Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • A rant, to all you bomb spammers

      27 42 537

      Notice: Mods, I don't care if you karmaslap me down to -11, I just need to get this off my chest, ok?

      I'm sick of all the bomb spammers who think they're hot **** because they can spam bombs. It seems to me they think the point is to win. WRONG

    • Oy vey.

      There will always be people who play games and take them too seriously. There will also be people who play games to win, and others who just want to relieve the day's stress by popping a few bricks.

      If you're sick of bomb spammers - don't play them once they've played you. I think things will settle down a bit when more people are registered, and you can play multiple matches. Then you can politely ask them to pick a new pop, or disconnect from them if they refuse. Or, you can be really mean, change the difficulty to easy, set your pop, and watch them flounder because they CANNOT spam you fast enough to wipe you out.

      Other than that - it's not really worth getting worked up about.

      And no Thok - this is not even close to a karma slapping point. You've been a good loser and winner the times I've played you.Those who keep whining about wanting a chat in the lounge - now THEY are getting close to a Kslap. 🙂


    • its legal. its built into the game. it happens all the time. deal with it.

      they have fun spamming and thats the way some people play. figure out a way to combat it...geez..

      i wasnt "whining" in that other thread with the chat idea. i was simply suggesting, and so were the other people, i have yet to see the point in why you said that other than to shut us up.
      SN on the Pop Tracker: DEMO {MG} Zeal
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      (This message has been edited by Zealous Cloud (edited 07-23-2002).)

    • It is a legal tactict in my opinion. I don't conisder it cheap because it is a strategy that some embrace. You can still beat them. I do.


      "Italians don't have mohawks, Eric." - My dad

    • I agree - the game is built like this. Learn from it. If you could do the same, then they would not be able to spam you like this. In balanced games where the two players have the same skills, everything is permitted and trust there is a lot of fun (at a faster pace, though)

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Granata:
      **It is a legal tactict in my opinion. I don't conisder it cheap because it is a strategy that some embrace. You can still beat them. I do.



      I like to bomb spam sometimes - it depends how my opponent is playing. If you are good, though, you should be able to keep me under pressure enough to stop me doing it. Granata sure did - that was a very good game :).

      (url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thok:
      **Notice: Mods, I don't care if you karmaslap me down to -11, I just need to get this off my chest, ok?

      I'm sick of all the bomb spammers who think they're hot **** because they can spam bombs. It seems to me they think the point is to win. WRONG**. The point of Pop-Pop is to have FUN. If you disagree, I suggest you jump off a bridge. Winning isn't the point, winning is part of the means of the point. If you don't have fun while in a game, then it was a waste of time. I'm also sick of being called a 'sore loser' because I'm pissed that they took the ENTIRE POINT of playing Pop-Pop away. If you think spamming is 'fun', then I suggest you go jump off a bridge too. NOT spamming may not be as fun, but do you honestly want to waste someone's time like that? If you do, then take my previous advice and jump off a bridge.

      There, I think thats all of it.

    • To some people, winning is fun.

    • I like sending 20 ducks at my computer (playing the 2nd player) but I find if I do it too much, I don't pay attention to the rest of the board and lose. So in comp. games I'll clear the board, get millions of yellow bars, and throw some ducks over there. Online.. well, I've only played with Mazca.. and if he's an example of how good people are.. I won't have time to do many duckies, or else I'll lose (even faster then I did 🙂 ) I don't really know how annoying ducks are.. I just know they last forever and you can put a lot on the right side of the screen..

      My 2 cents..

      "I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."

    • Complaining about spamming is pretty infantile. Many of the powerups are only useful in large quantities - one shotgun, flower burst, or whatever the hell you call Zap's is an order of magnitude less effective than two or three. Granted, Mini-T's is bad beause it's completely incapacitating, but Bombastic is totally fair game. That's the whole point of his character - unless crazy **** is going down, no one misses a single volley, nor do they miss much time. But if you have 12, 16 bombs raining down on you, you get stuck holding your ball the whole time while you deal with them. This is a good strategy, not annoyance. Or rather, it's annoying because it's hard to beat.

