Sargatanus, from your footer it sounds as though you have a plug that you are developing with out telling us about it...
Care to share?
Sargatanus, from your footer it sounds as though you have a plug that you are developing with out telling us about it...
Care to share?
Hey Slug, That's a really interesting theory. I never thought of that.
Anyway, a particle shield would be possible by using magnetic isotopes. The extra electron would make it pretty stable and the shield overall more durable. In switzerland, they've already created a massive electro-magnetic generator that can magnitize anything. They've managed to magnetize small frogs and throw them around the room using a large magnetic field generator.
Unfortunately, the generater requires as much power as half a small town would use. But if we were to use smaller particles, to the atomic level, it would require a lot less power and would be much more effective a shield as a frog would provide.
Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst.
-Russian Proverb
Walter: Actually I am developing a plug, but I've told everyone about it. In fact, Sundered Angel opened a topic where I had a bunch of people pour in ideas for what I should do for the ending.
Bananana: The energy required for that shield generator could be provided by that Zero Point energy I talked about. The air inside of a two cup measuring cup has enough Zero Point energy to vaporize, not evaporate, but vaporize the worlds oceans. The only trick would be controling it.
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
Evaporate and Vaporize mean the same thing.
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
Actually, that's what I thought when I wrote it down. I thought it would be a nice little obnoxious pun. But I was wrong, I looked them up. Evaporating is something that more or less just happens. Water will evaporate in sunlight in just about any temperature above freezing. Vaporising is a much more rapid effect requiring much more energy, and is often the result of an atypical outside force.
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
Well back again
About magnetic and superconductive matters: didn't I mention earlier that Fullerenes are superconductive and magnetic?!? I did so there you have it, a matter that is both magnetic and superc.
Matter shield would really require energy all the time, but in Ares the shields only use energy to recharge. So they cannot be mattershields controlled with magnets (unless you have superc. magnets, which is quite hard to make and keep working, it would also mean that the ships would be made out of fullerenefabric or some other superc./magnetic matter). Theoretically that is.
But in SW they use proton- (ionised hydrogen) shields, and protons could be controlled just by energizing the ships hull with electrons and due to superc. hull plating the protons cannot receive electrons and so the protons and electrons will stay in wanted place. Not sure if it is possible though but that's just a theory too.
Or they could be just an electron field controlled by ionized hull plating.
The shields could also be like a stationary warpfield that starts to work when sothing hits it.
Mind me but this conversation is getting more and more interesting every time someone sends their theories in here. And I think that soon I won't be able to think up anything !! HMPH that really starts to bug me: black Q-marks on a black background!!
I have my English exam tomorrow! Let's see how good grades I get
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
Um, evaporating water does require an outside force : sunlight.
Vaporizing water also requires an outside force: Um..... Sunlight!
I'm not saying that those are the only things that can evaporate/vaporize water, but that they mean the same thing.
Sunlight is an outside force.
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
I can't remember where I read this :
The Facts...
If you drop a buttered piece of bread, it will fall on the floor butter-side down. If a cat is dropped from a window or other high and towering place, it will land on it's feet.
The Problem Statement...
But what if you attach a buttered piece of bread, butter-side up to a cat's back and toss them both out the window? Will the cat land on it's feet? Or will the butter splat on the ground?
The answer...
Even if you are too lazy to do the experiment yourself you should be able to deduce the obvious result. The laws of butterology demand that the butter must hit the ground, and the equally strict laws of
feline aerodynamics demand that the cat can not smash its furry back. If the combined construct were to land, nature would have no way to resolve this paradox. Therefore it simply does not fall.
That's right you clever mortal (well, as clever as a mortal can get), you have discovered the secret of antigravity! A buttered cat will, when released, quickly move to a height where the forces of cat-twisting
and butter repulsion are in equilibrium. This equilibrium point can be modified by scraping off some of the butter, providing lift, or removing some of the cat's limbs, allowing descent.
Most of the civilized species of the Universe already use this principle to drive their ships while within a planetary system. The loud humming heard by most sighters of UFOs is, in fact, the purring of
several hundred tabbies.
The one obvious danger is, of course, if the cats manage to eat the bread off their backs they will instantly plummet. Of course the cats will land on their feet, but this usually doesn't do them much good,
since right after they make their graceful landing several tons of red-hot starship and ticked off aliens crash on top of them.
Any opinions?
