From the log of William Davis, Kont researcher and PhD Outer Rim Worlds:
Kontik system, Stardate 1177 NC
Location: Kont, Sector 4, Federation Research Facility
March 26, 1177 NC
Studied a few interesting rock samples that were unearthed during a recent excavation. Apparently, at depths of 100 meters or more, the palladium becomes so condensed that it forms sheets almost five meters thick. This is very good news. We no longer have to sift through the thin orange dirt of this planet to find the small palladium nuggets.
March 31, 1177 NC
Found an interesting artifact in the sand. It is a small rock carved with a strange symbol that resembles a backwards "q". Have shipped it back to the main base for study.
Rock.gif (63.94K)
Number of downloads: 26
April 3, 1177 NC
Something strange is going on. It may have something to do with that abandoned Auroran Cruiser in orbit. A strange electromagnetic force field will disrupt our instruments every four days at exactly 8:07:42 AM. Am scanning the Cruiser for possible EMP generators.
April 12, 1177 NC
The pulses are intensifying, I have to put an Electrical Dampener around even the least sensitive hardware. Have moved the cam to the base of one of the massive pylons that support the strange ring encircling the planet. The pulses seem to weaken in certain areas of the planet, and this is one. Maybe now I can complete my research in peace.
May 2, 1177 NC
The communications antenna is picking up weird static. Auroran battle cries and explosions are being picked up, but the long range scanners reveal nothing for hundreds of light-years. A few of my colleagues are under the impression that a strange force is acting as an amplifier for our antenna and we are picking up static from far across the galaxy, as judged by references of "Koria" and "Spacedock II". Most of the static is just jumbled words.
May 6, 1177
There was an extremely large and unexpected pulse today. I got most of the equipment covered up, but a lone computer got hit with the full impact. It will now refuse to accept input, but displayed writing in a strange language for about three seconds while the pulse was in full force.
May 7, 1177
I had a bad dream last night. I saw the planet, but it was not like it looks now. The ring was shiny and reflected the starlight. The planet itself, however, was made of solid palladium. Then I saw myself, walking towards what appeared to be a ship in the distance. Suddenly, ghosts of people who had disappeared on this godforsaken planet were dancing around me, warning me to go back, but I couldn't stop. I kept walking until I reached the ship. It was a strange ship of alien origin, but it appeared to be peaceful, so I touched it. As I brushed my hand against the armor (which was not metal but something leathery and rough), I heard a voice call my name. The airlock opened, issuing forth a bright light. A figure slowly descended from the craft. It appeared to be a young woman. She smiled and called me by name. She was wearing a white gown with a strange texture. She asked me why I was here. I couldn't answer. Suddenly, her face, which moments before had been beautiful and radiant as the sun, transformed into that of a demon with fangs and four eyes, two main ones with slits for pupils, and a smaller identical one below each. She lunged at me, which woke me in a cold sweat.
June 12, 1177 NC
The men woke me in the middle of the night armed with blasters. They said that a creature had been in camp, but, when questioned, none of them could remember who told them and nobody had actually seen it. However, I now post a guard around camp every night.
June 25, 1177 NC
A guard last night, a bright young man named Jeffery, disappeared. All traces of him are gone, and there are no footprints. The scanner detects nothing. I am tripling the guard.
June 31, 1177 NC
They are coming! These are my last words to civilized man. If anyone finds this recording, take it as a warning to never come to this accursed planet! Run as fast as you can! Never stop until you reach the safety of the seal! I have hidden my discovery in a cave near the base of the mountain. Do not touch it if you want to live. If you encounter the pulses, by all means ta (transmission emergency cuttoff)
Stardate June 31, 1177 NC, 9:32 PM
That'll give you something to speculate over for a while.