Development notes for Hera will now be posted here:
State of Hera 2000-02-11
16 31 537
I LOVE YOU ADMIRAL GRAMMATICUS!!! ----!!! Now where did I put those pills!?!?
BTW: What is that second password the forum there requires for you to post a reply (don't worry, my posts wouldn't be anything like this post)? Is the password going to be sent to Beta testors? (I'm not going to ask when it would be sent, Hera seems to be coming along well.)------------------
"Well try to kill them with a fork-lift!"
The Notorious Bounty
Boba Fett -
The progress forum is one-way. It's where developers working on projects for Ambrosia are supposed to whisper sweet nothings about their current obsessions.
You can post follow ups and outbursts of love here, in the Ares Engineering Dept. forum.
Yeah! Can't wait until it comes out! It's going to be awesome!
"Mess with the best, die like the rest!"Super Vegitto, oh yeh!
The 'Screenshots' button leads right back to the /upcoming page. No cookie for webmaster!
Replicant -
It says in the Pop-Pop progress report that "nate should just ship hera now! he has some brilliant ideas in his head for future titles and it killing me having to wait to play them. so everybody should sent him some encouragement, preferably in the form of money." I don't have any money to send to the Admiral, but what are these upcoming projects? Are they going to carry the Ambrosia banner, or is Nathan Lamont just working with Ambrosia for Ares?
In the next world war,
In a jack-knifed Juggernaut,
I am born again. -
Replicant wrote:
**The 'Screenshots' button leads right back to the /upcoming page. No cookie for webmaster!**
The Ambrosia folks are hard at work overhauling the whole site. They'll fix those buttons soon enough. In the meantime, you can go to (url="http://"") for screeshots of Hera.
Newt wrote:
**It says in the Pop-Pop progress report that "nate should just ship hera now! he has some brilliant ideas in his head for future titles and it killing me having to wait to play them. so everybody should sent him some encouragement, preferably in the form of money." I don't have any money to send to the Admiral, but what are these upcoming projects? Are they going to carry the Ambrosia banner, or is Nathan Lamont just working with Ambrosia for Ares?
**Isn't Andrew C sweet? We should all chip in and buy e.e. cummings jr. a shift key. He's got a bag full of tricks himself and you should keep your eye on him. A little bird told me that after pop-pop (he hates it if you call it plop-plop!) he's going to slap another ball out of the park with a devious and addictive puzzle game quite different than either battle girl or pop-pop.
As for my upcoming projects, well, they're coming up.
When do you think Hera will be finished? Can you send me an E-mail?
(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 02-13-2000).)
Well, I don't have 20 bucks... but would you care if I mailed you a quarter?
"Well try to kill them with a fork-lift!"
The Notorious Bounty
Boba Fett -
If we mail him money, we're relying on his honesty. While I'm fairly sure we can trust him, there's no way we can take the money back if he forgets about Hera
No, I'm not that cruel. I don't use the flamethrower on my
enemies. I save that for my
-caalaklael, the trigger
happy obiard -
"As for my upcoming projects, well, they're coming up."
While I am interested in what you're working on, Admiral Grammaticus (Or should I call you by your actual name?) I really want to know wether you are going to stick with Ambrosia or go work on your own. Will future products you make carry the Ambrosia logo?
In the next world war,
In a jack-knifed Juggernaut,
I am born again. -
Oh, do i look forward to the arrival of Hera.
Does it make multiplayer missions too?
If it does, it would be the Editor o' Gods!
If it doesn't, well, it would still be good, but the stardard 5-6 multi-player levels are starting to get dull.
Is there anyway you can get some additional missions now? I've heard on a chat channel that someone had a 3rd party mission set out.
Was that just spam? or have someone actually made some extra levels without hera?
Better call Skulder and Mully...Anyway, isn't there some kind of mailing list or something so you can be notified when a release is happending?
Does Ambrosia need any beta testers? If yes, contact me by any means possible! Pick me! Pick MEE!! What wouldn't i DO for a chance to beta test a Brosia Product.Finally, the Captains Dying Word no#0237
Trust me, that ship is harmless... -
Hera will be able to make multiplayer maps.
Hera beta testers have already been chosen, and AFAIK the beta is closed. There are plenty of people on the board who will be happy to let you know if they're testing.
No additional missions yet. The data in the RSRC files is too complex to be edited with reset, at least to make totally new levels. There is a hack to change level numbers, with the intent to use the "secret" levels. Information about that can be found (url="http://"")here.(/url)
Over and out.
Pax - Drew Harry
(url="http://"")Ares Axis -"...they say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?" - Terminal 2, Where are monsters in dreams, Marathon Infinity
Two questions:
1. How were the beta testers chosen?
2. Why does the Ambrosia site say "will enter beta soon"?
1. Grammaticus asked on the board. All who replied were chosen.
2. Construction in progress - many things need updating. When it's all done with, everything will be up to date.
Replicant -
I responded and was not chosen, explain that.
You are not ready for the truth.
The beta is closed. The recruitment and selection were handled by Andrew W.
Hera will enter beta soon. It is now completely functional -- that is, it allows you to create, edit, and save scenarios. I just copied the "Scratching Post" net scenario, made a few changes and was able to play it as a single player scenario in a few minutes.
There are some important issues which need to be ironed out, but not everything will need to be perfect for beta.
Things are going to get interesting.
Newt, I can't really tell you exactly what I'm going to be doing in the future.
If we were on the Ares beta, are we on the Hera beta?
-Shade(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)
"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"
(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)