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
That is one of Murphy's laws but what does that have to do with this topic?!?!? Is the cat and the buttered bread supposed to be a symbol for some physical/chemical laws or something?
Are you sure you posted that to the right place, or is it just supposed to draw our attention?
Well, anyway we have drifted from fullerene weapons to shields and I guess that next we probably will be writing about Murphy's laws and how they can be adapted to Ares I hope not.
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
I happened to check the internet about railguns and coilguns, and I happened to find some talk about using buckyball clusters as railgun projectiles. So I quess that the Ish HVD uses a buckyball railgun!! As I wrote before I just didn't have the name for it.
I just happened to see the Eraser on TV and it reminded me about those nice little railguns, so I checked the I-Net and found interesting things I think I'll make myself a little coilgun :rolleyes:
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
What's a railgun?
eh hem, a rail gun is a divice that uses electro-magnets to launch a megnetic projectile. Like a nail or a buckyball. Ive been thinking about some of the other wepons in ares that use real science terms, like the humans magneto pulse guns. How would those do damage to a ship whether or not it had shields or not? Besides it is not yet known (to me at least) whether a Magneto is an actual specific particle or just an energy effect amoung particles or whether or not its just an interaction with ZP fields. Or what about photokenitic beams? Does that just mean solid light? Or light that more physically effects matter? Like maybe its just a fancy name for laser. Or it could be a more massive form of photons, hmmm, thats an interesting idea, like gravitonically charged photons or something. Gravitons would have lots of interesting functions (thats if it can be harnessed without having to create generators the size of earth). Artificial gravity without using centrifuge would be one, or it could be used for shields also. Another function that would be more closely related to the topic would be a vast number of uses for weapons or anhancing existing weapons. Another powerful force that could be harnessed would be Quantum Energy, or also related to the already mentioned ZPFs. If you had a 1 volt battery, and a Quantum energy battery the size of the one volt, the QE batt. would have the power of 14,000,000,000 to the 14th volts! That amount of energy would be incomprehensibly colassal!! If we could harness QE we could easily slide past the speed of light in normal space without bending anything!! We could traval through time like one would travel to the local theater!! Of course if all of this were possible why have we not had visitors from other planets or from humans in the future? There must be more to this than we think. I'm sorry for blabbering about going at FTL speeds in normal space, how silly of me, thats impossible, but bending it or accessing higher dimensions with this amount of energy would be very possible. But how would one facilitate ZPFs and QE? Maybe by colliding quantum black holes and using gravity pulses to escalate and sustain the quantum fluctuations in till the waves would be like gamma rays only with space, that could gather some of the QE, but what about storing it? Like someone siad before 2 cups could wipe out all the water on earth into filaments of atoms flying through space, and the radiation from it (not to mention the lack of water) would wipe out everything on earth that is effected by radiation in that manner. I just had a scary thought, what if other civilizations COULDNT come to earth, or go anywhere, or do anything, ever, because they tried to harness vacuum energy and ended up wiping themselfs out instantly?! Geesus, that is a freaky thought! Maybe this energy cant be contained! Maybe we wernt meant to geta hold of it! Im sorry ive gotten way way off track, but maybe all this crap i just siad is incorrect anyway, i dunno, but this should get some interesting replys
The PK beam probably uses Tau photons, which are about 170 time heavier than regular photons. But this is assuming that photons have mass. But they could easily use another particle in the same family: the Muon. Muons are essentially big, heavy electrons that for some reason or another behave kinda like photons. The only problem I can think of (which seems to be a constant in this topic) is how to create them without a massive particle accelator, and xreate a whole lot of them. But again, I know almost nothing about muons so I could be totaly wrong.
One more thing. Quantum energy and ZP energy are the exact same thing. And as I said, if you could exclude an atom from the weak nuclear force, it implodes and converts it's entire mass into energy. I also said that some Finn may have discovered (or glimpsed anyway) a way to do this.
Anyway, what I've been wondering is what is a chronon particle? You know, the things the Sal gunships and HVDs have?
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
Railguns DO NOT work with E-magnets (not really), but only with electromagnetic forces. Here's some theory about it (from (url="http://"")http://www.cstp.umkc...cs/railgun.html(/url)
The theory behind the railgun is not overly difficult. It revolves around the simple equation: F=ILXB. The F stands for the force which will be acting on the bullet, the B is the magnetic
field the current through the rods (rails) and bullet will produce and L is the length between the rods. Using the 'right hand rule' one can see that the force, will push the bullet along the
rails and out the end of the 'gun'. Below is a crude example of how it will all work.
