WOO HOO! I made a new ship all by myself, and I didn't screw it up! Thanks to Jalisurr and DarthKev for helping me figure it out. I am now working on a slew of ships, and outfits. Hopefully I will soon have a full file to offer. Jalisurr, DarthKev, if you want, I can send you guys a sneak peek of my newer stuff, so let me know if you're interested.
One more thing. I want to make a spob space station where I can sell my ships/outfits. I want to put it in an unoccupied system, such as Capella, or Spica. Can anyone give me a rundown on how I would go about doing that? I eventually want to be my own 'government,' including my own licenses/permits, but that can wait a while.
Anyone able to offer some help?
Okay, so I took Capella 1 (in the Capella system) and turned it inhabited. I have the desc(s) in place, but I can't find an ID for a picture for the bar, or the mainpage. Where do I find these? I also would like to make missions available, for the moment, something simple like bringing in 10 tons of cargo from a random spob.
In essence, I have everything operational, except the pict(s). Help?
I'm glad to see you're starting to figure things out! See, we told you you could do it.
The pïc you see on landing should be able to be set from the spöb. I'm not familiar with EVNEW, being on a mac, but there should be an option there somewhere. As far as I know, bars don't get pictures. If you mean the news network picture, that is controlled by the government the spöb belongs to.
EDIT: Oh, and just for future reference, if nobody else has posted yet, it's usually preferred that you edit your original post than post again, unless your topic has been inactive for a while and dropped off the top section of the boards.
This post has been edited by Jalisurr : 16 August 2011 - 08:27 AM
EVNEW should tell you associated resources IDs if specific resource IDs are required. If you look usually towards the bottom of the editor windows, it will tell you what the DESC resource associated ID is, the landing PICT resource, ect.
One place where that does get a little odd is with the large shipyard pictures. To create a large shipyard picture, you'll need to actually point the DESC resource to the PICT resource you want. But, for the most part, EVNEW is pretty good about telling you where it needs things. David Arthur is, last I knew, continuing to work on a Windows build of his Mission Computer software, which is even better at giving you associated IDs and even opening the associated editors for you. Right now, it can't do PICT resources or a few others, but it's quite excellent for many other things.
The only two IDs I can see in the spob thingy are Landing Desc ID and Bar desc ID. Hmmm. Odd.
Here's the file. If you look at it in your editor, maybe it'll give you the pict ID and you can tell me? http://dl.dropbox.co...20planet%29.rez
And Jalisurr, I'll edit from now on. Sorry about that.
Edit: And so long as someone is looking at this file, the gov't isn't matching up (Capella is still Fed). I'm sure I overlooked something, but a little feedback would be welcome. lol I did change the govt ID in the file on the planet, but it's not matching. Ideas?
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 16 August 2011 - 12:47 PM
The ‘Type’ field in the spöb resource is what decides both the sprite used in-game, and the wide image used in the landing window. You can create your own types by adding the relevant spïn, rlëD, and PICT resources (the spïn identifies which rlëD to use, but it and the PICT are tied together entirely by matching their IDs to the same formula used in the game data files). You can also specify a custom landing image without changing the sprite by entering the ID of your PICT resource in the ‘CustPicID’ field.
I think you can also give the bar a picture by entering the ID of a PICT resource into the ‘Graphic’ field of the bar’s dësc resource.
If you want to change the government, you need to change it in both the spöb and the sÿst resource. I expect you have a planet belonging to your government, but in a Federation system. This can be occasionally useful in certain storylines, such as a system where one planet has rebelled against the overall government, but probably isn’t what you want here.
@david-arthur, on 16 August 2011 - 01:08 PM, said in Success!:
The ‘Type’ field in the spöb resource is what decides both the sprite used in-game, and the wide image used in the landing window. You can create your own types by adding the relevant spïn, rlëD, and PICT resources (the spïn identifies which rlëD to use, but it and the PICT are tied together entirely by matching their IDs to the same formula used in the game data files). You can also specify a custom landing image without changing the sprite by entering the ID of your PICT resource in the ‘CustPicID’ field.
I think you can also give the bar a picture by entering the ID of a PICT resource into the ‘Graphic’ field of the bar’s dësc resource.
If you want to change the government, you need to change it in both the spöb and the sÿst resource. I expect you have a planet belonging to your government, but in a Federation system. This can be occasionally useful in certain storylines, such as a system where one planet has rebelled against the overall government, but probably isn’t what you want here.
Okay, I got the govt changed, thanks. Now I need to figure out how to get the Fed ships out of my system, and put my own ships in their place.
As for the 'custpicid,' where can I find that in EVNEW?
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 16 August 2011 - 01:27 PM
@avi-kerensky, on 16 August 2011 - 01:20 PM, said in Success!:
Now I need to figure out how to get the Fed ships out of my system, and put my own ships in their place.
