And then the universe went black. Or so it looked to Slug at least. To everyone else who could watch, a large delta/stingray shaped vessel wedged itself between the carrier it dwarfed, and the beam that would have finished it. A sparking yellow glow enveloped the massive ship as its shields absorbed the blast; only new Salrilian Tetrashields are able to do that. At the same time, the remaining Audemedon ships began to act erratically as their command lines were being shifted and reconfigured. Below the massive stingray-like ship were the swirling blue-green ebbs of a jumpgate almost everyone had been too busy to notice, from which poured a cloud of mixed Salrilian, Cantharan, Gaitori, and more Audemedon ships.
Spammo looked at the screaming sensors in utter confusion, as did Cicion and the other fleet commanders. Slug mustered the strength and coherencey to catch an incoming transmisison. On the screen flickered a familiar human with long silver hair anda long black coat, poised on a bridge. "I'm not letting you get away that easily, Slug." He said sith a smirk.
The com lines suddenly opened up to the entire fleet. "Follow the orders given to you." was all that was said, and battle plans were innundating the consoles of nearly all the command ships.
"Never thought I'd be so glad to see him." Spammo remarked.
"Sir, these patterns don't make any sense! They aren't any more than random piloting!"
"Right now, anything would help. Just follow them for now; I think Nosferatu here has a plan."
Cicion couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh in relief. According to the Phylydia's sensors, Sargatanus had brought with him the 1st through 5th Salrilian fleets, 3rd through 9th Cantharan fleets, the entire 2nd Gaitori Armada, and a legion of Audemedon heavy assult warships.
"He always did know how to make an entrance." Cicion muttered to himself.
"I'm sorry, my lord Taeskor?" Asked the ensign.
Cicion glared at him. "What did I tell you about calling me that?"
"I apologize, sir. Orders?"
Follow those battle patterns. I think I see what he has in mind.
"What's going on?" Darvonsal asked his crew pensively.
"I'm not sure, sir." Replied an ensign. "Sensors indicate that 3,463 ships have entered the system."
"Mosquitos to be swated. I meant why did that ship not disintegrate? What are its shields?"
"I'm not sure, but it looks like they use a similar principal to ablative shielding, and they are at 79%"
"Do any of those other ships have them?"
"Only the ones of similar design, of which there are only twenty."
Darvonsal grinned to himself. "Childsplay."
The fleet, now being coordinated by Sargatanus, coalesced and frothed like a massive amoeba. The battle plans that flashed across each screen seemd more and more to be randomness, but the pilots and commanders obeyed them nonetheless. Strangely, orders were being given to fire weapons to nowhere for no appearent reason, ships were told to move in an odd manner and fortify shields in one particular area, and empty fuel and cargo pods were to be strategically dropped. Anxiety rose with the baffled commanders, but they still obeyed orders. Sargatanus came on a broadcast, with the sword drawn: "All ships, follow your assigned battle plans. Prepare maximum thrust on my mark. Hold..."
The fleet of dreadnoughts was not sitting idle by while their opponants reorginized. They let loose another rain of disruptor fire and began to lurch forward.
"Hold..." The hundreds of green beams raced for the fleet, which continued its seemingly random plot.
"Hold..." His voice was beginning to fill with anticipation as the disruptor shots entered the fleet. And now the plan came to sight. The disroptor shots began to split, bounce and ricochet off weapon shockwaves, shrenthened shields, and disposed stroage pods. Some shots were absorbed, but most of them bounced like clockwork from thei obsticles.
"Hold..." He was about ready. Every ship began to turn to their assigned direction, and the disruptor beams still caused to sphere of ships to glow. Occasionally, a pilot would miss his mark or order and pay a price, but for the most part the plan was functioning perfectly. Then it happened.
