Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pop-pop awards (Hall of Fame)

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      For a while I had weekly Pop-pop awards ,,, that died after a while. I want to start something though that will be remembered for the rest of pop-pop history, I wnat to start the "Pop-pop hall of fame"

      We have seen some great poppers come through these pages and through our tracker, and I will begin putting one famous popper out for consideration each week. Posters will have a week to state any major objections or comments about the consideree. If none surface. They will be inducted.

      Hopefully I can get the input of Lumisa, Shoes, and Crono, and Lish on this subject I would like the four of them to be the judges to vote on the inductee.... well anyway,,, the first 'hall of fame' popper I would like to consider is none other than 'Lumisa'

      Lumisa has been around since the beginning and has always been one of the dominating players in Pop-pop. Lumisa has won every tournament that he/she has played in save for one "Post Easter tourney (04/03)" where she placed second behind the pop master Crono. Other than that she has won the "Chutney Cup (05/03)", the "Blindfisch Cup (06/03)", and the "Mid-month tourney" held in June of 03

      Lusima has definitely been a key popper in defining true "master" pop-pop play. I nominate Lumisa to be the first inductee to the Pop-pop hall of fame.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by HoNu:
      **Lusima has definitely been a key popper in defining true "master" pop-pop play. I nominate Lumisa to be the first inductee to the Pop-pop hall of fame.


      I am definitely subscribing this!

      But it is a very tight race between her and SHOES as aspirants for this honor. 😉

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂
      Hyko, who once was the great Offender 😉

    • i feel very very flattered by this, i must say. what an honour! 🙂
      i´m afraid there are a few corrections i have to make though.
      for example there are quite a few more tourneys that i haven´t won. i couldn´t name them, but i do remember them. in quite a few i came in behind shoes and ( for example the one i remember best: the last one i played) hyko, who i think should not have been forgotten as a jury-member (if there should ever really be a jury ;))and who is probably the most dedicated player of all of us (please try and take that as a compliment, hyko ;))
      shoes and he used to really "kill" me for a few month until i started to be able to put up with them.
      talking about my skills now, they have anything but improved (which can be testified by ryoko and hyko... :)) which makes me want to ask you all: does anybody have the list of tips for newbies i´ve written in the good old times? i should really read it again since i seem to have forgotten all about it. i badly need some good advice.
      so, honu, thanks again, and good luck that this thread lives longer than the last "pop-pop-awards-one".... 🙂
      see you on the tracker (where, by the way, i seem to see almost noone these days, and, no, not on either of them. where is everybody?) 🙂
      yours lumisa


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hyko:
      But it is a very tight race between her and SHOES as aspirants for this honor. 😉

      and YOU.
      only the "lady is first thought" makes it kind of acceptable.


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 09-10-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **and YOU.
      only the "lady is first thought" makes it kind of acceptable.


      Talented AND modest. A thoroughly deserving inductee. 🙂

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • it´s more honesty than modesty...but of course i prefer everybody thinking it was just modesty that made me say that... 🙂

      btw, this seems to be quite a busy webboard - might the summer slump be over?


    • never one to give much slack -
      the Queen of pop is back!
      Rarely in defeat, modest in success,
      sore yo, lumisa-dono is the best ^_^

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      never one to give much slack -
      the Queen of pop is back!
      Rarely in defeat, modest in success,
      sore yo, lumisa-dono is the best ^_^

      says ryoko, who has beaten me every single round we have played in the last days... talking about modesty... 🙂


    • Sorry about some the inaccuracies I might have posted. Yes, there are so many people that ought to have this honor, lets not forget Crono in the list of Hyko, Ryoko, Lumisa, Shoes, etc... and what about Eno who has been a force to reckon with lately.

      I would like to try this, maybe we could induct like 5 for the first induction, and then have them decide on future canidates for the hall-of-fame. The five I would like to offer are indeed Lumisa, Crono, Hyko, Ryoko, and Shoes .. I know there are greats out there like Lish, Eno, squibix, etc.. but lets induct those others as time goes on,, for now I nominate those five as the first class of hall of fame inductees..... Any Objections????


    • I am flattered by some of the above posts, thanks. But I must say, in the months leading up to the 'summer slump' Lumisa certainly had the better of me, winning about 2 out of every 3 games we had. Glad to hear you are not playing so well now Lumisa, hope it continues. 🙂


    • Lets see if you guys can manage to keep something running more then a month this time. (If I keep telling them they won't follow through with their commitment, they will follow through just to prove me wrong.)

