the Lmg is firing north from a enimy ship!!!!!! not mine!!!!!
"Time is only a guide
Forget the last couple of posts it was just hera acting up againe.
ive done every thing exsept for:
is any one else doing the programing?
"Time is only a guide
(This message has been edited by 9024 (edited 04-02-2002).)
Ok ive finished everything exsept:
2)the cargo drones/ mine layer drones
So how do i get this to some one else?
"Time is only a guide
Originally posted by Nemesys:
**That should solve any problems with ships not being consistent with other ships of the same faction.
BTW, do you have sprites for the stuff you've posted or is it just brief pics so far?
And do you have a template for the briefing pics that I could use? The interface really should be the same for all of them so if you could give me the fonts/glow effect that would be great.
Shure, ive got a templet for the Breifing pics, ill send it if i can get your email adress. What was it agian?
Finished 3 of the CF2 ships as sprites, who do i send them to?
I have finished the Nucular Delivery System, the last of the CF2 ships, will post it when i have the chance.
Stuck dead in the water on the CF3 ships, can't find any inspiration for the other ships.
Here are some updated system specs:
9 total
4 systems controled at start
7 systems controlled at end.
(Sol,Sirus,Proxima,Centuri,Gamm'uri,New Europe,Rigel)
Uncontrolled systems
System Data:
.gov:Global Republic of Earth- GRE
Planets:9 (Astriod Belt)
.gov:Syn'iena Faction- SF
Planets:3(4 moons)(2 Astriod Belts)
Agni'oran,Syn'iena, Dur'enio
.gov:The Free Worlds of Jados- FWJ
Planets:4(8 moons)
Jados, Eros, New America,Serveris
.gov:Centaurian Peoples Republic- CPR
Planets:4(3 moons)(small thin Astriod Belt)
Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri, Gamma Centauri, Delta Centauri
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 04-04-2002).)
Originally posted by Nemesys:
**On an unrelated note to 9024's post, I just dug up a CD with tons of cool sounds that we can use. Also I've finished a remodel of the MU Fighter.
Whats the MU agian?
Shure, could you send the sounds to me at BenSEdwards@aol.com so i can pour over them and see which ones are the best? I also have a sound editing program so i can tweak the sound to fit what we need.
Oh, if the file is over 2 megs, split it up and send it separately please.
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 04-04-2002).)
Originally posted by 9024:
**Forget the last couple of posts it was just hera acting up againe.
ive done every thing exsept for:
is any one else doing the programing?
Cargo Pods?
I think i can help you do some of the ships, which ones still need to be done?
Im going to be programing the planets and systems.
Now for some mission ideas.
Strange ships sited on outer edge of system. investagate.
Scramble! - fleet aproaching.
Abandon a planet. move to other planet.
Escort convoy to other planet in system.
Plant mines around planet.
Attack - ships blockading planet.
Gaurd station from -.
Slip through P patroles.
Destroy specal ship.
Destroy convoy.
Obliterate (planet-station-mothership)
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
my email is gbcdoj@attbi.com
You can just send the sprites to me, they wont be needed for the programming of the ships which is what the only other active person is doing heh.
I havent actually picked out specific sounds yet but the entire CD is like 300MB I'll email you the War/Military directory though–its only 1.4MB compressed. I think we can wait on adding the sounds/sprites to the ships until the programming for them is done(lower d/l time by using standard Ares ships/sounds as placeholders).
Also what do you mean by "programing the planets and systems" Do you mean the starmap?
Also I'm not sure of whether those other 3 systems(EF .mil bases I would assume, couple months aint enough for making a colony) are going to fit into the plot very well. Since the colonies arent supposed to get hyper until very close to the end, there isnt going to be much opportunity for fights there heh. Perhaps right at the end when the colonies launch their counterassault they'll have to break through the defensive perimeter formed by the EF systems to prevent being flanked.
The whole "declared independence in xxxx AD" from the EF .gov stats needs to be dropped. It really would be completely impossible–and pointless for the .gov on Earth to try to govern colonies lightyears away.
