Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Yeah, umm...I didn't mean to imply that I don't give a s### about the site because too many people are favoring Aftermath, rather that it's not one of my top priorities, and that fact doesn't help much. By the way, if anyone's wondering, the odd scond sentence should have read "The team has put too much work into it -", not just "The team -".

      lobl, I'm not either. I haven't talked to Masamune or anybody else on the team regarding SS in ages. Although apparently the last forum post was but a week ago.

      This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 30 April 2005 - 12:39 PM

    • This could be construed as gravedigging, but I don't care. I'm too damn excited.

      SS is alive and kicking! Masa made his comeback 6 days ago, but I just checked the forums a few minutes ago. He was also actually on AIM (something rare even when he is around) for a bit.

      And yes, I will be working on the site. I have a couple other projects I need to wrap up, but once that's out of the way, I can begin work on the new and improved site.

    • Missed this thread before, but I just want to weigh in and say that Sephil Saga is my single most anticipated TC, period. I'm not interested in playing in the Nova universe anymore*, no matter how pretty the graphics may be (and believe me, they are extremely pretty), so Aftermath has limited appeal for me. However, all the engine innovations promised by Sephil Saga really had me excited, and I would hate to see it die.

      *unless members of ATMOS have something to do with it.

      This post has been edited by UncleTwitchy : 06 July 2005 - 05:26 AM

    • I talked to Masamune on AIM last night. He's 'flipping busy', but other than that SS's on track and good to go, development-wise.

    • This just made my weekend...

    • Some of the stuff below is a bit old, but I missed it back then, and it's worth responding to, even if it's out of date.

      orcaloverbri9, on Apr 28 2005, 08:22 AM, said:

      Official response: SS is unconscious at the moment. This does not mean it is going to die. The team - especially Neon, Gage, Psyg (now no longer with us), and, of course Masamune. I had promised a new website, and I worked on one, but as many noticed, I got an inexplicable error. I was going to start a new one, but realized that SS was no longer alive and kicking. Add to that the fact that 80% of the community seems to be drooling over Aftermath too much to do so anyways, and, well, yeah...I just don't really see a point.
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      Frankly, a website should be your last priority for a major project. And if another team is getting more attention, it's because they spend too much time publicizing and too little time working. Use this fact to your advantage and get your plug out first. A plug-in that's playable beats a website any day.

      Ragashingo, on Apr 28 2005, 09:33 AM, said:

      Meh, I would hate to see one of the major names in the Nova TC arena die because you think another plugin is too big to go up against. I'm sure the same community that drools over Aftermath or SFA wants to play SS just as much. If people cared enough to ask what happened to SS then they care enough to want to see it finished, please don't let them down.
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      rmx256, on Apr 28 2005, 06:00 PM, said:

      That's about one of the lamest excuses I've heard in a while.. I think, if anything, a new website could only reinvigorate interest in Sephill.
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      Indeed, stopping work because another unreleased (and therefore not guarenteed to even exist next week, much less actually be playable someday) project is getting more attention only hurts everybody.

      Nick Anderson, on Apr 28 2005, 07:26 PM, said:

      If Aftermath is holding the EV communities attention we do not mean to do so. We are only acting to better the EVDC community, which means supporting plugins outside of our own.

      Members of my team are contributing to the EVDC community outside of Aftermath. They have public tutorials linked in their signatures and landing pictures for plugin use. Many even have work in other plugins that are currently being developed. I am proud to have a team that is as involved as it is in the EVDC and ASW community.

      We aren't developing Aftermath for glory or fame, but simply because we enjoy what we are doing. The best part of is the product of our work will be enjoyed by everyone who plays it and it should not be the only plugin the public eye is watching.

      Finally, on a more individual note, I keep in touch with multiple plugin developers outside of my own team. For example, I talk with UER&D on a regular basis who is a part of both the Retribution and Sephil Saga Development teams. I know I'm not the only person on my team or on other teams who has ties to Dev. teams other than their own.

      For this to be a healthy development community should we not support each others work? Should any competition that exists be health and open, not sudden and accusing?

      We all have conflicts that we must face. Everyone here is working to accomplish something and there is a great amount of support that waits to back you. Find it.

      Members of my team and myself included cannot wait to play SS, if we haven't said so yet, then I am doing so now.
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      Certainly it is important for developers to support each other. We're all in this together, after all. But it would be nice if the environment of competition encouraged people to work harder to get their projects out first, I think.

      lotsofblackflags, on Apr 29 2005, 08:11 PM, said:

      I'm really not satisfied with the official response. Sephil Saga could be a ######ing incredible plugin. I'll do whatever I can for the advancement of the plug (acual work or simply helping the team reorganize itself. I've been excited about this for a loong time).
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      I've been excited about Sephil Saga since before I even heard about (and subsequently became a part of) Aftermath. While I was a member of that team, my excitement did not fade, and now that I am independent once more, it is still there. Don't quit.

      orcaloverbri9, on Jul 5 2005, 10:45 PM, said:

      This could be construed as gravedigging, but I don't care. I'm too damn excited.

