Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Queen of Pop's birthday party

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      Hyko decided to arrange a spontaneous birthday party for the Queen of Pop Lumisa, who is celebrating her birthday today somewhere outside the pop-pop-lounge.
      Hyko has arranged a 12 bottle-box of "Veueve Clicquot" and invited all poppers to have a glass of this excellent champagne to drink a toast on Lumisa...

      "With a loud "Plopp" he opened the first bottle and fills some glasses, hands them out to the other felicitators in the nicely decorated and crowded lounge, climbs onto a tourned over wooden box in the corner of the lounge and adresses his words to Lumisa*

      "Aehem, Ladies and Gentlemen, silence please, may i have your attention for a few words... thank you."

      *after sipping from his glass, Hyko continues, and also stops to noisily distribute bricks over the lounge."

      "Dear Lumisa, in the name of all poppers I want to wish You a Happy Birthday!
      And before we will toast on You, I want to thank you -I think i speak in the name of all attendees- for beeing a part of our pop-pop-community. You were one of the first players since the release and since that time you were continously improving in playing. I think you delivered us so much fun, tension and gaming lessons that we can call you the Queen of Pop officially.
      But not only on the competitive side but also on the personal side I am very happy to have met You here and to have become Your friend over the time. I want to thank You for all the hours of talks, games and loughes you have given me - and all the others - since we know each other.
      For your future the pop-pop-community and I wish you much luck, much fun, much success, no loneliness and last but not least much love to give and to get... !"

      Hyko raises his glass to speak the toast

      "Liebe Lumisa, alles gute und liebe zu Deinem Geburtstag! Happy Birthday and Cheers!"

      and directed to all others

      "Let's celebrate with our Queen of Pop!"

      Hyko climbs down from the wooden box to leave the word to others.

      hcsfdnlb ll


      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 03-14-2003).)

    • Mikrisa who has stood on the side while she listened carefully to the speech of Hyko, grabs a new glass of champagne. She already had a few and her cheeks blush even a little more when she approaches the wooden box. "Dear Lumisa! You,... ehm... I mean, ehm, ... you know that I'm really not a good speaker... ehm... and..." The colour of her face changes from pink to pale and then decides to stay at a stage of being very pale but with red dots. "Well, what I wanted to say, is..." She giggles... "Dear Lumisa! I wish you a very happy birthday and all that... of course I can't say it just as nicely as Hyko but , you know me, I mean just the same! And ... ehm... ich hab Dich sehr lieb. And ehm... err... Lumisa?... Lumisa??? Where is Lumisa? Has anybody seen Lumisa?" There starts something like a little tumult as everybody in the lounges starts to look around to find the person celebrating her birthday. "I just saw her..." "But she was here before!" "She was right next to me I thought..." "Where is she?" Right before the babble of voices gets too loud, Hyko turns on the music, jumps on top of the wooden box, grabs mikrisa´s waist and shouts out: "Lets dance fellows!" "Yes, but before..." Mikrisa takes the word again "before, I want to raise my glass once more to the health of my little sister!" And everybody in the lounge raises his glass "Cheers!" Mikrisa laughs, very relieved that she came away with not much of a speech, jumps down the box dragging Hyko with her and starts a wild dance on the dance floor.


    • lumisa has run to the toilet to hide her tears because she was too touched to stay....

      thank you both very
      in a very big hurry
      yours lumisa


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **lumisa has run to the toilet to hide her tears because she was too touched to stay....

      thank you both very
      in a very big hurry
      yours lumisa


      So.. how old are you?

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **So.. how old are you?


      tztztz ... Anklebiter, anklebiter....naughty naughty ... Don´t you know that you should never ask a lady how old she was? Come on have a glass of champagne insted, or would you rather have a beer or something else? Are you hungry? Hyko served here a lots of liqueurs, every delicacy you could think of.... Lumisa will be delighted to see you! She would never forgive us, if we let you go before she's back


    • 'lo Lumisa!

      ::Crono takes a stand wobbling vissibly from the effects of the wine::
      ::nods to Hyko:: 'sh'good stuff this'n ... had it for'm 21sht In ... Italy too n'all sheeper there


      A ver ... a ... a ver... ver ha'y berfday t'ya, Lumisha. I'sh sh.. sorry I should've s-spok'n erlier like.


      Hope'n thersh many good games ahead y'a an... an man ... I ... I don' member mush my German .. too too - oo long ago. But'm besht of luck'n shtuff in'a year ahead. 'sh good shtuff thish ish! ::hic:: A toa - toast to y'shall ...

      ::raises his glass and proceeds to topple over backwards to sighs of relief from the cringing listeners::


    • Number279 raises his glass to toast to everyone, and then goes to get a few more glasses for posterity.

      Lumisa, I hope the next year will be better than the last for you. May you never say more than you know or less than you believe. Happy Birthday.

      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
      (url="http://"")Slagblah's EVN Guide(/url)| (url="http://";=pop-pop+web+board&number;=67")Pop-Pop Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Download Pop-Pop!(/url)

    • Und wer in März Geburtstag hat, steh auf steh auf, steh auf!

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dingo:
      **Und wer in März Geburtstag hat, steh auf steh auf, steh auf!