      (url="http://"")I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MajorAnklebiter:
      **Lets see if you guys can manage to keep something running more then a month this time. (If I keep telling them they won't follow through with their commitment, they will follow through just to prove me wrong.)


      That's an unnecessarily bitter and disappointing attitude. You've layed down a challenge you can't lose. It does nothing to improve people's opinion of you as a board member. I doubt anyone here is of such low self-esteem that they would feel the need to do anything simply to prove you wrong.

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MajorAnklebiter:
      Lets see if you guys can manage to keep something running more then a month this time.

      Says anklebiter, who hosted tournaments (or had them hosted under his aegis) between Feb. 20th and March 29th. Yeah, that's more than a month. Then he left in a snit (well, he didn't really leave , as you see; so much the worse). Since then there have been tournaments on April 6, April 27, May 6, May 18, June 8, June 15, July 17 and July 27, with the next scheduled for October 5th. We can all judge for ourselves who's managed to 'keep things running' around here more successfully.

      The thing is, anklebiter thinks there has to be one boss of the pop-pop community who does all the work and tells everybody what to do; and he wants it to be him. He doesn't understand that the reason there haven't been any tournaments in a while is that nobody's wanted to hold one enough to organize it, except for Dingo, who was prevented from holding his by a chain of unfortunate (for pop-pop anyways ;)) circumstances. The thing is, anytime anyone wants to set up a tournament they're welcome to do it; I bet Hyko would open his tournament system to anyone who asked nicely. And then, once the tournament date were posted on the board here, as many people as could play would.

      anklebiter wanted to have more tournaments, I guess, but instead of just having one he thought he'd set up a whole new system, running on boards on his own site. Seems to me that's because he doesn't really want to run tournaments, he wants to get back into his position of power over pop-pop. Maybe I'm being insufficiently generous regarding his motives, but that's how it seems to me; and his latest comment here just reenforces that view. Mr. anklebiter, if you want to participate in the community as a regular indian rather than a chief you're welcome to; I'm sure some people still hold grudges about how unpleasantly you acted before, but we'd forget those in a second if you just start acting like a regular human.

      And a hint: the best way to be part of the pop-pop community is, to play pop-pop.

      'make what I imagine happen or maybe I'm just a dreamer'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      **Says anklebiter, who hosted tournaments (or had them hosted under his aegis) between Feb. 20th and March 29th. Yeah, that's more than a month. Then he left in a snit (well, he didn't really leave , as you see; so much the worse). Since then there have been tournaments on April 6, April 27, May 6, May 18, June 8, June 15, July 17 and July 27, with the next scheduled for October 5th. We can all judge for ourselves who's managed to 'keep things running' around here more successfully.

      -- snip --

      And a hint: the best way to be part of the pop-pop community is, to play pop-pop.**

      Danny, you need to get your boy scout mind in order and get the facts straight.

      I was the first to consistently host pop-pop Tournaments. I have always been open that I didn't create the rules I used, I took a something that someone else created and used it. There was a need for tournaments to be hosted, and I stepped up to the challenge.

      One way or another, things went out of my favor. I tried to make good, but it wasn't happening for what ever reason. I finally got sick of the ungratefulness, whining and other negative things and decided I wasn't going to host tournaments for players who obviously didn't want me to host them.

      At this point, you and your friends got what you wanted: Control over the pop-pop Tournaments.

      What did you and your friends do when you had control over the pop-pop Tournaments? You and your friends let them fade away. Before you and your friends took over, tournaments consistently hosted at least once a week. For a period of at least 1 1/2 months, if not more.

      You and your friends have failed to accomplish that. You can't blame this on me, YOU and YOUR friends had CONTROL of the pop-pop Tournaments. I had no part in them at that point.

      The tournaments have died in YOU and YOUR friends hands. It is the fault of YOU and YOUR friends, not mine. Welcome to the Hall of Shame, for killing something that was really cool.

      You and your friends still have control of the tournaments. So why do you DO SOMETHING with that control, and consistently host tournaments. If you have any honor, you will take responsibility and give the pop-pop community the tournaments they deserve.

      Take the time you spend replying to me, set a time and date and host a tournament! It isn't that hard!

      EDIT: For the record I place no blame on Dingo, he has always been cool.

