I'd have to find the story again. I wrote it on the school computers and printed it that day. I still have the marked copy somewhere in my filing, but that could take some time to unearth.
Besides, countless things have changed since that initial spark of creativity, and I wouldn't even directly call it canon any more.
The following, however, is.
No two NDC stations are manufactured to the exact same specifications. As an anchored stellar structure, they are manufactured on-site according to purpose and function, equipped with custom sensor arrays to cut through local interference, or larger artillery cannons to repel enemy fleets near the front lines. This particular one is called the NCS Auriga, stationed over Maxwell II. Providing long-range artillery and fleet repair services, the station's three primary docking arms give it a spidery look in the night sky. It is one of only a few stations actually capable of servicing Dominant-type cruisers, which in most cases are large enough to serve as mobile support bases completely by themselves. The station is currently the testing site for an experimental artillery cannon capable of projecting concentrated nuclear firepower over more than one eighth of a light year, an unprecedented range for even the most advanced focused Nichron cannons.
NCS Auriga Test Model, showing "front" approach to station.

NCS Auriga Test Model, showing aft of station.

P.S.: This kitbashing thing is REALLY delivering good results, but even it becomes arduous and tiresome at times. This station is once again made entirely out of pieces and parts from other vessels, and yet it still took more than six hours of gluing and placing to create it. See those little "ribs" down the back portion of the station, like structural supports? Yeah, that's a piece I only used ten times while creating the Alexander.
This post has been edited by Delphi : 07 May 2010 - 07:19 AM