Mike couldn't believe they caught him. He went through 6 months of rigorous training for just such an emergency. Then he remembered his PCD. He checked it and found that it was completly drained of energy. He had to think up a plan, and fast. He new most of the crew was gone in the lightings. That would leave twelve men gaurding the prisoners. There were 23 prisoners-all unarmed. Then he heard it. The screams the other woman was talking about. They were coming and there was nothing they could do about it. While one of the gaurds was listening to the screams Mike jumped up, grapped the pulse rifle and shot the gaurd to the floor. After disarming five more gaurds and distributing the weapons they shot the small creatures untill all that could be heard was the sizzling of the small bodies and a few more rounds being fired off.
Delta couldn't believe it. During the attack on the Barbarossa, none of his Lightnings had left the ground.
He looked around. At least no-one was going to hold him here for long. Implants in his right arm came on line, and a blade silently cut through the bonds there. He repeated the process on his legs, and removed the gag.
He shut off the cutting blade and activated the Pulse Cannon instead. He fired a blast into the wall, bringing three guards running, curious as to how he had both gotten free and gained a weapon.
He levelled his arm at them and said, "I don't want to fight. I want to get of this useless planet. Now just tell me what's going on, and we'll see if we can work something out... something mutually acceptable..."
Meanwhile, Pharris, in a Lightning, discovered that the convoy had apparently been left entirely alone, and that the unknown attackers had by now disappeared.
High Commander 8 Lightnings of Tetrik V
Also known as Captain Delta Farron. -
While Mike attacked several of the guards Athena quickly rose and began to knock out a few of the guards. After
MIke shot the last charge on his weapon Athena stared at him and asked, "Do you have a ship?"
MIke, "Excuse me?"
Athena, "I have been on this planet for 4 years, and I wanna get off of this place. If you can get me off this planet and
take me to a space station I can take myself from there. Now, do you have a working spaceship?" Mike scratched his two day old
scrufy beard, thought about it for a minute and then said, "Ok, I'll take you with me, but you have to promise not to touch any of my stuff."------------------
No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for. -
Mike led Athena away from the encampment to a large clearing.
"Where's your ship?" asked Athena.
Mike tapped a few controls on a pad a distortion appeared in the field and a large blue vessel appeared.
"Right here"
They both climbed aboard the cruiser and Mike began the pre-flight startup.
"What's all this junk?"
"Don't touch it."
"Sombody's a little grouchy today." said Athena after folding her arms and looking away.
"There all devices I've developed. They all do different things."
Mike took the ship up through the atmosphere and out into space. Suddenly the ship began shaking violently.
"What's that?" asked Athena.
"She's just being stubborn."
After the ship settled down, Mike warmed up the engines and the vessel shot into hyperspace. -
Pharris could't understand what had happened. The two ships that had downed the Barbarrossa had attacked with overwhelming force and precision entirely unprovoked and apparantly without reason. The convoy ships reported that all was well, and that they hadn't even seen the enemy ships, they had heard only the distress signal from the Barbarrossa before she entered the atmosphere, and were preparing rescue vehicles for launch.
Pharris didn't want the convoy to get hit, but he wasn't sure whether the planet's orbit was any safer than deep space. At least the huge container ships couldn't fall into a planet in deep space. He ordered six of the eight fighters to escort the convoy closer into the system, but kept them out of the planets orbit, so they could still escape easily. He took the other lightning with him to search for the Barbarrossa.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten! -
Jackson eyed him cautiously, not lowering his pulse rifle. Two of the prisoners had managed to kill the three men guarding the prisoners, and had fled into the night, he had watched their ship take off. He had men strung along the perimimiter reporting weird movement and noises, and this pirate who may or may not have just shot down his ship. Suddenly, his radio comlink turned on.
"Jackson, this is Wade, i've got movement on the number four camera, about to hit the wire, take a look."
"Got it."
he pushed the toggle on his gun, switching his HUD display from a command map to the number four camera. The infa red image was fuzzy, whatever was out there had given off a lot of heat, which was blurring its outline, but however bizzare its shape was, it was definitely there, and it was definitely sneaking over the perimiter.
