Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • My Quasi-TC's name

      You like it; you like it not?

      Poll: Good or Bad? (32 member(s) have cast votes)
      "Escape Velocity: The Omega Wars" -- like it? don't like it? comments?
      Love it! Perfect!
      (1 votes [3.12%])
      Percentage of vote: 3.12%
      It's good.
      (3 votes [9.38%])
      Percentage of vote: 9.38%
      I've heard worse.
      (1 votes [3.12%])
      Percentage of vote: 3.12%
      Eh, it's okay. Not my first choice.
      (5 votes [15.62%])
      Percentage of vote: 15.62%
      You could come up with something better than this.
      (4 votes [12.50%])
      Percentage of vote: 12.50%
      My grandma could come up with something better than this.
      (2 votes [6.25%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.25%
      Ugh -- I can't believe you even considered calling it that.
      (2 votes [6.25%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.25%
      What's "Omega"?
      (2 votes [6.25%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.25%
      Can I have a hint...? I really wanna win that free car.
      (1 votes [3.12%])
      Percentage of vote: 3.12%
      I really don't care either way.
      (2 votes [6.25%])
      Percentage of vote: 6.25%
      Cows with Guns: Udder Destruction!!
      (9 votes [28.12%])
      Percentage of vote: 28.12%

      Want to know more about the TC? See the original topic in the EV Developer's Corner ("My quasi-TC").

      Wow -- I never expected Cows with Guns to be such a popular choice. It actually has more votes than any other individual option. Why doesn't anyone want to win the free car? I would.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 17 May 2007 - 07:55 PM

    • Are... Are you actually getting any work done on this? Seriously?

    • @anaxagoras, on May 15 2007, 09:35 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Are... Are you actually getting any work done on this? Seriously?

      Meaning you've seen it before or you are just checking it out for the first time?

      If you've seen it before, yeah I'm doing it. I'm not really in the 'development' phase yet, as I'm still familiarizing myself with EVNEW, but I am working on the plot, missions, characters, planets, etc. on a bunch of notes I have. Even some rough sketches of the galaxy that I'm sure are way off because I'm artistically challenged like that.

      If you haven't seen this before, don't worry about it. It won't be done for a long, long time. But I am working on it and it will be done eventually. I just have that kind of personality where even if I completely lost interest in making this (not likely), I would still make it just to spite everyone who didn't think I would.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 15 May 2007 - 08:42 PM

    • Omega Wars?

      Ehh...doesn't really fit that well. It's alright, but I don't think it's the best you can do, 'Bridge.

      Although, I did think of another title, but blast it, I can't remember it now. I'll let you know when I think of it again.

    • @warlord-mike, on May 15 2007, 10:03 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Omega Wars?

      Ehh...doesn't really fit that well. It's alright, but I don't think it's the best you can do, 'Bridge.

      Although, I did think of another title, but blast it, I can't remember it now. I'll let you know when I think of it again.

      Thanks Mike -- I appreciate your honesty. Definitely let me know when you think of the other title. This title isn't final (yet), so there's still hope for those of you that agree with Mike. If you think it sucks, please, let me know, so I can fix it.

      Hmm, you don't think it fits? Interesting; I thought it fit really well -- that was why I liked it so much. It's always good to know other people's opinions. I actually spent the past week trying to think of a more suitable name, but I couldn't, so I went with this one. Though I had also considered Omega Conflict and Omega Crisis.

      As a side note, if this one doesn't pull through, I think I'll just make another poll and let the public decide what the title should be. "Pull through" meaning more votes to the first 2 or 3 choices than the others.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 15 May 2007 - 09:14 PM

    • @starbridge21, on May 15 2007, 07:08 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Hmm, you don't think it fits? Interesting; I thought it fit really well -- that was why I liked it so much. It's always good to know other people's opinions. I actually spent the past week trying to think of a more suitable name, but I couldn't, so I went with this one. Though I had also considered Omega Conflict and Omega Crisis.

      I've found that Omega as a title usually works best by itself. The only exception would be something to the effect of Alpha and Omega. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to have the same ring to it.

    • @warlord-mike, on May 15 2007, 10:29 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      I've found that Omega as a title usually works best by itself. The only exception would be something to the effect of Alpha and Omega. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to have the same ring to it.

      Yeah, I like it better just Omega, too, but then I have the same problem as I had when I was going to call it Collision.

