-ups come in crates
      - DGs actually fight in formations
      - DGs still fight with only lasers and grenades (come on, IV, give 'em some more weapons!)
      - No idea what those colored circle areas are...
      - Destroy other team's buildings?

      Big question, though: Is there any type of plot, or is it just that Dr. Sepulveda got bored one day and wanted to see some DGs go at it?