Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • @0101181920, on Sep 3 2007, 09:17 PM, said in Missile ammo troubles:

      Could I make a rocket that is targetable by point defense systems by making it a homing weapon then setting the turn rate to 0?

      Rockets aren't targetable by PD weapons? That's news to my n00bishness. You probably could. I don't see how it would mesh with Nova if it wasn't in a TC, though.

    • @cosmic_nusiance, on Sep 3 2007, 06:19 PM, said in Missile ammo troubles:

      Rockets aren't targetable by PD weapons? That's news to my n00bishness. You probably could. I don't see how it would mesh with Nova if it wasn't in a TC, though.

      I don't know what you mean by mesh with Nova, but only missle seeking weapons are targetable by PD's. So, a QLB Turret can target hellhounds, which are missiles, but not Raven Rockets, because they are rockets. Differant classes. Rockets don't have homing devices. I want to make a very powerful rocket that is straight firing, but I want to balance it out. Hence, I try to get PD's to target it.

    • Yeah that should work, you might also want to set 'prox triggered by any ship'.
      Check out the weapons plug made by KaoZ in this topic if you want ideas.

    • Question 1. Why do I want to set 'prox triggered by any ship'?
      Question 2. Is it actually 'prox triggered by non-target ships (guided)'?

    • Yeah, the flag relates to guided weapons which otherwise only impact the target.

    • Also, in the spin display, what is sprite tiles? What's a tile? All I can find in the Bible is that it's the number of tiles that it takes up.

    • I'd guess that a tile is a little square with a design on it that it repeats over and over. I dunno.

    • So what should I put for it?

    • I dunno. I try to leave the spin resources alone; they're confusing. So are the shans. At least thats what I think.

    • I don't find them as confusing as atotallyovercomplexwasteoftimethat'snotevenworthtryingtofigureout. <--Kinda like that.

    • If your sprites are all RLEs (which they probably are, or at least should be) then for spin resources you only need to fill in the SpriteID field. All the other fields you can set to -1 or something.

    • I have now become so obsessed with MakeRle that I added a weapon to Nebula: D.O.A. just to use it. 😛 No, really. I'm not joking.

    • Well, thanks Guy. That means that I have much less tweaking to do.
      Anyway, big announcement. I am going to be leaving tomorrow. Not permanently, but for about ten days. So don't get worried when I don't make new posts and questions. I'll try to post by next saturday. Feel free to post suggestions, requests, ideas, or general troubles. I have no doubt that the rest of you can get it all solved, and you seem to hang out here a lot (thanks!). I can probably learn from those troubles and suggestions, so do whatever you want. See you,

    • @0101181920, on Sep 3 2007, 10:43 PM, said in Missile ammo troubles:

      Darn it, because that means that my rocket that fires straight back won't work. Any ideas?

      I forget, does negative speed work?

    • Yes it does work. It may, or may not require your to change the weapon's sprite, though, because the projectile might also look like it's going backwards if you don't. I don't know about beams, maybe negative lenght? hmm...

    • I predict that firing a beam with negative length would make it come out the back of the ship. I forget how innacuracy affects beams however, as if its normal, then -180 innacuracy commbined with this would cause a normal front-facing beam.

    • @lnsu, on Sep 12 2007, 02:13 AM, said in Missile ammo troubles:

      I predict that firing a beam with negative length would make it come out the back of the ship. I forget how innacuracy affects beams however, as if its normal, then -180 innacuracy commbined with this would cause a normal front-facing beam.

      Negative inaccuracy with beams? Not sure how that works... might just do the same thing as positive inaccuracy. In which case you'd get the beam firing at random angles around the ship.

    • Not good f you're about to be scanned by a Polaris ship about the same time you're attempting to fight a pirate. Zap! Oops... BOOM!

    • Backwords beams? Not a bad idea. Might take some developing though. I'm back, by the way. Any other idea's?