      Und wer in M?rz Geburtstag hat, steh auf steh auf, steh auf

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)

    • lumisa is just waking up on the bathroom floor, in a lake of tears, with a huge hangover, her lips trying to form the words: "thank you all so much, so much. i had a lovely birthday!" but you can only hear some croaky grunting sound...
      still, today she´s feeling much more mature, older and wiser and even readier to pop you all to bits in this "new" year!
      see you SOON!!

      your very old lumisa


    • I guess I missed the party, but... Happy Birthday anyways!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **So.. how old are you?


      ...i´m at least beyond the age were you like to talk about it... 🙂 but if you promise not to tell age is 200:4-((4*8)-8)+40)/2...oh no....i´m to tired for this kind of thing right now...
      lumisa lets her face fall back onto the floor and goes to sleep.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **...i´m at least beyond the age were you like to talk about it...:) but if you promise not to tell age is 200:4-((4*8)-8)+40)/2...oh no....i´m to tired for this kind of thing right now...
      lumisa lets her face fall back onto the floor and goes to sleep.


      You should know better then to hand a formula to a computer programmer.

      anklebiter does some quick math.. uh huh.. hmm.. print out arrives..
      ...depending on how things are going, you are probably a senior in high school...
      the fox twitches his ears.. ...I wonder if I could ask her out, but 23 is probably a tad too old!

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      ...I wonder if I could ask her out, but 23 is probably a tad too old!


      to make it definitely to old add 10.. 🙂

      (i knew i was still to drunk to handle difficult mathmatics...)


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 03-16-2003).)

    • Lumi-neechan! You cannot spend the night on the floor like that!
      ::teleports in and picks the semi-comatose lumisa up from the puddle on the floor::
      Now which way is your bedroom, I wonder?
      ::walks out through a random wall, and looks down at the conspicuous lack of floor::
      uh, nope, that'd be outside then...
      ::tries a few more walls::
      hmm, nope, nope... uh! Lumi-neechan - I didn't realise you were into that ^_^;;;
      Nope... Kitchen...
      Ah! ... : :puts lumisa down on the bed::
      Ne, lumisa - tell me when you'r up for a game and I'll see you in the lounge!

    • (quote)Originally posted by lumisa:
      to make it definitely to old add 10.. 🙂

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • All my best wishes and a very Bon Anniversaire de ma part... msxgames raises his glass for the wonderful moments spent playing you on pop-pop. And yes, I raise it again since there is no Pop in the world that could anymore resist you - you were there, you're there and I hope you still be there when I'm back.
      Queen of the Pop's, you certainly deserve a toast of foie gras with the Veuve Clicquot and keep going on.
      My greetings to all others poppers who also make up for wonderful moments as well.

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by msxgamesbox:
      **All my best wishes and a very Bon Anniversaire de ma part... msxgames raises his glass for the wonderful moments spent playing you on pop-pop. And yes, I raise it again since there is no Pop in the world that could anymore resist you - you were there, you're there and I hope you still be there when I'm back.
      Queen of the Pop's, you certainly deserve a toast of foie gras with the Veuve Clicquot and keep going on.
      My greetings to all others poppers who also make up for wonderful moments as well.


      msx, i had just dried the tears , my eyes had just stopped hurting, the read spots almost gone, the skin had half come of my face, and i could already see the new skin underneath...and now´s starting all over again...
      this is indeed the nicest and most of all longest (my birthday was 3 days ago and there are still new felicitators) birthdayparty i ever had !! you guys really know how to party (and hyko, what an organisation!!)! thanks again, everyone.
      i wonder if the guy with the chilling smile is going to come up with an offer a bit more definite ... 🙂
      oh, and crono, i´m very flattered and proud to be the reason for your first, and, until now ,only post ever! 🙂

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 03-17-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      i wonder if the guy with the chilling smile is going to come up with an offer a bit more definite ... 🙂
      oh, and crono, i´m very flattered and proud to be the reason for your first, and, until now ,only post ever! 🙂

      You never know your luck? 😉 Incidentally, am I the only person who doesn't know what 200:x means in maths other than a ratio? I knew your age from when we talked ages ago (or remember vaguely what it was anyway) but.. (guessing at where the open was for the superfluous close bracket in the original ) ... we have
      is 200: 4-(((32)-8)+40)/2
      is 200: 4-((24)+40)/2
      is 200: 4-(64/2)
      is 200: 4-32
      is 200:-28?
      is ?!?

      anyways - glad you had a good time. I actually have posted a couple of times before, but not as a registered user. So you do have the privilege of my first (and now my second) ever registered posts. I can just sense the feeling of honour that has given you 😆

      Saw you online tonight, but didn't get a chance to say hi (and get the pants beaten off me 😉 ), so ... until next time


      Consider the answer you might receive asking a prep-school child the question:
      "What is 2 plus 2?" in each of the last five decades:

      in 1956 "4, of course"
      in 1966 "3, but it's the method that's important"
      in 1976 "just a second while I get out my calculator"
      in 1986 "just a second while I launch 'Calculator' on my Mac"
      in 1996 "just a second while I check the addition home page"

      (This message has been edited by Crono (edited 03-17-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:


      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)