Assuming that the colonies were all 10 lightyears away, each communication would have a round trip of 20 years! Also this takes away from the whole "colonies dont know about each other or Sol" thing.
MU=Miner's Union
Well this seems to being going all right–now to have a race with the M:Inv team to get VI out the door first
Patrick in Exile
howdy all (some any way).
Havent done any thing because of home work, had my computer privaleges taken away lucky i got them back though, if i hadent done my work id have had it taken away for the rest of the holiday (2weeks) :eek:
Ok, hears what needs to be done:
um..... thats it exsept for the fact that hera ceaps changing the id numbers of the transport and every thing to do with it so i cant get that working, maby skyfox could put it together? ive done it all (i think). if yes tell me how to get a copy to you and dont blame me if it dose wierd stuff to your copy of hera, ive got through 4 copys already. I could download a new copy of hrea and try coping every thing to another empty plug. BTW i seem to be doing all the weps as well, not just the ships
what about missions where you do somthing like clearing mine fealds for an attack or clearing up ships after a large attack made by you on the mission before?
*(the mine layers are easer i just need to get them to lay every so often not all at once so thay arnt like the other multi mine thingy)
"Time is only a guide
(This message has been edited by 9024 (edited 04-06-2002).)
(This message has been edited by 9024 (edited 04-08-2002).)
**Assuming that the colonies were all 10 light-years away, each communication would have a round trip of 20 years! Also this takes away from the whole "colonies dont know about each other or Sol" thing.
Not all the systems are 10 light-years away. Centuri is 4.4 light-years from earth. Sirus is 8.7 light-years. A spaceship traveling at 30% of the speed of light could get there and back within 60 years. If a spacecraft went as fast as light, they could be to get to Centuri and back in 8.8 years. Sirus and back in 17.4 years. (there was a news article about space travel in the morning paper, so that's where i got it.)
Nevertheless, i agree about dropping the "gained independence" thing.
**Also what do you mean by "programing the planets and systems" Do you mean the starmap?
Starmap, positioning of the planets, build rates of the planets, asteroid belts, etc.
...that's it except for the fact that hera ceaps changing the id numbers :confuse: of the transport and every thing to do with it so i cant get that working, maybe skyfox could put it together? ive done it all (i think). if yes tell me how to get a copy to you and dont blame me if it dose weird stuff to your copy of hera, ive got through 4 copys already. I could download a new copy of hrea and try coping every thing to another empty plug. BTW i seem to be doing all the weps as well, not just the ships
Send it to me and i'll look into it.
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 05-18-2002).)
Originally posted by Skyfox:
**Starmap, positioning of the planets, build rates of the planets, asteroid belts, etc.
Ah, I see. Heh I always just make that stuff up as I go along(planet placement etc). Once you put that together could you email it to me? I'd like to take a stab at putting the mission outlines together next week during April vacation.
Not all the systems are 10 light-years away. Centuri is 4.4 light-years from earth. Sirus is 8.7 light-years. A spaceship traveling at 30% of the speed of light could get there and back within 60 years. If a spacecraft went as fast as light, they could be to get to Centuri and back in 8.8 years. Sirus and back in 17.4 years. (there was a news article about space travel in the morning paper, so that's where i got it.)
Nevertheless, i agree about dropping the "gained independence" thing.
Hrm, your right and wrong at the same time . While the distance was off a bit I guess, you also have to take into consideration acceleration time. It's not easy to get to 1/3c and a sublight craft using real physics would only reach the "top speed" for a brief moment in the center of it's trip before turning around and beginning to decelerate. But no one cares anyways because its just a game
I'm glad we agree
Patrick in Exile
Originally posted by 9024:
**You got the e-mail skyfox?
Nemesys: I've produced about 31 sounds(from the sounds you sent me) that will suit. I'm sending it over now. I already sent the CF2 Sprites, did you get them?
