Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • We all knew this would happen (RPG related)

      I was being optimistic for far too long. The RPG has become inane, boring, and convoluted, and has degenerated beyond repair. I've been debating and discussing this for a while, and it has become clear that the best thing to do for the storyline is to just put it out of it's misery. And from what I can tell, no one will be too offended by this. But in case I'm wrong, don't fret; I'm only killing the interactive part, since the story got to the point where it wasn't geared to be handled easily on a web board. I will be starting over by making it a series of chronicles, and doing so from an interesting perspective. Those of you who still want in (this will be signifigantly more work) are more than welcome to help. I'm sorry for an inconvenience, but the story had become too personal, I got too greedy and controling, and everything just went to hell.

      In the meantime, Slug will be starting something of his own. I hope we all learned something from this flop.

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

    • This is sad, but I knew it'd fall over sooner or later.

      If our military is so much better than theirs, then why don't we ever use it?

    • Rules:

      1. New characters. Be a character affiliated with a different race. I'm now a UNS Captain.

      2. No personal Races out of the blue. I was getting sick of deleting such posts:


      Uh, then a wormhole opens up and my all-powerfull empire destroys everyone

      If you must have one, (url="http://"")email(/url) me first.

      1. Don't invent a new superweapon every other post.

      2. Try to get in as many fights as you can 🙂

      If our military is so much better than theirs, then why don't we ever use it?

    • No major objections (I'm now free to do my own projects), but *嵘, I'd just finished the Riaxx graphic too. Good ridance to bad rubbish.I'd suggest keeping the members down to no more than 6, to prevent confusion.

      I guess I could find another use for the graphics, but I've got other things to work on (like modeling/rendering the PHCS, learning Hera, and playing with my Xmas loot 😉 ), and might not have much of a place for them in future works. Maybe I will take my "personal empire" and do a plug with it someday.

      I plan to join this RPG. Can pirate overlord call themselves Fleet Admirals? I like the position of a daring and successful pirate.

      Error: target is violating the laws of physics
      Error: target is locally exceeding c
      Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
      Error: target cannot be hit

      (This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 12-25-2000).)

    • I still have evry intention of make scenarios with the plot so don't give up on the whole thing yet. It was suffocating as an interactive RPG, but that's the only area where I'm stopping it.

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

    • I decided to stay and edited my post.

      I guess this means I'll work on StormBreaker 's sprite after the current work-in-progress finishes. It's my most ambitious to date (it's not for the RPG, tho), and might take awhile.

    • well...i guess i'm sorry i ever tried to come to the webboards...but its hard to enter into the story as someone from one of the races, you know? you all read my posts, right? so, i just want to know if anyone objects with anything i said. and i dont think i will make anymore "superweapons". the spiders were a convienient way of improving my fleet. and i would never use it on anyone else other than pirates or rivals, who, having seen my technology, would start using it on me...that is, if the RPGs continued...and would be balanced. And i did have losses when the "dark" attacked me in the nebula. The Rho torpedoes do have a drawback, they can be jammed easily. and sorry if my ship was from another universe. i liked the Stars! game and having a ship like the MetaMorph was sort of a dream come true. If there is any way i could be in the chronicles or whatever, i would love to be in it. I think i would like to be allied with Darkk as he was the one who let me have the 10 salvages frigates, and he was the one who came to me first, made my alliance with him happen. My ship does have drawbacks too, like teleporting takes up phenomenal amounts of fuel and has a sort of medium chance of taking damage. That will be all that my ship will have, if im allowed to continue with the story. I liked it better when everyone was attacking each other anyway. Perhaps what happens after "The Conflict" is that the dark is managed to be stopped and something happens that stops all current alliances between all the races and everyone hates each other again...if this could happen, whoever was with whoever would start attacking each other again and the RPG could continue again...i think the Starlance thing made everything too difficult. I guess im not experienced with RPGs, so i dont really know if this solution would help anything...Sarg, e-mail me if i could be in the RPG thing. well, anyway, Merry Christmas!!!

      Your Horoscope for Today (Wierd Al):
      Your birthday will be ruined once again by your explosive flatulence
      Your love life will run into trouble when your fiance hurls a javelin through your chest

      (This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 12-25-2000).)

    • I was wondering, why did you decide to make the Ishimans abandon the humans? They ARE a protectorate, so they would probably want to make sure that their effort would not be in vain, and would continue to supply aid, at least. It would seem that the Ishimans, Elejeetians and Humans came out of the Ares conflict as powerful allies.

      Also, I'm going to register a new name, I want to try my hand at running a race, I just have to pick one.(would the Ishimans or Badizanese be too much to ask?)

      -Captain Pharris


    • Fine. You're a Bazidanese border captain.

      If our military is so much better than theirs, then why don't we ever use it?

    • Well, I'm glad that there is a new fresh RPG for everyone to play around with. Myself, I think I'll hang on to my old character, he's still alive and other than a missile fetish, doesn't have technologies that are too far out there. A good human complete with obsessions with high-explosives.

      Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audientor Ito

    • But... but...

      I was just getting to the best part of my subplot!

      Can I still be 8 Lightnings? I know things will be different but this was my primary site for developing his character!

      I will change his fleet, point of origin, etc., though. I'd like to be a Subcommander in the Obish Stellar Navy, second in command of an Escort. I'd like to get in a word or two about the Obish in the course of my story.

      Is there going to be a huge uberplot in this? I think it'd be fun if the members ran most of the plot, with only a little... guidance?

      8 Lightnings
      Fleet: Lightning 1, Surge, Eagle, Endurance, Voltare, Alecto, Magaera, Tisiphone
      "CRUISER DESTROYED. 91 remaining" -Ares, chapter 9, Hand Over Fist

      (This message has been edited by 8 Lightnings (edited 12-26-2000).)

    • More rules:

      -No hyperspace/omnispace/quasispace/subspace! You use Gateships and jumpgates to get about.

      -No personal races, but there are a few exceptions to this:

      You can bring in a new race, but you can't be the supreme leader of it.
      The new race should not be powerfull
      If it is, then you can't be a member of it and we all have to fight the race or something.

      -No superships

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • is there any way to fit me in as say, a sal assasin/agent?

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • You can be a Cantharan hunter-killer Assassin.

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • nah catharans and gatori are weird, any others?

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • aw come on, sal fits so well, they need some help vs this pre-emptive strike buisness

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • Can there be evil NPC superships that we all have to kill? You know, like the StarLance?
      I promise to try very hard to avoid giving myself any powers too great.

    • Sure Darkk, that's sorta what I meant but you put it a lot better than I did.

      Pyro: You can't be a Salrilian Assassin because the Salrilianns don't have assassins. Cantharan is good for your personality, though.

      Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.

    • hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... catharan hunter-killer hmmmmmmmmm.... nah. Im stil interested in sals mainly because in all my plugs i portray them as bad. What kind of positions do sals have anyways?

      just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
      nickel count: 7

    • Im asking if anyone approves with my ship and story of how i came into this universe. I dont know if my ship is "all-powerful" but it is a tough little ship...if anyone disapproves with it, please let me know...

      Your Horoscope for Today (Wierd Al):
      Your birthday will be ruined once again by your explosive flatulence
      Your love life will run into trouble when your fiance hurls a javelin through your chest