      SS is alive and kicking! Masa made his comeback 6 days ago, but I just checked the forums a few minutes ago. He was also actually on AIM (something rare even when he is around) for a bit.

      And yes, I will be working on the site. I have a couple other projects I need to wrap up, but once that's out of the way, I can begin work on the new and improved site.
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      This is good news, although at the same time I am troubled. I wonder how long SS has been in production, and how much longer I and your other fans can wait. I wonder how long all of these projects have been in the works, and how much longer it will be until they are released.

      I urge speed, to Sephil Saga and all the other major projects. If it will be another year before your releases, will there be fans left? If it will be another two years, will Nova be something anybody is even thinking about anymore? How many people have already played Nova, grown tired of it, found only a small number of major plug-ins to play with, and moved on? There may be new players coming along, and I suspect that there are more than a few, but in a year or two, that number may have dwindled to almost nothing. Your major projects may have no audience whatsoever. This is bad for the potential players who miss out, and this is not what your projects (and hard work) deserve.

      Small projects will help keep interest alive, but how many of those are actually being worked on? I know I have become somewhat of a doomsayer lately, but I doubt I am far off the mark. I think it would be a very good idea for every major project to consider setting a release date within 9 months and sticking by it. Obviously some of the newer projects may not be able to do this, but they too should determine a release date (perhaps within a year and a half), keep it secret to themselves, and stick to it. Do this, for your fans, for yourselves, for whatever reason you need, but do it.

    • mrxak, on Jul 11 2005, 01:27 AM, said:

      Frankly, a website should be your last priority for a major project. And if another team is getting more attention, it's because they spend too much time publicizing and too little time working. Use this fact to your advantage and get your plug out first. A plug-in that's playable beats a website any day.

      Well, we do have a full team, and my only other responsibility besides the timeline is writing, which certainly won't occupy me full-time, if only due to lack of creativity after a lot of it. PHP, however, requires little creativity, and is good as inbetween work. 🙂

      mrxak, on Jul 11 2995, 01:27 AM, said:

      Indeed, stopping work because another unreleased (and therefore not guarenteed to even exist next week, much less actually be playable someday) project is getting more attention only hurts everybody.

      As I said in an earlier post, I didn't mean to imply this.

    • mrxak, on Jul 11 2005, 06:27 AM, said:

      Small projects will help keep interest alive, but how many of those are actually being worked on? I know I have become somewhat of a doomsayer lately, but I doubt I am far off the mark. I think it would be a very good idea for every major project to consider setting a release date within 9 months and sticking by it. Obviously some of the newer projects may not be able to do this, but they too should determine a release date (perhaps within a year and a half), keep it secret to themselves, and stick to it. Do this, for your fans, for yourselves, for whatever reason you need, but do it.
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      Hey, if your looking for small projects, then this might cheer you up.

      I recently started development on a small but somewhat major plug. It'll be a new (short (like the wild geese or the bounty hunter, maybe longer) string, and some new "outfits". It's currently being called "Flight Academy" and is sort of like Top Gun, Escape Velocity style. I allready have three of the special outfits finished (or atleast pretty close) (actually one isnt finished, and can't be finished until a new version of Nova comes out which fixes the problem with negative recoil), which I think is pretty good cxonsidering I started yesterday. The Cheat/Eegras Studios has showed an interest in helping me out with this, but only after he finishes his own small project, Flight of the Kestrel. But, if this plug works out, it should be finished by at most, the end of the year. End of the summer if we're lucky.

    • So what's the word? This was supposedly revived a while ago. What happened to the most promising and interesting TC in development?

    • cryptic grin We're still here. 😉

    • Wow, a two year old topic... can some one refresh my memory: what's Sephil Saga again?

    • @zapp, on Sep 17 2007, 09:13 PM, said in Sephil Saga:

      Wow, a two year old topic... can some one refresh my memory: what's Sephil Saga again?

      A TC. See my sig.

    • I don't see anything on the website that tells me what kind of TC it is. Quick synopsis, please.

    • orcaloverbri9 said:

      cryptic grin We're still here. 😉

      We're still waiting.

      Seriously though, anything to show us? I know UE Research&Development posted a link that had some old files on it a long time ago, and from then on I got really excited about Sephil Saga, because it looked to be one of the best TCs ever (not even exaggerating).

      This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 18 September 2007 - 05:58 PM

    • I will say, SS is NOT dead, and it is NOT unconscious. But beyond that, I'm afraid I don't have the authorization to publicly discuss our plans.

    • @zapp, on Sep 17 2007, 09:21 PM, said in Sephil Saga:

      I don't see anything on the website that tells me what kind of TC it is. Quick synopsis, please.

      My bad, I forgot it wasn't the old site anymore.

      By the way, there's a newer one here.

      This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 18 September 2007 - 04:13 PM

    • @orcaloverbri9, on Sep 18 2007, 05:12 PM, said in Sephil Saga:

      My bad, I forgot it wasn't the old site anymore.

      By the way, there's a newer one here.

      Holy ----! The landing pix are incredible! I love the mercury(?) skyhook one with the frigate in the foreground.

    • I really wish you guys would finish making your TC already :unsure:.