Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • October Tournament: KI3

      10 32 2549

      How appropriate. Post #666.

      Hello, good folks. Well, I've made it back from the perils of Europe and narrowly missed out on being sent to New York for the next 6 months (is this a Good or Bad Thing? Yes.) I'm back in the Big Brown Land and can set forth on running Kaisama Inu Mark 3: Flogging A Dead Horse. I notice how the board seems to have been pretty quiet lately so hopefully we can stir up a bit of interest. This time for sure!

      I am setting a definitive time and date for this one. Any strenuous objections will be taken into account but the finalised start time for the tournament will be then or thenabouts. The tournament will be held, no matter what, no matter how many turn up and there will definitely be a first prize. If we get ten or more players, there will be a second prize.


      So. Here's the deal.

      1300GMT Sunday 5th October 2003

      which I think is:
      3:00AM Hawaii (Mon 6th)
      11:00PM Eastern Australia
      10:00PM Japan
      3:00PM Europe
      2:00PM Great Britain
      9:00AM East Coast USA
      0600AM West Coast USA

      I have no idea if and/or when daylight savings times switch off so please correct me if I'm wrong.

      As always, the rules can be found here: (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....arious/pop_pop/(/url)
      (1v4 and 2v3 finals if 10 or more play, 1v2 and 3v4 if less than 10)

      And registration is here: (url="http://"")

      Prizes es smakelijk!

      First prize: 2 online purchaseable CDs or DVDs of your choice. Double cds or DVDs count as the two.


      Registration of one Ambrosia Software title of your choice plus an online purchaseable CD/DVD


      an online purchaseable game.

      Total value of first prize not to exceed US$65. Reasonable purchases only (i.e. no pr0n).

      Second prize: One online purchaseable CD or DVD of your choice


      Registration of one Ambrosia Software title of your choice.

      Total value of second prize not to exceed US$35.

      Second prize is on the proviso that we get ten or more players in the tournament.


      There you go. I'm going ahead with this, no matter what because I've decided to grit my teeth, be bloody-minded and damn the torpedoes. If the tracker falls over, we'll switch to Game Ranger. Hopefully, everyone has had a fine summer break (well, you northern hemisphere types anyway) and are itching to play. As always, if this could go on the mailing list I'd be really grateful (ankles?). Stark, if you have any ideas for generating interest, I'd love to hear them.

      "Crazy Dingo's gone Insane! He's giving away prizes! Pop-pop madness! He's foaming at the mouth! Shoot him! Shoot him! "

      (sign up now before I'm forced to resort to more hideous pimping techniques.) πŸ™‚

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

      (This message has been edited by Dingo (edited 09-08-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      I notice how the board seems to have been pretty quiet lately...

      We were just waiting for you. Now let the practicing and warm-up tournaments commence!! πŸ˜„

      'make what I imagine happen or maybe I'm just a dreamer'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

    • I'm ready! Just need some practice,
      ah, Squibix is online πŸ™‚

      Please correct me! I'm a pupil learning English.

    • I'll be there.
      Practice? -pah! πŸ˜‰

    • I'll try to be there, too, but i only play if lumisa plays πŸ˜‰

      It would be cool if it would be the first tournament on 1.0.3. πŸ˜‰

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender πŸ˜‰

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 09-09-2003).)

    • and me!


    • Ill be there!!!


    • Very encouraging, so far! Thanks for the brisk replies. Hope to see you all on the tracker during the next few weeks!


      Originally posted by Hyko:
      It would be cool if it would be the first tournament on 1.0.3. πŸ˜‰

      Heh, if it gets a general release before October, maybe it will. After all, not everybody's a beta-tester...are they?

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • Next week, I will be making the big move from MΓΌnster in Germany to Leeds in England, to study Media Technology. I would really like to participate in this tournament, but I don't know if I'll have a decent internet connection sorted by then. Since I have no idea what the best broadband providers are in England, can any of you poppers in England recommend a good provider for me? I have a 15 inch PowerBook - I would like to be able to set it up easily for my internet connection (is an Ethernet DSL modem the best option??)...I would definitely like to have an unmetered (unmetered meaning that I don't want to pay for my internet per minute that I'm online) connection that's faster than dial-up, as I'll probably be using it quite often. Price will also be a factor in choosing a provider.

