Very nice. I'm excited to hear this is in Beta now (can't test due to large workload).
This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 15 September 2007 - 10:44 PM
I see that you joined after ARPIA2 came out.
I see that you are just insanely genius...
And anyway, he's released it for beta, so it's a moot point now isn't it?
Over two years. My progress has been intermittent.
Hah! That's funny. I'm glad you're in beta.
Just so you know, ARPIA2 spent at least whole year working on ships alone.
Well, given the lack of activity from my beta testers, I'm assuming that they have all played through AG and found no more errors. Expect release before the year is over.
Double post! If anyone would like to contribute some sweet graphics to AG, I wouldn't refuse.
AG is still alive, though I haven't heard from my beta testers for a while. Last time we talked they all told me that they were really busy but they'd play through next week. That was a month ago. I'm starting to think that all my beta testers were devoured by Shoggoths.
I'm really looking forward to this
Still alive.
Sorry I was banned from playing EVN.
If I am able to help better, I will let you know.
Can we get more pictures? Or has it not changed much from the pictures you orginally posted? It all sounds so good so far but I'm interested in what some of the new ships look like
My computer exploded into a fiery ball of expanding purple gas and I was eaten by a Grue. Obviously I missed my release date target of December 31st. Until I get a new computer there can be no development on AG. I'm so sorry. I thought I was almost done.
I smell great scepticism. How do you post with a fiery ball of expanding purple gass, while in the stomach of a grue? I contest you, sir!
He is a telepath, capable of manipulating the electromagnetic fields on the ASW servers' HDDs, making it include his post in this topic.
@shlimazel, on Jan 8 2008, 11:14 AM, said in Ashen Galaxy:
I smell great scepticism. How do you post with a fiery ball of expanding purple gass, while in the stomach of a grue? I contest you, sir!
Do not be of the questioning of the sub-reality of a Voidian!
I discuss that your existance may or may not have occurred, or do I?
Awww I was looking forward to this too, well good luck with finding the new computer I'm looking forward to playing this
Hey guys, although I still don't have a computer I just wanted to let you all know that AG is still at the top of my priority list. It will be finished! If this lack of computer goes on much longer (say two months) I'll recruit someone else to place the finishing touches on it and release it. It'll be done soon, I promise.
I have some ideas to help improve (or at least fill in plot-holes) the story line.I've decided that I'm going to add some more civvie ships.
I'm pondering replacing the graphics with my own work.
I still need someone to do a main menu and possibly a loading screen.
To-do list:
All of the above
Squash any bugs
Test the whole plug again
Make sure humans are balanced properly
Write a new read-me
Test it againTentative Release Date: September 1st (Ä…7 days)
Great. Look forward to it.
Does that mean you will start posting at the AG forum again?
um since you have a blown up computer and you want to be able to finish AG ASAP. would you want me and my team to test AG and possibly make a loading screen and write some Descs if you still need them.