"When it crosses the outer perimiter, send some shots over its head. If it keep advanceing, kill it. Those are standing orders for all sentries."
There was a chorus of "aye aye's" over the line, and he heard the crack of a pulse rifle snapping out single rounds. Suddenly, the VOX circuit cut in with a scream, and a warning light flashed on Jackson's command display. A calm computer voice said "Caparzo has been rendered unconcious" as the sensors in his suit registered the change in brainwaves and a large drop in blood pressure, triggering the display to a camera in the vicinity and the same bright contact moving out of frame in the cool night.
"All units, ROE Status is fire at will, repeat, fire at will!"
he turned to Delta then looked at the terrified prisoners in the center of camp, sitting nervously under the bright lights in the center of camp.
"Contact! Contact! They're in the wire! We've got bogies in the wire Sector four!"
He heard one of the squads flamethrowers go off, followed by one of the large chainguns opening fire as more and more voices declared contact over the radio circuit. Jackson turned back to Farron.
"What the hell is going on here? If this has anything to do with you I'll murder you and your whole damn crew myself! Talk, Dammit!"
As Farron was about to speak, something caught Jackson's eye, and he turned just in time to see a dark, shadowy figure clear the treeline, and jump one of the landing pods as it knocked over one of the lights guarding the crew. It turned and was about to wade into them as Jackson dropped to a knee and started pulling three round bursts into the beast. Suddenly there was a roar and the plasma blaster on Farrons arm dropped the thing. The few remaining charred shreds fell to the ground in a smoldering heap. Jackson looked at Farron.
"Get your men armed and get them on the wire. But don't try anything funny, I'm still watching you."
Jackson pointed to the pile of guns that the marines had confiscated then ran out to see what was happening on the perimiter, radioing the team about their new squadmates.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten! -
The dark ship scanned the small row of tankers leaving orbit. Apparently there were several ships that had violated their space. A signal was sent to the other dark ships lying in cloaked wait to atack.
Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students. -
I kinda wanted to see how this story would end so I'm reviving it. Hope nobody minds.
What PC REALLY stands for:
Piece of Crap, Pain Causer, Problem Creator, Physically Conspicuous, Painfully Corrupted, Power Constrictor, Perpetually Crashes, Particularly Complicated, Partial Computer, Produces Cussing, Provides Conflicts, Profusely Corded, Permanently Concerning, or Production Curtailor?- Michael Lovinger
Damn backlogs. This is going to take me days to read through!
Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change. -
(There are no backlogs. This is the first part of this RPG.)
The flies were no longer in small groups. The swarm had descended on the LZ. They had heard the rumble in time, and there had been just enough time. Jackson and Delta had reckognized the futility of even flamethrowers against the mass of the swarm, and had everyone into the escape pods and sealed them. It was only a matter of time now. Heatshield versus teeth. Lt. Jackson was normally a gunner, not an engineer, so he didn't know how strong the skin of the escape pods were, he just hoped that his Captain had found the Barbarrossa.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten! -
Jackson shuddered as he heard claws rake on the skin of the escape pod. Clicking noises of talons echoed through the hull as those creatures clambered about on the outside. Several sharp knocks came on the door to the hull, and a pair of incredible impacts left dents in the metal of the pod.
Then the noise stopped.
"Is anyone reading any noise, movement or otherwise out there?" said Jackson over the radio. Everyone who had survived the initial attack was in either his pod or the other pod. The majority were with him, and most of those that were the last ones in were in the other pod.
"I repeat, do you hear anything outside? Over."
Silence reigned on the radio.Dammit, something's up. I can't raise the other pod. thought Jackson worridly. He fiddled with the radio and continued to try and find a voice amongst the static.