      Escape Velocity Override = EVO
      Escape Velocity: Omega = EVO
      Escape Velocity Classic = EVC
      Escape Velocity: Collision = EVC

      See the problem?

      Of course, if the public wants Omega, the public gets Omega.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 15 May 2007 - 09:35 PM

    • @starbridge21, on May 15 2007, 06:32 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Alright, who's the wise guy that voted for Cows with Guns? That's a bit of an inside joke. Nil'kimas is allowed to vote for that if he wants to. Otherwise I was hoping for some serious answers.

      Third rule of the Internet: if you start a poll with a joke answer, people are going to vote for it.

      (The first two rules are not to talk about it.)

    • @starbridge21, on May 15 2007, 08:34 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Yeah, I like it better just Omega, too, but then I have the same problem as I had when I was going to call it Collision.

      Escape Velocity Override = EVO
      Escape Velocity: Omega = EVO
      Escape Velocity Classic = EVC
      Escape Velocity: Collision = EVC

      See the problem?

      Of course, if the public wants Omega, the public gets Omega.

      You could of course call it EVN: Omega or EVN: Collision

    • @starbridge21, on May 15 2007, 10:34 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Yeah, I like it better just Omega, too, but then I have the same problem as I had when I was going to call it Collision.

      Escape Velocity Override = EVO
      Escape Velocity: Omega = EVO
      Escape Velocity Classic = EVC
      Escape Velocity: Collision = EVC

      Why are you assuming that ‘Escape Velocity’ should be part of your plug-in’s title? Usually it is only used for the original games themselves.

    • !! EV(N):SFA sounds so much better than SFA!

      Seriously, just call it "Omega", it's fine.

      But naming your plug isn't the most important thing in the beginning. The most important is getting stuff done 😉

    • I remembered the other titles I came up with!

      The first title is the weaker of the two:
      EV: Dark Forces

      The second title is better, and would probably be more fitting, but you'd better hope to high heaven you aren't attacked for copyright infringements:

      Escape Velocity: Dark Crusade

      I say this because of WH40K's 2nd expansion title, which is also named as such. I don't think it'd matter, though...

      Anyway, that's my thoughts. And of course, there's always the EV: Breaking Point suggestion I first put up in the main thread.

    • "Omega Wars" sounds like a title of a game that the developers are really ambitious about and expect it to be awesome, only for everyone else to think it sucks. Also, while "Omega" may sound cool (to some, overused to me), is it approperiate? Omega is the last letter of the greek alphabet and, hence, is tended to be used as "end" or "final", as well as other similiar words. Is your plug about the final wars? If not, think of a new title.

    • @warlord-mike, on May 16 2007, 07:26 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      The second title is better, and would probably be more fitting, but you'd better hope to high heaven you aren't attacked for copyright infringements:

      Escape Velocity: Dark Crusade

      I say this because of WH40K's 2nd expansion title, which is also named as such. I don't think it'd matter, though...

      Nah, they wouldn't care. I doubt they would ever even hear about it, and if they did I don't think they'd be worried about the name of a mod for a little-known computer game that's five years old anyway.

    • @lord-rama, on May 15 2007, 11:24 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      Third rule of the Internet: if you start a poll with a joke answer, people are going to vote for it.

      I didn't really care that people voted for it. I wouldn't have put it up there if I couldn't take a joke. 😛 While I'd appreciate more seriousness on the Boards, I also appreciate the need for a little humor every once in a while. Or a lot of humor. A belly laugh a day keeps the doctor away. (It's really a proved fact that laughing is good for your health.)

      @crusader-alpha, on May 15 2007, 11:36 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      You could of course call it EVN: Omega or EVN: Collision

      Nope. Not gonna do it. See below for more details. Or, more accurately, a rant.

      @warlord-mike, on May 16 2007, 10:26 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      I remembered the other titles I came up with!

      The first title is the weaker of the two:
      EV: Dark Forces

      The second title is better, and would probably be more fitting, but you'd better hope to high heaven you aren't attacked for copyright infringements:

      Escape Velocity: Dark Crusade

      I say this because of WH40K's 2nd expansion title, which is also named as such. I don't think it'd matter, though...

      Anyway, that's my thoughts. And of course, there's always the EV: Breaking Point suggestion I first put up in the main thread.