      FYI: I don't think that NTL stretches as far as Leeds...

      I will definitely come to the tournament if I get everything sorted by then...



    • iΒ΄m with telewest broadband. many people i know use BT.
      just to warn you - it took ages (well, weeks) to get an appointment. πŸ™‚
      (but when they finally came, they brought the modem and installed everything within half an hour).


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      **Heh, if it gets a general release before October, maybe it will. After all, not everybody's a beta-tester...are they?


      Sure, I mean a general release of course. But it is more a hope that the update is released soon than having any idea if and when it will be released.

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender πŸ˜‰

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Helix20:
      **Since I have no idea what the best broadband providers are in England, can any of you poppers in England recommend a good provider for me?

      I use BT Broadband although it took a long time to get it set up and working (incompatibilities with their software and general lack of anyone there knowing anything about macs), but Zen is also good. Both are about the same price.

      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • Two weeks to go, people!

      Hope you're all getting ready to peak at the right time (and that unlike Ryoko and lumisa, you'll still have your necessary limbs attached and functional). πŸ™‚

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

      (This message has been edited by Dingo (edited 09-18-2003).)

    • (quote)Originally posted by Dingo:
      **Two weeks to go, people!

      Hope you're all getting ready to peak at the right time (and that unlike Ryoko and lumisa, you'll still have your necessary limbs attached and functional). πŸ™‚

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

    • How long do pop-pop tournaments do take nowadays? I've not been in anyone except the ones I hosted at the really beginning of pop-pop (was 30 minutes at the time).
      I'll try to be there if it is not 2 hours long, just for figuration since I've played 1 hour of it in the last 9 months vs much more last year.

      Also, what's the busiest part of the day, when I get in round 9-10ish in the evening the lounge seems so emptu :frown:

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • BTW, cool tournament pages & registration system. I like it.

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by msxgamesbox:
      **How long do pop-pop tournaments do take nowadays? I've not been in anyone except the ones I hosted at the really beginning of pop-pop (was 30 minutes at the time).
      I'll try to be there if it is not 2 hours long, just for figuration since I've played 1 hour of it in the last 9 months vs much more last year.


      Difficult to say. It all depends on how many tournament players there are and their relative skills. Grand Masters like Ryoko and lumi can battle it out for more than half an hour but I defy anyone not to beat me in less than ten minutes. πŸ™‚

      I'm guessing that KI3 could take anywhere between one and three and a half hours.The difficulty comes when you're waiting to play a specific player who is currently tied up in a marathon pop-fest.

      ONE WEEK TO GO! There are 7 players registered at the moment so we only need 3 more to effectively double the number of prizes! Good luck, everyone!

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • i think the longest it took us so far was 2 hours if i remember correctly...
      i have no intention whatsoever to play an half-an-hour-round, and as far as i know ryoko isnΒ΄t even going to participate - are you ryoko? (it would be great if she would though.)
      AND that long round was a grand exception, normally she clears within 8-15 seconds. πŸ˜‰
      since it is ryokos and cronos way of playing the game that makes it (sometimes - only of course if they donΒ΄t manage to clear immediately that is) take so long, there is no need to worry.
      anyway, i think we should try and "get it over with" in AT MOST 2 hours. especially if it starts at 2 pm (does it?) where i should be watching my children.
      oh, by the way it would be much better for me if it started after 8pm (since they are going to be asleep by then) or at least after 4pm (london time) since i was told yesterday that i might have to work (AND watch my children) till 4 pm.
      hope to see you all there πŸ™‚


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **by the way it would be much better for me if it started after 8pm (since they are going to be asleep by then) or at least after 4pm (london time) since i was told yesterday that i might have to work (AND watch my children) till 4 pm.
      hope to see you all there πŸ™‚

      is there any possibilty to change it to that time?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **is there any possibilty to change it to that time?


      Gomen, lumi. I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to run the tournament at that time; it would be closing in on 3AM on a Monday morning by tournament's end for me and I have to work at 8. I hope you can still make it but I apologise for my inflexibility if you can't.


      If someone is prepared to take over running the tournament at or after 1500GMT on Sunday AND all other participants are willing to accept the change, I would be happy to hand it over (and the prize/s would still be on).

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?