@lnsu, on Mar 11 2008, 04:48 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:
make a list of what they are so you know what require bits you want to select.
Been there, done that, made myself a handy-dandy copy-and-paste text file:
Bit 1: General outfit-blocking bit (i.e. the one which prevents players from purchasing most of the outfits while flying a Vell-os ship. Or, for that matter, a Wraith or Hyperioid.)
Bit 5: The "I'm flying a Leviathan" bit - allows missions only available to Leviathans
Bit 6: The "I'm flying a Pegasus" bit - ditto, albeit with a Pegasus.
Bit 7: The "I'm flying a Star Liner" bit
Bit 17: No idea - one of the Valk variants sets it, but it seems to have no effect.
Bit 31: The "I'm flying a Valk" bit - makes the Rebel and Pirate Valk upgrades available
Bit 32: The "I'm flying a Starbridge" bit - makes the Chrome Valk and Rebel and Pirate Starbridge upgrades available
Bit 33: The Heavy Weapons License bit
Bit 34: The Missile Weapons License bit
Bit 35: The Fighter Bay License bit
Bit 36: The Protective Technologies License bit
Bit 37: An Exotic Ships and Weapons License bit, but doesn't actually seem to do anything
Bit 38: As above
Bit 39: The Capital Ships License bit
Bit 40: The Capital Warships License bit
Bit 41: An Exotic Ships and Weapons License bit (allows Ion Cannon and Polaron Cannon)
Bit 42: The Illegal Weapons bit - gets set when you buy an illegal weapon, but it seems to have no effect.
On a side note, those are the bit names used by EVNEW. You'll have to translate if you want to apply it to the Mac. Suffice to say, the bit called Bit 1 is the least significant bit of the contribute string, so I'm sure you can figure it out from there.
@joshtigerheart, on Mar 11 2008, 06:18 AM, said in Railguns 150mm and 200mm ID:
Look upon me Belthazar, and experience true surprise! For I did not touch the Bible once in the making of Colosseum, or any of my other plug-ins.
I'm sorry, remind me again how long it's been since you started work on that plugin?