Egad! I knew I should have sent that letter on sunday! Why didn't I? All I had to do was push the button, but noooo. I had to work on-... I... I was this- I.
Congratualations Laguna! I can't tell you how incredibly happy I am for you! (Seriously. I can't, I'm choking here!) ![;) 😉](
No but honestly. I'm glad someone got the job. The job is (or should be) the main thing. It's not the prestige that comes with it (although I'm sure we all like to think so), or the power.... I wouldn't mind the power, ahem, but the duty of these humble servants "to serve and protect us from the tyrany of this age! We're going to go on! We're going to survive! Today we declare our INDEPENDENCE DAY!"
the crowd goes wild! three rows of stealth planes soar overhead in triumphiant-
Back to reality.
Note: This is comic relief. I had almost applied, but alas... I was too late (and I didn't push da butt'n). :frown:
C o n g r a t s L a g u n a !