Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • System Specs

      33 60 38930

      And related performance

      In an attempt to shed some light on the bad performance issues that have been reported by many, I'd appreciate it if you could reply with your system's specs (Processor speed, ram, graphics card, system version and other applicable information) as well as an idea of what sort of speeds you get. (ie, x fps on Garden with settings of ...) Please post information for at least two different levels, since Garden especially is not very representative of the rest of the game.


    • This needs to be pinned. An exclamation mark post icon does nothing.

    • I am running an eMac:
      • 512MB SDRAM DDR333 - 1 DIMM
      • 80GB Ultra ATA drive
      • 1.25GHz PowerPC G4
      • Mac OS 10.3.7
      (Edit): I think I found my graphics specs:

        Type:	display
        Bus:	AGP
        VRAM (Total):	32 MB
        Vendor:	ATI (0x1002)
        Device ID:	0x5962
        Revision ID:	0x0001
        ROM Revision:	113-xxxxx-102
        Type:	display
        Display Type:	CRT
        VRAM (In Use):	32 MB
        Resolution:	1280 x 960 @ 72 Hz
        Depth:	32-bit Color
        Main Display:	Yes
        Mirror:	Off
        Online:	Yes

      Darwinia ran pretty smoothly. It was choppy at some points, but still very playable. I got an average of about 16 FPS.

      This post has been edited by Destroyer E : 10 April 2005 - 10:34 AM

    • Could you possibly open system profiler (Apple menu->About this mac, click on More info) and find out what model of graphics card you have? It would be really helpful to know.

    • I'm running an iMac with a 1 ghz g4 processor, 512 megabytes of RAM, and a nvidia geforce 4 mx. I get around 10-15 fps with all settings set to high in garden. In yard, I get 6 - 10 fps with about half of the graphics options set to medium, and the other half set to low. I'm running either 10.3.7 or 10.3.8 (I'm on my laptop right now, and I can't remember).

      This post has been edited by Yourhead : 06 April 2005 - 01:13 AM

    • Specs in my sig.
      All settings (graphics, sound, screen) set to lowest. "Memory usage" set to low. Should this be high instead?

      Receiver: 4 fps. Having trouble drawing symbols to create programs.
      Will post another level when I'm on it, but I think Yard was similarly ~4fps.

    • 17 inch PowerBook at 1.5 GHz with 1.5 GB RAM, 5400 RPM HDD, Radeon 9700 GPU @ 128 MB. I play with the energy settings set to Highest Performance..

      At 640x480 with everything set to low on Yard my frame rates were in the mid to low teens most of the time, but as soon as I started killing ant hills frame rates just died.

      Receiver was about the same.

      Pattern buffer was faster and Biosphere seems to fluctuate between good and bad.

      This post has been edited by Kakaze : 06 April 2005 - 02:49 PM

    • For what it is worth, I am running on a 1 Ghz PowerBook G4. 1 GB RAM, on board video. I can run Garden at 30+ FPS with all of the settings at high, however Yard chugs along at about 10-15 with everything but buildings set to 'Low' or 'I need to upgrade' (I refuse to set buildings to low, as the pads for DGs disappear). Reciever starts at about 8-10 FPS, and sputters to a virtual halt (3-5 FPS) when stuff starts dying. Temple, Biosphere, and Pattern Buffer all tend to move along at about 10-15 FPS (again) until stuff starts to die. In all cases, the resolution is set to 800 x 600, sound is reduced to the fewest channels and lowest sampling rate, and the z-buffer and color depth are set to 16. I suspect that the on board video card is the bottle neck, as things tend to slow down when there are more things on screen -- I can get marginal increases in performance by staring at the sky (FPS + x * FPS; .25 < x < .50).

      From the system profiler:

      Hardware Overview:
        Machine Model:	PowerBook G4 15"
        CPU Type:	PowerPC G4  (1.1)
        Number Of CPUs:	1
        CPU Speed:	1 GHz
        L2 Cache (per CPU):	512 KB
        Memory:	1 GB
        Bus Speed:	167 MHz
        Boot ROM Version:	4.7.1f1
        Serial Number:	W84130DSNRW
      PCI/AGP Cards
        Type:	display
        Bus:	AGP
        VRAM (Total):	64 MB
        Vendor:	ATI (0x1002)
        Device ID:	0x4e50
        Revision ID:	0x0000
        ROM Revision:	113-xxxxx-117
        Type:	display
        Display Type:	LCD
        VRAM (In Use):	64 MB
        Resolution:	1280 x 854
        Depth:	32-bit Color
        Main Display:	Yes
        Mirror:	Off
        Online:	Yes
        Status:	No display connected

      Darwinia prefs:

      ServerAddress = 127.00
      BypassNetwork = 1
      SinglePlayer = 1
      IAmAServer = 1
      TextLanguage = english
      TextSpeed = 15
      HelpEnabled = 0
      SoundLibrary = software
      SoundMixFreq = 22050
      SoundMasterVolume = 255
      SoundChannels = 16
      SoundHW3D = 0
      SoundSwapStereo = 1
      SoundMemoryUsage = 1
      SoundBufferSize = 512
      SoundDSP = 0
      ScreenWidth = 800
      ScreenHeight = 600
      ScreenWindowed = 0
      ScreenZDepth = 16
      ScreenColourDepth = 16
      ScreenRefresh = 60
      RenderLandscapeDetail = 1
      RenderWaterDetail = 1
      RenderBuildingDetail = 1
      RenderEntityDetail = 1
      RenderCloudDetail = 1
      RenderPixelShader = 0
      ControlUp = key E
      ControlDown = key Q
      ControlLeft = key A
      ControlBackwards = key S
      ControlRight = key D
      ControlForwards = key W
      ControlChatLog = key TAB
      ControlZoom = key Z
      ControlDeselect = key SPACE
      ControlMouseButtons = 1
      RenderLandscapeMode = 0
      ManuallyScaleTextures = 0
      BootLoader = random
      UserProfile = xander


      This post has been edited by darwinian : 07 April 2005 - 12:14 AM

    • Frame rates:

      Main menu 32 to 33 fps
      - Cleared several levels (five to six), looking at the glowing soul blob in the center.

      Receiver 1 to 2 fps
      - Captured two satellite dishes after I suddenly realized that I can drive the stick figure vehicle underwater! In the middle of this level.

      Escort 2 to 3 fps
      - I had just opened this level; measurement taken from the first time entry POV. There are enemies swarming far away in my field of vision.

      Garden 55 to 61 fps
      - I just finished clearing out the entire level. With not a single enemy in sight, the game is smooth as silk.

      Pattern buffer 7 to 9 fps
      - Haven't touched this level yet, but I'm going to play it now since it's got a relatively high frame rate. Additionally this is good incentive to beat enemies - the less there are, the more in control I am 🙂 Default POV.

      Hardware specifications:

      Machine Model: PowerBook G4 12"
      CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
      Number Of CPUs: 1
      CPU Speed: 867 MHz
      L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
      Memory: 640 MB (128 MB built-in + 512 MB PC2100U-25330)
      Bus Speed: 133 MHz

      GeForce4 MX:

      Type: display
      Bus: AGP
      Display Type: CRT
      VRAM (Total): 32 MB
      Vendor: nVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID: 0x0179
      Revision ID: 0x00a5
      ROM Revision: 2030


      Type: display
      Display Type: LCD
      VRAM (In Use): 16 MB
      Resolution: 1024 x 768
      Depth: 32-bit Color
      Mirror Status: Hardware Mirror
      Mirror: On
      Online: Yes


      Type: display
      Display Type: CRT
      VRAM (In Use): 16 MB
      Resolution: 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz
      Depth: 32-bit Color
      Main Display: Yes
      Mirror Status: Master Mirror
      Online: Yes
      Mirror: On


      ServerAddress = 127.00
      BypassNetwork = 1
      SinglePlayer = 1
      IAmAServer = 1
      TextLanguage = english
      TextSpeed = 30
      HelpEnabled = 0
      SoundLibrary = software
      SoundMixFreq = 11025
      SoundMasterVolume = 255
      SoundChannels = 8
      SoundHW3D = 0
      SoundSwapStereo = 0
      SoundMemoryUsage = 3
      SoundBufferSize = 512
      SoundDSP = 0
      ScreenWidth = 640
      ScreenHeight = 480
      ScreenWindowed = 0
      ScreenZDepth = 16
      ScreenColourDepth = 32
      ScreenRefresh = 60
      RenderLandscapeDetail = 3
      RenderWaterDetail = 3
      RenderBuildingDetail = 3
      RenderEntityDetail = 3
      RenderCloudDetail = 3
      RenderPixelShader = 0
      ControlUp = key E
      ControlDown = key Q
      ControlLeft = key A
      ControlBackwards = key S
      ControlRight = key D
      ControlForwards = key W
      ControlChatLog = key TAB
      ControlZoom = key Z
      ControlDeselect = key SPACE
      ControlMouseButtons = 1
      RenderLandscapeMode = 0
      ManuallyScaleTextures = 0
      BootLoader = random
      UserProfile = NewUser

    • 12" PowerBook
      1GHz G4
      512MB PC2100 RAM
      80GB 5400RPM Hard Drive
      32MB GeForce FX

      Garden is half way playable on the lowest settings. About 18-22 fps.
      What ever comes after that, (my memory does not serve me well), it becomes unplayable. About 10-15 fps.

      All graphics settings are set to the lowest possible. Resolution of 640x480. All sound settings are set to the lowest possible. Memory usage is set to the lowest possible.

    • Make sure all other applications have been quit.

    • It would be really useful to tell people that pressing F5 will display the framerate on the main screen, rather than fiddling about with the Graphics option window! 🙂

      I just found this out on the IV board.

    • Michael B, on Apr 7 2005, 07:30 PM, said:

      It would be really useful to tell people that pressing F5 will display the framerate on the main screen, rather than fiddling about with the Graphics option window! 🙂

      I just found this out on the IV board.
      View Post

      Indeed, you are correct. Folks, if you hit F5 , the game will display a framerate.