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
Recked your copy of hera yet????
nothings geting better on the subject of cargo drones/ mine laying drones, also im going to down load another copy on to my i book insted of my i mac, see if that makes any diference, it will mean making all the ships and weps again but it wont take that long. Have any of you had problemes like this before?
"Time is only a guide
(This message has been edited by 9024 (edited 04-10-2002).)
Ive had some ideas wile reading through V's i 1:
Nuclear missiles could be made by planets and leave them where there built so you can have big bombardments, the planet makes them then you order them to go to where ever you want them to go or even fly them your self !, they would have only STL engins (so you have a chance of geting them before they get you but just fast anough so its hard shooting them down) and have protective shilds and maby a wep of some sort (to shoot at enimy anti missile syistems). These could be made as ships that could colide that can have destanation, can turn, can acsept destanation...... with a damage of 10000 or somthing.
also there iis half a bilion of ways of stoping these, each race could have a unique way of stoping them, maby useing missiles, small fast craft with rapid fireing guns, even smaller craft that colided with them, ships with flack despencers flying infront of it using FTL and seting it off, or some other sort of flack despencers laying down huge filds of flack that the missile just colides with..... the list is almost endless.
I have also thought about the fact that you and your ships can be almost any where verey quickly because of FTL travle, if Skyfox hase the planets very far apart, it would make it imposible to be in any place very quickly, so you have to antisipate your enimys move ments and send your ships before him/her and use scout craft to find out what ships are in those big red blobs on the screen, adding another tactical option to the small list. Another thing that this would cause is you would have to make defence fleets around planets and out posts, adding the option of having things like defence drones, or two stage ships to stay behind. Prhaps you could make a imovable ship that looks like the planet adding ground baced weps.
"Time is only a guide
Originally posted by 9024:
**Recked your copy of hera yet????:D
nothings geting better on the subject of cargo drones/ mine laying drones, also im going to down load another copy on to my i book insted of my i mac, see if that makes any diference, it will mean making all the ships and weps again but it wont take that long. Have any of you had problemes like this before?
Nope, everything looks fine. Altough, all i see is the Boa, Boa Carrier, ModFrigate2.
The main thing that is causeing your trouble is that you didn't put these in a blank file. The standered Ares things are messing yours up. So next time open the templeate file in the Hera folder called "Factory Blessed Objects" and insert your ships into the clean file.
That should clean up a lot of your trouble.
The CF2, CF1, CF3 and EF ship specs are all on (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum13/HTML/000322-2.html")This(/url) page.
Im trying to get the systems done first(Almost done, graphics are the only things left). Then i can pitch in and do the CF3 specs.
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 04-11-2002).)
Originally posted by Skyfox:
**Nope, everything looks fine. Altough, all i see is the Boa, Boa Carrier, ModFrigate2.
The main thing that is causeing your trouble is that you didn't put these in a blank file. The standered Ares things are messing yours up. So next time open the templeate file in the Hera folder called "Factory Blessed Objects" and insert your ships into the clean file.
That should clean up a lot of your trouble.
The CF2, CF1, CF3 and EF ship specs are all on This page.
Im trying to get the systems done first(Almost done, graphics are the only things left). Then i can pitch in and do the CF3 specs.**
Ok i will clean up the file, then start on the other ships. Dont know why you can only see those ships.
I have worked out how to make the mine layers and i think how to make the cargo drones. Iile get those working and send you a copy of the cleaned up file.
"Time is only a guide
(This message has been edited by 9024 (edited 04-12-2002).)
Originally posted by 9024:
**im gona have to drop the cargo drone thing, unless some one wants to try to get it to work or knows how to make it work im going to stop atempting. Ive got every thing else working and ile send one of you (or both) a copy when i can.
Go ahead.
Mag: Why are all these AlterBaseTypes needed on the CF3 fighter. As far as i can see, we could just have it combined.
The systems are done.
The server i'm under is doing some strange things the past few days. Half the internet and this site arn't working under nearly all of my browsers.
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...