I'm glad you asked. First of all, temporary but rapid shield recharge in flight: I've done this before in two ways. When the booster is engaged it starts a mission that makes a ship with zero armor jump in, and has the goal be to destroy it. The ship dies right away since it has zero armor, and it disappears after DeathDelay frames. At that point the mission aborts, and when it does it removes the booster. So you were recharging for the time it took the mission ship to jump in and then explode.
First way:
@qaanol, on Dec 27 2006, 01:09 PM, said in LNSU's challenge:
Buy a booster in the outfitter. It doesn't do anything as an outfit, but OnPurchase it Sxxx's a mission.
The mission doesn't do anything, but you can abort it.
Aborting the mission Gxxx's a recharger-type outfit, Dxxx's the booster, and Syyy's a different mission.
The new mission makes a ship jump in, with the goal being to destroy it.
That ship has zero armor and takes a certain amount of time to explode. This DeathDelay specifies how long the recharger operates.
When the new mission completes it Dxxx's the recharger.
Second way:
@qaanol, on Jan 3 2007, 02:16 PM, said in LNSU's challenge:
You select "Booster" from your secondary weapons, press the secondary fire key, and your shields and energy start recovering very fast.
(The weapon named "Booster") deals 1 shield-bypassing mass damage over a 32767-pixel radius, killing the 1-armor but 32767-shields/shield-recharge mission ship, setting off the whole deal. (The "whole deal" is similar to the above, in that a second mission is started with a 0-armor ship.)
Click the little red arrow next to the time of the quote to go to the original post. There's a lot of stuff there.
@qaanol, on Jan 8 2007, 01:24 PM, said in LNSU's challenge:
Here's my original Booster plugin:
The above uses the "Fire a weapon" method.
@qaanol, on Jan 10 2007, 12:24 PM, said in LNSU's challenge:
Here's Abilities.sit.zip, containing Inflight Abilities, which gives I think 5 abilities to choose from, and you can have as many as you want.
Okay, the bugs I found.
A weapon with reload 0 will fire every frame even if it has a long count and "one shot at a time" is flagged. Setting reload to 1 or higher lets the flag work properly.
The above uses the "Abort a mission" method. It also includes a weapon called "Sanctuary" that acts like an impenetrable field for a time. (It can only be penetrated by weapons that both have a target and do not have the flag "Proximity detonator is triggered by ships other than the target".) Although I have that set up as one of the "special abilities" that can only be used for a time, it need not be so. There are multiple ways to implement it. One is as a static "Fortress", on is as a "Bubble" around you, and there are more. In any case, simply giving it appropriate reload or burst reload will make it so you can't use it all the time.
Side note: If you have continuous time-progression then you can use the "Abort a mission" method and just Sxxx a mission with a time limit that Dxxx's the booster OnAbort.