Hey Hey! Talk about a nostalgia trip - this is exactly what people were moaning about 3.5 years ago when I first got into Ares! I remember good old sundered angel and some really clever guy called slug, who did wierd and wonderful things to the Ares engine.
{rant follows}
It's painfully obvious why the boards are dead - Ares is not something you come back to again and again like EV. All Ares is, is shoot shoot shoot. I did register for it by the way and I did make the odd plug or two (not under this name) but let's face it I was 16 and they were probably pretty c**p. So sorry for those.
The fact people are still buying this game four years on is testament to the fact it is so good, but once you finish moving those asteroids it's a downwards spiral.
You know what's funny/ironic? Three years ago I read a post just like this one and some guy said the boards were dead for the same reason, he said Ares sucked and he was leaving for pastures fresh. I didn't agree with him at the time but wow, circle of life and all.
Go on Zarex tell us who you are!! I bet you're Cotton Moose or Mouse or cotton something! He was the Man/Woman/Wookie (I never really asked those questions!) Go on, give in to peer pressure. You know you want to! 