    • Mac OSX 10.3.8
      1.25 GHz PowerPC G4
      512 MB DDR SDRAM
      80 GB Superdrive eMac

      I've set the graphics as low as possible, even putting it on the lowest resolution, and when two armies of Darwinians fight, the game is unplayable for at least a couple minutes.


    • Haven't bought the game yet, so I can only give you the data of "containment".

      I have an g4/533, 768 MB RAM, NVidia GeForce 2 MX, Resolution 1280x960 @ 100 Hz

      Graphic Details in the Game: Everything as low as possible. Resolution 1024x768, 32bit color depth. Sound: 8 channels, 22 kHz, High Memory.

      I cleared the level. Now when I look into the garden with 200 darwinians I have 7 to 8 FPS. When I look to an empty island I get 10 - 12 FPS.

      EDIT: After reducing the game resolution to 640x480, 16bit color I get between 12 to 17.

      This post has been edited by tonmischa : 09 April 2005 - 01:40 PM

    • iMac G5
      1.8 Mhz
      OS 10.3.8
      768 MB ram
      GeForce FX 5200

      With all other applications quit and absolutely everything set at the lowest quality, frame rates are still mostly terrible, especially when it counts the most!

      Garden (cleared) >100
      Yard (cleared) 20-30
      Pattern Buffer (cleared) 5-10
      Biosphere (cleared) 5-10

      During the conquest of those latter levels, frame rates mostly ranged from 3-7 fps. Now at the massed armies portion of the Temple level, the frame rate is unplayable 1-3 fps.

      Below 7 or 8 fps, the selection of units, effectiveness of gestures, and connection of radar dishes ranges from very difficult to flat out impossible. Also, the camera tends to completely freak out (especially trying to connect radar), usually at the worst possible moment, jumping around to look at everything except the thing you actually want to see. Even when frame rates are smooth, the camera will at times stick to the ground or sail off into the distance.

      Also, two levels gave me credit for completing all objectives before I was even halfway through. One was the Receiver level and I can't recall the other. Not a playability problem, I can stay to complete the levels anyhow, but I think that it also stopped all progress on upgrade research after these false victories, not starting up again until I actually began a new level.

      I also experienced multiple crashes in the Biosphere level. I have a report but am unsure where to submit it?

      This is truly a wonderful (seeming) game, and I was so impressed with the style and concept and playability of the Demo that I eagerly paid my $30 for the full experience. I should have read this forum first! I feel quite cheated by this, the complex levels of the game have obviously not been well tested on macintosh. I hope this information and my $30 will help in the production of a speedy upgrade. I'm sure this game has the capacity to delight, but in its present state of mac-unreadiness it's just annoying.

      -- Foden

    • A bit of advice for dealing with the crazy camera: before you select the radar dish or battle cannon, lock the camera by hitting (F2). This will cycle the camera mode. The modes are:

      Always - the camera is locked in debug mode -- it will not center on the mouse, but WASD, QE, and the mouse wheel will still work
      Never - the camera is locked in standard mode -- it will center on mouse, even when menus are on screen
      Auto - the camera mode is automatically set -- if menus are on screen, it will be in debug mode, otherwise, it will be standard

      If you enable debug mode, then select the radar and aim it, you should have no trouble.


    • Powerbook G4 12" 867mhz
      640mb ram
      OS 10.3.8
      32mb GeForce 4mx-variant card

      8-9 fps average in pretty much all the unregistered levels. I tried turning down the resolution and the graphics quality and it didn't seem to do much of anything for the framerate except make the game butt-ugly (this is one game that doesn't look good at lower resolutions or low visual quality levels - I experienced severe graphics glitches at low graphics qualities).
      I would buy the game if every level performed the way the demo levels do, but it looks like later levels are more complex and nothing would suck more than buying it and getting unacceptable framerates lower in the game. Hopefully either a patch or the advent of Tiger will boost framerates enough to make this a non-risky proposition for me.
      By the way, Ambrosia lists a "G3 or better" as the only recommendation for processor speed needed for Darwinia. I would laugh my head off if someone tried to get their original iMac 233 to run Darwinia.

    • Michael B, on Apr 6 2005, 01:08 PM, said:

      Specs in my sig.
      All settings (graphics, sound, screen) set to lowest. "Memory usage" set to low. Should this be high instead?

      Receiver: 4 fps. Having trouble drawing symbols to create programs.
      Will post another level when I'm on it, but I think Yard was similarly ~4fps.
      View Post

      Update (I finally got around to finishing Receiver)...

      Pattern Buffer: 8 fps.
      (edit: make that 2-3 fps, once the corrupt Darwinians appear and the battle cannons get firing)

      This post has been edited by Michael B : 12 April 2005 - 03:31 PM

    • G4 Cube 450mhz
      16mb VRAM ATI Rage 128Pro
      1GB RAM

      Garden: 3fps

      I haven't tried, but I think it's safe to say, if it even runs on a G3, it will be as playable as a big pile of s###.