The small soft creatures had been a sweet meat, and easier prey then most. Their weapons stung hard though, and many drones fell to the chattering guns. However, the soft primates could not aim fast enough nor retarget quick enough to stop the flow of the Hive. The drones closed rapidly on them, and forced them to flee into their hard shelled nests. One of those nests was far too hard skinned to tear into, though the drones tore off what antennas there were and shredded exposed wiring and conduits. Much of the machinery of the pods were scrap. The second pod was of a softer variety. The drones feasted upon the little softies, carrying some back to the hive for the larvae to feed and grow upon.
Now the swarm retreated back into the forest, perhaps to wait and see what would come of the last can full of food for them.
Now they waited and watched hungrily from the shadows.
A small ship, sensor cloaking on full shrieked through the atmosphere. Coasting in on autopilot, it hovered for a moment over a small open meadow before settling down to the ground.
Inside, the lone pilot of the craft readied his gear for the excursion ahead. The hunting was good on this planet, and the prey dangerous and worthy of a stalking. He couldn't wait to get started.Writer's note: If what I borrow from of this seems a tad like a movie (or movies), I apologize for that. They are good movies, and translate well into this particular scenario I think. I'll certainly keep the cheese factor to a minimum and work with what other people fling out as well. Questions, comments, e-mail me.:)
Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change. -
Back at earth
"Commander, you wanted to see me?""Yes Skyfox, the 8 Lightnings have disappeared."
"The 8 Lightnings are a squadron of lightnings commanded by Delta Farron.
They were due back at Centuri three days ago.""You want me to look for them?"
"Yes, we will give you a destroyer. You will go alone. You must find the fate of Delta Farron."
Truth is a double edged sword,
with it the ignorant newbe is beaten,
with it your mistakes are exposed.(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 01-15-2002).)
(I used to be MikeMTL but my profile got freaked up so I'm continuing as Mike.)
As Mike's ship blasted through the asteroid field Athena awoke from her sleep and came to the front control room.
"Where are we?" inquired Athena.
"We are going through an asteroid field." Mike replied with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
"I know that! I mean where are we related to the planet?"
"About 850 Parsecs out of the Teregon System."
"Then why are we---"
An alarm sounded and both of them were thrown to the cabin floor.
"What was that!" screamed Athena over all the weapons fire.
"We're apearantly under fire!"
"But how,"asked Athena,"there are no pirate forces in the Teregon System!"
"Well it looks as though there are now! Sit back and strap up. I'm gonna see what's goin on."
Mike punched a few keys on what apeared to be an alien control console and the view screen came to life with an Auromorian mercenary."Ha! I've found you, Commander!" came the gruffy alien voice. "Now turn over my ship"
"I don't think so, Oure. This is mine, and you know it." Mike replied.
"You never give up do you...Well, prepare to be disabled and boarded."
"I think not, lest you forget, I am the one with the advanced technology."At that, Mike tapped more buttons and the ship swung around and fired a few blasts from his turrets easily disabling the enemy ship.
"Ah, yes Commander, you do over power my ship," answered Oure,"but how about three more."
Just then three more ships decloaked and opened fire on Mike's ship.
(Scarry music)(Fade out)
(This message has been edited by Mike (edited 01-18-2002).)
The tarmac glistened in the Arizona sun. The blistering heat and Radiation from launching shuttles were almost unbearable.
Skyfox looked across the place to where the destroyer had been parked. '8 lightning's, disappeared? How do the military expect me to do anything?'
Shrugging, he firmly walked across the pavement to the destroyer and clambered aboard. As soon as he was aboard, the doors closed behind him.
Skyfox walked into the control room, put his key card into the slot. "computer and guidance system ON" a computerized voice replied. Grabbing the joystick, he pulled it up ever so lightly. The roar of rocket engines drowned the cockpit, upwards the destroyer soared.
Skyfox stood there, looking at a peace of paper showing the rout the 8 lightning's had planed to take. Where would they be? He pondered.
Truth is a double edged sword,
with it the ignorant newbie is beaten,
with it your mistakes are exposed.(This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 01-18-2002).)
"When can we go, chief?"
"We could fly around in the atmosphere for a few hours like this, but I doubt we could get into orbit without another day or so for repairs. Without some serious work, our burners might turn to slag if we fired them."
