Sundered Angel's voice crackles over the staticy channel.
OK peoples, the attack is on.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Sundered Angel's voice crackles over the staticy channel.
OK peoples, the attack is on.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Angel flight, reportin' in.
All weapons primed and ready. Assuming flight positions.
-Semper ubi sub ubi-
Cicion's voice comes over the speakers. This is Cicion. My armada is in position, ready to engage Omnispace drive. The independant fleets are about to assume formation. Shields up, weapons ready. The Taeskor Battlegroup is ready to land.
Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
(Listen up Andrew M. YOU'RE NOT IN THIS!!! And you obviously have read little (if any) of the topic about the ring, or the little part where I said "No more fleets alowed." So stop cluttering my plot and GO AWAY!!! )
(This message has been edited by Admiral Sargatanus (edited 03-15-2000).)
Encrypted message come through
The Nijayias border harassing has worked; all fleets except Trisar's have left Salril, and I have been put on defense alert to "intercept a possible threat to the home system."
Alright people, let's kick the tires and light the fires. Engage slipstream jumpgate.
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
Lieutenant, prepare to engage Omnispace! All ships enter Omnispace on my mark! All fleets, stand by! Three, two, one, mark! The entire PPA is shrouded in a multi-colored shroud as they engage Omnidrive.
Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
gei's voice crackles over the channel
My two destroyers and the diversionary force are ripping these carriers to shreds. This is easy. Too easy, as a matter of fact......
Thre has ben a chg* of plan*. My ships will te nto the* carr wing nd lure he my's 5th flt aw, giv yo >BOOM< r shis a w**dw of time to mk a d**ect run a* the r*ng.
Hey, where did all the stars go?
Don't play stupid with me,
I'm better at it.
My entire force has been teleported somewhere. The Sals sure have one hell of a gateship! I'd like to study it!
Just before I was thrown out here, I received a transmission from one of the dreadnoughts.
Here; I'll replay it for you :
presses button
'Hi guys, remember me? This is what you get for telling me to shut up.
Sincerely : **** (former agent and rebel)
can you guys make any sense out of this?
I'm new here.
Don't play stupid with me.
I'm better at it.
Hmmm, it seems that so far the battle is going as planned, but I have a funny feeling about this...
El Spamo, you prepare the rest of Angel Flight. I'm taking Angel One to check something out. Wish me luck.
Sundered Angel, out.
Roger Command. Angel flight is moving into attack formation.
Angel 4, Angel 5. Move to the fore. Prepare all weapons and arm your warheads. We'll be going in hot and fast. Don't screw it up.
Angel flight, accelerate to attack speed. Time ta light 'em up.
The quintet of fighters streaks towards the massive ring in the distance, the space between starting to swarm with enemy ships
Distract those ships, or we'll never make it thourgh!!
-Semper ubi sub ubi-
As the other five fighters close on the Ring, the sixth fighter, with Sundered Angel piloting it, is lost within the blackness between the stars.
Don't worry everyone, I'll be back...
Sundered Angel, over and out.
Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
need some help?
(Xwarp Human enhanced-gunship jump's in and start's distracting enemy ships)
(This message has been edited by Xwarp (edited 03-17-2000).)
The PPA drops out of Omni space right on top of Trisar's fleet. All right, people, let's show these slugs Phylydia's opinion of the Salrilian Empire! All ships, assume attack formation! Lieutenant, launch three squadrons of fighters to soften up the Sal fleet! Target that HVD that's headed for us. Steady... Gunnery, fire main flare bolt cannons! Crimson flare bolts project from the Phylydia's main guns, hitting the HVD and snapping it in half. All turrets, fire at will!
Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
Trisar has just asked for assistance with the Phylydion fleet. Let's see what he thinks of this...
Sargatanus' flagship Absolution maneuvers to the bulk of Trisar's capitol ships, who don't suspect a thing. The Death blossom fires, lancing all the surrounding heavy ships.
It's too bad Trisar wasn't in that group. Anyway this fleet should be as much of a problem. But it looks like it caught the attention of the Cantharans, I've got two distinc fleet transponders coming through.
Alarms sound wildly
Everyone move! We've just picked up a large magnetic anamoly coming from the star. We have about eight minutes before the plasma stream hits.
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
A flight of 15 Salrilian and a carrier smashes through gei's fleet
The carrier starts chewing away on Commander Cicon's ships
I'm Ba-aaaack!
(this is what you get for telling me to shut up :mad: )
Have a nice day!
-Slug (former agent and rebel)
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.
boom :mad:
I have 3 destroyers on my tail!
boom :frown:
W*'r* taking hevy damag!!
I'm ordering my entire fleet to retrat, tht mens -
boom :frown:
- Tat means yu guys are on yur own.
heavy static
-you treacherous basterd, Slug
I will hnt you dwn if it'* the l*st thing I ever do!
night sky begins to flash as dozens of ships warp out
"Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Act I, scene I
Ships lie burning in space all around. Several Sal gunships and two carriers burst apart as they are holed by focused fire from multitudes of ships. Another spear of Sal cruisers lead a charge into an arm of the Phylydian's fleet. A carrier and several cruisers shudder apart, spewing shrapnel and debris as they are ripped apart by the furios assault. The Sal cruisers are vaporized to the man. Through the raging maelstrom of the battle, a quintet of fighters streaks towards the distant Salrillian Ring
El Spamo's voice crackles back on the transponder
We're encountering heavy debris out here, and AA fire is putting up a dense field of flak. Angel 3, Angel 6, lay down suppressing fire on that carrier!
Two of the fighters peel off the formation and attack the hovering Sal carrier. Dodging the flying flak streaming from cannons the fighters silence the guns leaving a clear corridor for the rest of the formation. One of the remaining functioning guns tears into the rearmost fighter, sending it spinning and burning out of control
Angel 6! Report! Command, we've lost Angel 6. All fighters continue with the attack. Good flying Angel 6.
We are closing on the ring now, range 5000 km. Angel 4 and 5, begin your attack runs.
two more of the fighters streak ahead of the group and line up for an attack. One provides cover fire while the other releases a bomb over an exposed patch of scaffolding BOMBS AWAY!!
-Semper ubi sub ubi-
The first bombs just miss the target.
Looks like you'll have to do another run. But you'd better hurry, fifteen Audemedon interceptors are closing on your position fast.
Three support ships explode near the ring shields
What the hell was that!? pauses Damn! The death blossom ramge on the ring is about 25% farther than we thought.
Notices the situation with Angel Wing
Helm, get us within focused singularity range and take out what ever hostiles you can. This looks like the last shot our fighters are going to have at this.
Angel 2 and Angel 7 go down
" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.
Left flank, open fire on Slug's ships! After they are destroyed, get us out of range of that plasma stream! The entire left flank of the Phylydion Primary Armada opens fire on Slug's force, making short work of it. The rest of the fleet continues to drive deeper into Trisar's formation. Then the fleet regroups out of range of the plasma stream.
Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
BOOM :mad:
Several of Cicon's ships, badly mauled and engulfed in flames, make a kamikaze attack on several of Slug's gunships
You can destroy me, but the Gateship will warp in more and more reinforcements.
For every ship you destroy, three more will replace it.
Very loud explosion; transmission starts to break up :mad:
Betcha guys are wonder*ng how the Salrilian-Audemedon **madas were so prepared.
This is just a personal reply for telling me to shut up.
You may experience some light turbulence as you are quashed.
In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.
-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.