We need a name don't we? Lets decide on it!
Mag suggests: VI / VI3
Patrick suggests: Manifest Destiny
Skyfox suggests: The Space Beyond
Skyfox suggests: Conflict:Space
Skyfox suggests: Colony Wars(Already taken by a game I think?)
Skyfox suggests: Space-Final Battleground
I don't really like any of these. Any other, preferably better suggestions?
Story/Plot Design:
The basic plot outline is complete, as are a preliminary pencil-and-paper list of Union missions.
Government Design:
Miners' Union(MU)- Union of all the miners in Sirus(SF) It also has been taking on ship producing duties so that the miners will have ships capable of defending themselves from the increasing NFFT presence in Sirus. SF is in the middle of a recession and attempts to force the miners to sell below cost right before the plugin, sparking a strike which will lead to violence and the game's first campaign.
CF1-Syna'iara Faction(SF)-The Faction government of the Sirus system works like this: Each planet "elects" a dozen people to the Committe for National Order. The Committe, which also acts as a dictatorial body handling local affairs, casts a vote for one of the other two Factions, corresponding to the other two planets. The Faction with two votes is given control over the system government. If each faction recieves one vote then the incumbent Faction remains in power. This has the effect of making sure a disliked(at least disliked by the other Factions) government does not recieve system-wide power.
CF2-Free Worlds of Jados(FWJ)- Jados, as the original colony world, holds the reins of system-wide power. Jados does in fact have a real constitutional republic(like the US) but the local affairs of the other planets/moons are for the most part run by appointed committees. The FWJ has the smallest military of any of the major factions but has just finished a major buildup aimed at annihilating the barbarians and NFFT.
CF3-Centaurian People's Republic(CPR)- Controls three of the planets orbiting Centauri. Communist government run by a committee of high-ranking Communist Party officials. Despite what the propaganda says, the CPR aren't "good guys". Ransacked and stripmined Beta Centauri while enslaving the local population.
Aliens- Mycenian Global Government(MGG)- Control Beta Centauri. Their ships are mostly older CPR designs refitted to allow the Mycenians to pilot them. Don't like any humans and fight both the CPR and, when they arrive, the GRE.
EF-Global Republic of Earth(GRE)- Controls Mercury, Venusian habitat stations, Earth, Neptune and Uranus. Most powerful goverment in the Sol system and founder of the Solarian League system government which is wholly under Republic control. Founded after the Pakistan-India conflict touched off a nuclear war which left much of the developed world a wasteland.
National Fighters for Free Trade(NFFT)- The pirates. Cute name but they're just highly-organized pirates. Have their own shipyards, habitat stations etc. and infest all four main human-controlled systems.
Barbarians(need a name for these guys!)-
In the Jados system. They are basically a really large group of pirates with their own separate ship designs and a different modus operandi-attacking large targets like stations and even some of the planets and moons of Jados. They showed up only 40-50 years before the plug and as such the FWJ navy hasn't been able to defeat them yet. The FWJ was just preparing to launch a final all-out assault(which would have defeated them) when the GRE Navy arrived.
Other Solarian League Governments-
These guys play a very minor role, occasionally appearing with a ship or two in a couple missions. None of them have a full navy, merely specialized patrol ships etc.
Martian Free Democracy - government of Mars. voted against the invasion of the colonies but was overruled.
Asteriod Habitat Stations - what their name says. Collectively they elect a representative to the League Council but their rep generally sides with the GRE.
Jupiter Colonies/Habitat Stations - Habitat stations in Jupiter's atmosphere and colonies on the moons of Jupiter. Collectively elect one representative to the League Council.
Saturn Colonies/Habitat Stations - Habitat stations in Saturn's atmosphere and colonies on the moons of Saturn. Collectively elect one representative to the League Council.
Virtuous Theocracy of Pluto - religious fundies who came to Pluto to escape the "godless" worlds near the sun. Don't elect a rep to the Council but do send an observer.
Ship Designs:
Ship Stats for all but the Mycenians are done.
Miners' Union(Patrick)-
6/6 Models/Sprites/(url="http://"")Briefing Pics(/url) completed
Syna'iara Faction(Patrick)-
3/7 Models/Sprites completed
Free Worlds of Jados(Skyfox)-
8/8 Models/Sprites completed
Centaurian People's Republic(Skyfox)-
6/6 Models/Sprites completed
Global Republic of Earth(Patrick)-
National Fighters for Free Trade(Skyfox)-
Mycenian Global Government(Skyfox)-
Ship Programming:
Miners' Union(??)-
Unknown Status
Syna'iara Faction(??)-
Unknown Status
Free Worlds of Jados(??)-
Unknown Status
Centaurian People's Republic(??)-
Unknown Status
Global Republic of Earth(??)-
Unknown Status
National Fighters for Free Trade(??)-
Unknown Status
Mycenian Global Government(??)-
About the levels, because they'll be separate plugins I think we'll need to move some data(read:sprites and brief pics) over to the Ares Sprites file and offer a replacement data file to save on download time.
Also I think I'll stick in 3-5 training missions/race to familarize the player with the new ships.
Miners' Union Missions(Patrick?):
Outlined, 20/20 Planned, 0/20 implemented
Syna'iara Faction Missions(Patrick?):
Outlined, 0/20 Planned, 0/20 implemented
Free Worlds of Jados Missions(Patrick?):
Outlined, 1/20 Planned, 0/20 implemented
Centaurian People's Republic Missions(Patrick?):
Outlined, 0/20 Planned, 0/20 implemented
Barbarian Missions(Patrick?):
Outlined, 0/20 Planned, 0/20 implemented
(This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-20-2002).)