The sÿst resource lists a selection of düde resources, which determine the ships appearing in the system. You can replace them with the IDs of otehr düde resources, or of course create your own.
@avi-kerensky, on 16 August 2011 - 01:20 PM, said in Success!:
As for the 'custpicid,' where can I find that in EVNEW?
It’s in the spöb resource, but I don’t know how EVNEW labels it or where it’s positioned in the window.
Okay, so I've consolidated all of my different stuff into one plug. Everything is working more or less correctly. I've managed to get the Feds out, however, my own govt ships are not there, instead, it's a mix of Pirate and Assoc ships. I can't for the life of me, figure out how to get my govt ships in. Can someone else take a look? http://dl.dropbox.co...Enterprises.rez
And I just can't find a pictID anywhere in EVNEW for my planet. I'm probably blind. lol
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 16 August 2011 - 02:04 PM
To have your own ships appear, you need to create at least one düde resource representing your government’s ships, and then put its ID into the list of düde types in your sÿst resource.
@david-arthur, on 16 August 2011 - 02:11 PM, said in Success!:
To have your own ships appear, you need to create at least one düde resource representing your government’s ships, and then put its ID into the list of düde types in your sÿst resource.
Success! Thanks a bunch, man.
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 16 August 2011 - 06:10 PM
New question.
I have designed several ships, including fightercraft, and I want one or two of them to 'patrol' my system like the Feds do, scanning and all that stuff. How would I go about doing that?
@avi-kerensky, on 16 August 2011 - 05:46 PM, said in Success!:
I have designed several ships, including fightercraft, and I want one or two of them to 'patrol' my system like the Feds do, scanning and all that stuff. How would I go about doing that?
The ships’ behaviour is determined by their AIType, which in this case is set via the düde resource. There are four basic types: weak trader (1), brave trader (2), warship (3), and interceptor (4). It sounds like you want them to be interceptors.
@david-arthur, on 16 August 2011 - 05:58 PM, said in Success!:
The ships’ behaviour is determined by their AIType, which in this case is set via the düde resource. There are four basic types: weak trader (1), brave trader (2), warship (3), and interceptor (4). It sounds like you want them to be interceptors.
Great! Thanks.
Another question (am I annoying yet?
I'm working on a mission. In the creator, is stellar (str) or (str#)? I figure I need to make one or the other to offer my missions, am I right?
Also, as a second thought, Jalisurr, DarthKev, and David, for thanks in your helping me understand how this thing works, if you approve, I am going to put the three of you guys in my plug as people flying around, with a special ship (which you can choose if you like). Let me know what you think.
Stellar is neither. New systems are sÿsts, new planets (aka stellars as EVNEW calls them) are spöbs. STR is a single string, it's used for things like the text that appears at the bottom of the screen when you request landing clearance. STR# is just multiple STRs combined into a single ID number.
If you do put me into a plug, I request to be embodied by a Rebel IDA Frigate Mark III. My subtitle is Paladin. (You'll need a STR for that!)
@jalisurr, on 16 August 2011 - 07:04 PM, said in Success!:
Stellar is neither. New systems are sÿsts, new planets (aka stellars as EVNEW calls them) are spöbs. STR is a single string, it's used for things like the text that appears at the bottom of the screen when you request landing clearance. STR# is just multiple STRs combined into a single ID number.
If you do put me into a plug, I request to be embodied by a Rebel IDA Frigate Mark III. My subtitle is Paladin. (You'll need a STR for that!)
I'll look into the programming issue. Thanks.
You want to make your ship as a plug, personalize your weapons and all, and send it to me? I can just plug it into my main plug (I'm keeping all of my CamSti stuff in a single plug).
In that case, here is my own personal plug adding myself as a përs, along with a couple of extras - a mission my pers can offer you and a consequence of boarding me...
Jalisurr.rez.zip (25.07K)
Number of downloads: 4 -
You do need to be just a little careful about plug sizes, Avi, if you want Mac users to be able to use this. It's not a problem with .rez files, but Mac plugs can't exceed a limit somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 Mb.
@krugeruwsp, on 16 August 2011 - 11:08 PM, said in Success!:
You do need to be just a little careful about plug sizes, Avi, if you want Mac users to be able to use this. It's not a problem with .rez files, but Mac plugs can't exceed a limit somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 Mb.
Thanks for the warning, I'll notate that. However, as of now, my plug is still less than half a meg, so we're okay for the time being.
And Jalisurr, Thanks. I'm going to go over your plug, and see about integrating it.
Edit: Just to ask, Jalisurr, if I just copy all of your plug internals into my own, will it work? Or should I leave it separate, and just distribute it with mine once I release it?
This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 16 August 2011 - 11:27 PM