"Now!" Sargatanus shouted on the screen, thrusting down the sword in traditional military fasion. The timing had been perfect: each disruptor shot that hadn't been absorbed by a storage pod or careless pilot was reflected back towards the cluster of dreadnoughts. At the same time the sphere of ships surged like a jellyfish to surround the StarLance and its clones, with another surge of capital ship filing out of the center of the group, including the Vindictive, Phylydia, Barabosa, numerouse carriers, G'Sal battle cruisers, Keojia (sp?) class cruisers, and verious other escorts.
The disruptor barage hit the Dreadnought fleet like a sledgehammer. Though the StarLance itself weathered the attack, some of its clones had damaged shields, or lost them completely and had their hulls marred. These were clearly not up to par with the StarLance.
Within minutes, the Dreadnoughts were surrounded and had no choice but to spread themselves in every direction, neglecting the line of ships going full speed at their center. At the front of the assult were the Vindictive and Phylydia flying side by side; something neither commander would have thought possible. Sargatanus came over the screen to his neighbor: "Cicion, have your escorts take all the shots they can at our surrounding ships. We and our primary ships will go full force towards the StarLance and unload everything we have. Clear?"
"As a crystal. Kiojea group Vixen into formation Gamma-5. Keep us clear. Tac, arm all weapons, and prepare to fire."
So many weapons were firing that the view looked like something an archaic groupd from Earths past would have called psychadelic. The enveloping shroud of a fleet began to close in on the dreadnoughts. Though not as strong as their parent ship, the StarLance clones were still formidable foes. The ensuing explosions from ships and weapons turned almost all of the space within to a glowing blob of energy and debris.
Cicion watched as one of the dreadnoughts crumpled and shrank into almost nothingness in a briliant blue flash. The spacial distortion that followed tugged at his ship. "What was that?"
"We have developed a weapon that can compress space to the point where anything in it is crunched into a singularity."
"You're using a weapon like that in this region of space!? You could rip this sector to shreds!"
"We have more important things to worry about. The StarLance in only 4600km ahead. When we get there, we split up. You attack the top, I will attack its belly. Our escorts will surround and attack every target of opportunity."
"Roger. All units, prepare to engage."
Darvonsal had been gritting his teeth for almost ten minutes now. How could a Human be so foolish? He thought. Pity. He will have to learn as well.
"Tactical, prepare to fire another chronokinetic charge at that traitorious human admiral." Darvonsal barked.
"Sir, we're picking up numerous spacial distortions. Firing would make this region of space even more unstable."
Darvonsal glared at the ensign and replied coldly: "What did I just say?"
The ensign sighed. "Yes, sir." And pushed in the order.
"It's your call, Sarg." Cicion crackled over the radio. "We've got full weapons charge and are nearing nominal range."
"Excelent. Preparing for primary cannon fire and death blossom, powering up focused singularity projector-"
He was cut off by the glowing forn end of the StarLance.
"All units split and attack at full speed! Fire the projector at that beam!"
A blur ran through space at the same time the chronokinetic cannon fired. The two beams met in a blinding flash that sent the surrounding space rippling like river rapids.
Cicion came on the radio again, in an aggrevated state. "What the hell did you do!? Are you out of your mind!?"
"Just do your job and attack that ship!"
The line of ships split and enveloped the StarLance. Escorts swarmed around it, ate away at its shields and attracted the defenses. The Phylydia lumbered over, flare bolt cannons and compression cannons blazing away leaving scarring and pockmarks on the StarLance's hull. The Vindictive flew just under, narrowly avoiding a disruptor blast and spacial eddies. Using the full power of the shields, the Death Blossom forced its way through the Starlance's shields, and a bright spray of antimatter plasma carreened at hyperspace speeds into the dreadnoughts belly, carving a straight gash through the armor.
A Salrilian crewman turned around. "Your Eminance, that attack used all the weapons power we will have for some time. We will not be able to do another attack for several minutes."
"We've made our mark, anyway. Just keep us moving and start attacking the rest of the dreadnoughts when ready.
The rest of the fleet was not having near as much luck. Though the other StarLance's were cheap replicas, they were still proving to be a difficult task, even for over 5,000 ships. The battle raged and showed no sign of giving way to either side.
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 11-06-2000).)