"Close up what you've done. We're going to pick up the marines. Now"
"Aye aye, we'll be good to go in five."
Pharris walked out of the engineering room then out into the clearing. As the ship roared to life behind him, he climbed into the lightning, then took off, with the Barbarossa and lightning 4 behind him. They flew west, the sun lifting off of the horizon behind them.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten! -
Three systems later skyfox warped into the Teregon System.
The sensors on the destroyer perked up. Four ships appeared on his density scanner.
Then a shiver ran down his spine. There were energy spikes, the kind only one race had the power to make. The Sue'nonians.
He saw that the Sue'nonian ships were attacking another ship.
"This is Earth Destroyer "Evening Star" calling unidentified vessel. State your intentions."
Mike replied "Look sire im kinda busy right now.(Sounds of burning metal) uh, could you give me a hand? These guys are going to tear me to bits!"
With that skyfox pushed the throttle to full. Three seconds later his destroyer had reached the battle scene. By then mikes ship had been disabled and the lead Sue'nonian fighter was preparing to board it.
The destroyer opened fire. A storm of missiles and lasers pored into the third fighter, destroying it completely. The two other fighters then saw the destroyer and immediately cloaked.
Where did they go? skyfox wondered. His density scanner showed nothing.
"Red Alert" "Red Alert" the two fighters appeared right behind the destroyer and opened fire. The right weapons pod on the destroyer blew up in a tremendous explosion.
Turning his destroyer as fast as he could skyfox swung to meet the fighters again. The fighters quickly cloaked again. But this time skyfox was ready. He opened up at where the fighters last cloaked. And shure enough another one exploded in a ball of fire.Being on guard for last fighter the destroyer slowly moved towards mikes wounded ship. Performing a hasty docking maneuver he connected. Setting weapons to "computer controlled" he took his gun, personal shield and climbed through the hatch into mikes ship...
It's time for a new challenge.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them... -
Lightning 4 and the Barbarossa shrieked over the landscape towards the last known position of the downed marines. The two ships passed over the two battered escape pods, circled and landed in the clearing nearby. Jackson and the remains of the marines ran from the intact escape pod towards the waiting loading ramp on the Barbarossa.
"Thank god you got here. No telling when those fiends might come back." shouted Jackson as Pharris and some additional marines disembarked the Barbarossa.
"We ought to get out of here as soon as possible sir." said Jackson.
"In a minute, what the hell happend here?" replied Pharris. Some of the marines were looking at the second shredded escape pod. Bodies were everywhere, many of them were torn asunder. Blood soaked everything. Pharris choked back the urge to vomit.
"What did this Jackson?"
"I don't know sir, but we certainly weren't equipped to deal with their numbers or tactics."
Pharris nodded "Everyone back on the ships. We're out of here."
The marines scrambled back onto the Barbarossa. The loading ramp closed behind the last marine and the Barbarossa began its liftoff cycle.What nobody noticed was the small host of creatures that scrambled from the nearby underbrush. Totally hidden by the thick foliage, four figures rushed towards the Barbarossa and scurried up the landing feet and into the interior of the ship.
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long." -
The whole group had touched down far away from the forest crash site, in the middle of a large, flat prarie. They had landed and secured a ridiculously large perimeter, with sensors and cameras placed over several square miles around the gunship. The Lightnings were kept ready to go, while engineering broke down the Barbarrossa's orbital boosters.
Outside, tents had been put up, and the Barbarrossa's mess crew were roasting a large beast that the Marines had shot trying to cross the perimeter. Everyone was relaxing in the sun, enjoying the warmth and light, even though flamethrowers and machine guns on auto-targeting tripods were all around, and fighters were humming, ready to lift off at a moment's notice.
Pharris was inside, monitoring the progress on the engines. He didn't feel right, and knew that he probably wouldn't until he was back with the convoy, that was sending down repair supplies in the next hour. Once the shuttle arrived with the spare parts, it wouldn't be long.
The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!