Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Really need outfit graphics for CTC

      Donations or custom made are both welcome

      I'm hurting for outfit graphics for Colosseum. Of the four volunteers, one ran out of ideas, one had Real Life™ get in the way, and a third is busy until winter break. That leaves one volunteer currently helping, and he has his own project. Considering the load, I really could use some help. Whether they're stuff you have laying around or you make new stuff, either is fine. I only have three requirements...

      -EVC quality or better. (Yes, I dropped it from EVO. I just need these blank spaces filled.)

      -Must be 200 x 200...since that's what Nova renders it in.

      -No backgrounds, just the outfit. Just like how EVC and EVO outfits don't have a background.

      If you want to help or have some you can donate, contact me through some method (post here, PM, email, whatever floats your boat).

      And for those who don't know, Colosseum is finished with beta. It just needs a few graphics, nothing else. Well, a couple of sounds, but I can handle those on my own.

      This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 15 October 2007 - 10:27 PM

    • What sorts of things do you need? I might be able to help. My graphics are at about EVC level right now, although I can't do curves yet in Sketchup, which is what I use.

    • Sounds, you say? I'd give it a try...

    • Quote

      one had Real Life get in the way,

      Sorry about that. If I can find the time to help out in the future I'll be sure to get in touch.

    • Quote

      What sorts of things do you need? I might be able to help. My graphics are at about EVC level right now, although I can't do curves yet in Sketchup, which is what I use.

      Lots of things. Cannons, missiles, missile launchers, shield generators, armor, reactors, engines, paint... I can send you the list if you like.


      Sounds, you say? I'd give it a try...

      If you'd like. Right now I'd need a weapon sound (a pulse type weapon, like the EVO SAD Modules or EVC Seeker Drones) and ones for hyperspace. Menu sounds I'll worry about when I get the interface in.


      Sorry about that. If I can find the time to help out in the future I'll be sure to get in touch.

      Don't worry, it's understandable. There's been plenty of times where Real Life™ has forced me away from a project for awhile.

      This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 16 October 2007 - 11:48 AM

    • Dang. I wish I could help out with this, but I knew from the first time you asked that I don't have the time to help with outfits. How many are you still lacking?

    • Josh, I've got some sounds in AIFF format for you. Should I post them here, or email?

    • @joshtigerheart, on Oct 16 2007, 09:44 AM, said in Really need outfit graphics for CTC:

      Lots of things. Cannons, missiles, missile launchers, shield generators, armor, reactors, engines, paint... I can send you the list if you like.

      Yes please!

    • I know this is off-topic, since this thread is about graphics.... Josh, here is a teaser sound. This is the full hyperspace sequence. I combined my warp up and warp out sounds. It is in incredibly reduced quality, so I can post it here. If you like, I can give you all the components, including the double-speed versions.

      Attached File(s)

    • Yeah, I can tell the quality is down quite a bit. Send me the whole thing, kind of hard to make an opinion on this one. The static muffles the sound a bit, so I can't hear it real well, except for something that sounds like a metallic "bob!" at the end.

      And 10101181920, it says you don't exist when I try to PM you. Could you PM me with an email address so, if replying to that doesn't work, I can email you the list?

    • If whoever it was who made the CTC ships would like to create different colored engine glows for each ship (1 per engine type) I will implement those so that different engine types give different colors. However, this is not to take precedence over what josh needs to finish the product.

    • Yah, the quality on that file was rock-bottom... Josh, I'll PM you a download link soon...

    • Is this up to EVC levels?

      Attached File(s)

      This post has been edited by 101181920 : 16 October 2007 - 10:58 PM

    • You take any of these graphics: Full List of Outfits

      And if you need more just tell me what you need.

    • Yeah EVWeb!!!

      Josh, sorry I haven't been able to help.

      Josh, a while back you said you needed outfit pics for pieces of software. Still true? It would seem to me that all those would need to be is random bits of code text, maybe with white/light lettering against a black/dark background. That sounds like something that you or someone else could bang out quickly.

    • 10101...whatever, dang complicated names: That's good, but you'd probably want to see the actual ammunition sprites I have before you go and make the missile outfits. Again why I need to find a way to get around with the PM system claiming you don't exist.

      EVWeb: Awesome, thanks! ::starts browsing::

      Trowel: You know, that might be a good idea. I might can make GIMP cooperate enough with me to make something that simple.

      LNSU: albuminouslump did the ships, except for the Predator. That was Modesty_Blaise. The former is pretty busy, the latter's ship isn't going to be playable and only had one engine made for it anyways.

      Geek: Taking a look at the sounds now.

    • @joshtigerheart, on Oct 17 2007, 08:19 AM, said in Really need outfit graphics for CTC:

      10101...whatever, dang complicated names: That's good, but you'd probably want to see the actual ammunition sprites I have before you go and make the missile outfits. Again why I need to find a way to get around with the PM system claiming you don't exist.

      I don't know what you mean by my not existing. I'm posting here, right? That was just supposed to be an example sort of thing, because I have no idea what the weapons are supposed to look like.

    • He's talking about not being able to send you PMs. Do you have your messenger disabled?

    • No, it's not disabled. You could just email them to me at:

      acorn013 <at> gmail <dot> com

      Happy? gmail <dot> com has good spamfilters though.

      This post has been edited by 101181920 : 17 October 2007 - 05:02 PM

    • Just a heads up. It might be better to type your e-mail as

      acorn013 <at> gmail <dot> com

      instead. That way, the spam can't get you.