      (url="http://"")I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.(/url)

      (This message has been edited by MajorAnklebiter (edited 09-13-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by MajorAnklebiter (edited 09-13-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      That's an unnecessarily bitter and disappointing attitude. You've layed down a challenge you can't lose. It does nothing to improve people's opinion of you as a board member. I doubt anyone here is of such low self-esteem that they would feel the need to do anything simply to prove you wrong.

      Dingo, I am bitter and disappointed. If someone goes through so much effort to take control over something, I expect them do at least do something with it, not just let it die.

      I agree this is a challenge I can't lose. They won't get off their butts and start hosting tournaments! They wanted control so badly, and now that they have control, they let the pop-pop Tournaments die.

      I see it as their responsibility to revive the tournaments. In 1 1/2 months, I hosted more tournaments then they have in at least 3 months.

      (url="http://"")I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.(/url)

    • LOL. here we go again... 😄

      too bad that history shows that there is just no sense in answering/arguing...
      but it is good that we have been through this before and therefore have learned...this way it can´t take the fun out of everything again.
      and how glad i am that "danny and his friends" have exactly the number of (really fun) tournaments they want to have.

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 09-13-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      LOL. here we go again...:D

      How about you Lumsia? Will you host some pop-pop Tournaments for the community? You keep a role in everything that happened. I am sure you must have a free 2 hour block of time somewhere each week.

      (url="http://"")I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MajorAnklebiter:
      **I am sure you must have a free 2 hour block of time somewhere each week.


      I can remember that most players decided that one tourney a week is too frequent and the fun or thrill of the tourneys got lost. And not only the host but also the players need 2 hours a week each. Anyway I am looking forward to playing the next tourney, which is special to the fact THAT the last tourney was so long ago.

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MajorAnklebiter:
      **How about you Lumsia? Will you host some pop-pop Tournaments for the community? You keep a role in everything that happened. I am sure you must have a free 2 hour block of time somewhere each week.

      i sure do, darling, and i will as soon as everybody is back from their holidays - that is if anybody wants me to, of course.
      you never understood that nobody ever wanted weekly tournaments. it was just getting boring. no offence.
      (damn - i´m answering!)
      still, it would be nice to see you there, especially since we´ve never played a game together yet - actually i haven´t even ever seen you on the tracker!? why don´t you JOIN the community instead of trying to be a leader of a community that doesn´t need a leader/boss/chief? why don´t you want to stop arguing and start playing? pop-pop is a really cool game - you should try it!
      see you on the tracker, ankles


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 09-13-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MajorAnklebiter:
      Danny, you need to get your boy scout mind in order and get the facts straight.

      Anklebiter, you can say what you want, but no one wrecked up the pop-pop community any more than you did. I know at least two people who aren't posting on the board here anymore because they were so disgusted by your pathetic posturing last spring; and there are probably more who left without telling anyone. Fortunately, both people didn't stop playing pop-pop... which is more than I can say for you, from what I can tell. Frankly, if it were up to me I'd ban you from these boards entirely, to keep you from making new accounts whenever you get negative karma on your old ones. Even though all the regular posters here know you're full of hot air, newbies to the board read all your whining about how pop-pop is dead, and think you actually know what you're talking about.

      Look, the problem with tournaments isn't that people don't want to host them, it's that people don't want to play in them every week. In fact, I'd venture to say that we'd all be quite happy to host one; the only thing that's stopped me from offering, in the past, is the fear of being seen as a responsibility-hog like you. If I ever wanted to play in a tournament and it didn't look like anyone else was planning on hosting one, I'd do it in a second. So far, though, that's never happened.

      So like I said: if you care so much about having tournaments, host one yourself. Who knows: people might even play. It's more likely, though, that since you've persistantly squandered every little bit of goodwill ANYONE might have had for you my insulting them and acting stupid, most people will chose to stay away from anything you're involved with. But it might be worth a try, anyways.

      Or if you really mean it when you say you don't want to have any part of the community, then shut the hell up and go away. Otherwise, come play: Dingo's tournament will be Oct 5th, and I'm thinking of hosting a warm-up non-tournament the weekend before that to get us all back into the swing of competitve play before the big-prize event (where I'm afraid of embarassing myself! ;)).

      I wrote all this cause I like arguing, but now I'm done. Like Lumi said: see you on the tracker.

      (edit: oh yeah, and if anyone cares about facts: ankles, when was the first tourney you hosted? Were there any before Feb. 20?)

      'make what I imagine happen or maybe I'm just a dreamer'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Danny (edited 09-13-2003).)