    • Man three minutes ago I used this strategy for the first time and I beat the other player. Hey you have to be patient waiting for your meter to get way up there will still holding back any attacks your foe puts into your face.

      I might be a Giant.......

    • Spam or no spam, I still have fun every game. It's a real challenge to play against Bombastic or Mini-T when you pick a different pop, and that makes the game interesting. Also, when the opponent is spamming, they are damaging their position as well: -5 power bars each time, and the ball generally must be hit slowly, which means less bricks cleared.

      Besides, the more you play a spammer, the more used to it you'll get, and the easier it'll be to deal with. Learn to deal with it, and remember that it's just a game, and I guarantee you'll have a blast playing.

    • What particularly bugs me about Bombastic is not having to catch bombs - I agree that such is fair game. However, when it sends you scrambling into v-locks and downers, what are you supposed to do? Running into a downer to catch a bomb is the most infuriating way to loose a match I can think of.


      "Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
      -Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

    • Okay, I'm new at this game. What's bomb spamming? I kinda got an idea but want to be sure.




    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mangajim:
      **Okay, I'm new at this game. What's bomb spamming? I kinda got an idea but want to be sure.


      Bomb spamming is when a player launches bombastic's attack for like 5 times in a row. When playing in expert that is 20 bombs... thus the term 'spam'

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spurrr:
      Besides, the more you play a spammer, the more used to it you'll get, and the easier it'll be to deal with. Learn to deal with it, and remember that it's just a game, and I guarantee you'll have a blast playing.**

      Exactly. If you're good enough, you'll be able to avoid being in a position where a bomb attack is truly damaging. If your opponent isn't as skilled a pop-pop player as yourself and relies on attacks to grab victory, he's no more unbeatable with a little effort.

    • y'know bombs aren't that bad once you realize y'all are 'posed to catch 'em.

      seems counterintuitive to me, but 'eems thats how they'll work.

    • First off, I'd like to say that I started this topic to get it off my chest, NOT to argue with you all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If you think everyone should have the same opinions as you, then take my oft repeated advice and jump off a bridge. Of course, since everyone has these same opinions on the fact that everyone should have the same opinions as they, then most of the world will commit suicide. I'm actually thankful for that- taking over the world will be alot easier.


      Originally posted by spurrr:
      Besides, the more you play a spammer, the more used to it you'll get, and the easier it'll be to deal with. Learn to deal with it, and remember that it's just a game, and I guarantee you'll have a blast playing.

      And this is the problem. anklebiter has said that I am very good at catching bombs. I'm not pissed at them because I can't beat them- I'm pissed at them because they have had me learn to get so good at catching bombs that EVERYONE using bombs against me can't do much of anything.
      They are making me unbeatable by the bombs, and I feel bad that everyone, including them, will be unable to use bombastic effectively against me.
      And since I've gotten pretty good vs mini-t, able to destroy ducks before they can get massed too much, and even able to play pretty well through two bursts of flowers, then I'd be pretty much unstoppable by unregistered people should I get too good at catching bombs, Unless, of course, I get too many powerdowns that lower my bricks.

      I don't want to have to post in this topic again.

      I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

    • I totaly agree thok, bomb spamming is absolute cheating.

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
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      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Overrider720:
      **I totaly agree thok, bomb spamming is absolute cheating.


      Are you calling the person who implemented that feature into pop-pop a cheater?

      Spamming bombs is just as lethal as spamming mini-ts breath, spamming ducks, spamming flowers, spamming get the idea. The specials are there for you to use them as often as you like, not when your opponent wants you to.

      "Heaven is defined as an American salary, a Chinese cook, an English house, and a Japanese wife. Hell is defined as having a Chinese salary, an English cook, a Japanese house, and an American wife."