      I do like Dark Crusade, but I don't want to get in trouble for copyright infringements....

      @joshtigerheart, on May 17 2007, 12:42 AM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      "Omega Wars" sounds like a title of a game that the developers are really ambitious about and expect it to be awesome, only for everyone else to think it sucks. Also, while "Omega" may sound cool (to some, overused to me), is it approperiate? Omega is the last letter of the greek alphabet and, hence, is tended to be used as "end" or "final", as well as other similiar words. Is your plug about the final wars? If not, think of a new title.

      Well, I am really ambitious about it, and I do expect it to be awesome -- if I do it right. I should certainly hope everyone else won't think it sucks.

      Omega is definitely appropriate. Think of the Wars as nuclear wars on a galactic scale, where the existence of all mankind hangs in the balance. I actually really like "Omega Wars" because it's kind of a latin-esque (and more futuristic sounding) spin on the phrase "The War to End All Wars," which is what people called WWI...before WWII happened. Yeah, WWI was also called "The Great War," but that's kind of an oxymoron (no war is 'great' per say) and I like TWtEAW better. Y'see, (I hate to give something like this away, so I'll spoiler it out),


      depending on which storyline you get into, the game could actually end with the death of all humanity. I mean, no humans left. ANYWHERE.

      There, I said it.

      I could call it EV: Omega, but I'm really trying to avoid the whole EVO thing, and I want to stress the 'wars' part, as some people may not even know what Omega is (though I'd expect most to), and whereas 'Omega' implies 'the end of everything,' 'Omega Wars' implies 'massive wars that could lead to the end of everything,' which better supports the plot. (People called WWI "The War to End All Wars." If they had just called it "The War" or "The End" would it have had the same effect?)

      I'm not calling it EVN: Anything. No. Not a chance. Not if every person on the Web Boards told me to. If my computer suddenly came alive and demanded that I call this TC "EVN:", I'll hit it with a sledge hammer (whilst screaming "NEVEEERRR!!!!!!") and start over on a new computer.

      Did I get my point across?

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 17 May 2007 - 04:39 PM

    • I don't think you'll have to worry about copyright infringements, 'Bridge: to the rest of the world, the game is so low-profile that I doubt anyone would care.

      Well, whatever you decide on, we'll look forward to your game nonetheless (at least I will). 🙂

    • Hmm, I guess I ought to start making a list of suggested names. Recommend some for the preliminaries (I can only put another 20 in a poll). I came up with the first 5; the others are all user suggestions, with the user who suggested them in parentheses and italics. This is including guesses from before that I liked.

      Escape Velocity: The Omega Wars
      Escape Velocity: The Omega Conflict
      Escape Velocity: The Omega Crisis
      Escape Velocity: Omega
      Escape Velocity: Collision
      Escape Velocity: Dark Forces ( Warlord Mike )
      Escape Velocity: Dark Crusade ( Warlord Mike )
      Escape Velocity: Breaking Point ( Warlord Mike )
      Escape Velocity: Red Tide ( Crusader Alpha )
      Escape Velocity: Blood Tide ( Crusader Alpha )
      Escape Velocity: Outcast ( Warlord Mike )
      Escape Velocity: Revelation ( Crusader Alpha )
      Escape Velocity: Armageddon ( Crusader Alpha
      Escape Velocity: Oracle ( Crusader Alpha )
      Cows with Guns: Udder Destruction ( Nil'kimas )

      There's 15 here, which leaves room for 5 more. Most are from Warlord Mike and Crusader Alpha (with the exceptions being me and Nil'kimas). C'mon, fill up this list.

      I guess I'm kinda taking a leaf out of JoshTigerHeart's book, so to speak, what with letting the Boards decide the title. Is this really a good idea Josh?

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 19 May 2007 - 01:38 PM

    • @warlord-mike, on May 17 2007, 05:51 PM, said in My Quasi-TC's name:

      I don't think you'll have to worry about copyright infringements, 'Bridge: to the rest of the world, the game is so low-profile that I doubt anyone would care.

      Well, whatever you decide on, we'll look forward to your game nonetheless (at least I will). 🙂

      Thanks, Mike.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 17 May 2007 - 05:06 PM

    • Experiment with other Greek letters.

      Pi Wars.
      Mu Wars.
      Lambda Wars.

    • Cows with Guns. You should build a TC around that name 🙂