I -->
----------------------------------------- conducting rod (rail)
X X X X | | | |
B field | | |<-- Bullet L
X X X X | / | |
----------------------------------------- conducting rod (rail)
I <--
The velocity of the bullet goes as:
L'i^2t L' is the inductance of the rods
v = ------ i is current, t is durration of current pulse
2*m m is mass of the 'bullet'
Obviously, increasing the current is the best way to go about increasing the velocity of the bullet. We also decided to get some rare earth magnets to get some 'free' magnetic field to help
The Coilguns do use e-magnets to propel the projectile (infact those particle accelerators use the same method to propel particles) If I could get the stuff needed for making a coilgun I would make one .
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
They've got an amusement park here in California that uses those forces to propel a passenger carriage in a ride called SUPERMAN: THE ESCAPE.
I went there once, but quite frankly I don't care for being accelerated to 90mph, pushed 180ft. (straight up), and doing it again backwards before getting off.
-Ensign Slug
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
Yeah, I just want to say what an honor it has been to actually have an intelligent conversation with you guys for once.
It was nice
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
Yeah we have one of those SpaceShot amusementpark thingies here at Linnanmรคki (try to pronounce that with an English accent ) amusementpark too though I haven't tried it.
That Linnanmรคki means roughly castlehill.
By the way how many of you thinks that there are polarbears in Finland?
How many of you thinks that there is snow here even in summer, or that here's always dark, or other things like that, or did you probably think that Finland is possibly a state in USA, or in Siberia (or somewhere in Russia)??
Really just curious (and it's part of my schoolwork too (about other cultures)).
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
A Chronon particle was probably just made up in the last secound in the developement of the HVDs for the other races in netplay. But I did notice that Chronon sounds alot like chrono, which means time I'm pretty sure. So maybe its a made up particle that effects time differntly then most of the weapons in Ares. Im not sure, they might have just used that name because it sounded cool. Oh and GarbageMan: what were you smoking when you typed up that 600 word ramble? And how did you type while messed up on whatever it was you were messed up on? Thats quite a skill :rolleyes:
I'm probably making up physics here, but oh well.
For purely electronic shielding:
A ship could be equipped with energy projectors. Two could create a focal point of increased energy, and reversing the reaction used to create energy from the sun, energy could be transformed into a small amount of unstable matter. The matter would collide with an incoming object, and the object would be destroyed from collision. Any amount of the matter created would quickly decay, and there would only be small traces of the original reaction.
But I'm not even into high school, so if any of you can refine/brutally strike down this theory, I'll be thankful.
Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war
Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**But I'm not even into high school, so if any of you can refine/brutally strike down this theory, I'll be thankful.
Your wish is my command...
Origionally posted by Pallas Athene:
**A ship could be equipped with energy projectors.
Huh? Energy is transferred from matter to matter, not projected. ENERGY IS NOT A PHYSICAL THING.
Origionally posted by Pallas Athene:
**Two could create a focal point of increased energy, and reversing the reaction used to create energy from the sun...
A bunch of obtuse buzzwords. A " focal point of increased energy " would not reverse a fusion reaction. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Origionally posted by Pallas Athene:
**energy could be transformed into a small amount of unstable matter.
This would use massive amounts of energy to create a few atoms of mere hydrogen and anti-hydrogen. These would immediately collide and cancel each other out (the correct term is M/A annihilation) and you'd end up with what you started with : energy. Also, only a small amount (say ((3^x)รทtanx^2-(sin(x^2)-cos(x^2)))) of the matter would be unstable. That's mere electrons / positrons in relation to the whole mass created.
Origionally posted by Pallas Athene:
**The matter would collide with an incoming object, and the object would be destroyed from collision.
If an ICBM warhead can fly into outer-space, turn around, and survive re-entry through one of the thickest atmospheres in the solar system, I hardly think that a few hydrogen atoms would destroy a packet of fullerene. And because there would be an M/A Annihilation going on (producing 'spiral' energy as the boys down at Stanford call it (I've been to the particle accelerator there, neat piece of equipment)), the projectile would most likely be accelerated towards it's target!
Origionally posted by Pallas Athene:
**I'm probably making up physics here...
You are, but you are better than the average High School duh (I should know, because I go to College Park High).
Would you like to ride on your own ass?
-Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand