I need some more ideas
I am working on a plug that will add TON of (hopefully) unique new weapons and outfits to EV. I am up to 18 guns and a few outfits right now, and I need ideas. This is the first plug that I've done that could be of any interest to anybody but me, and I'm kind of new to this entire thing (although not incompetant, I can make eveything work), so I would really appreciate some ideas. The weapons so far:
M32 High Explosives - something akin to a stellar grenade that will actually go somewhere, although much more powerful
Piranha Missles - multi-shot missles like the polaris multi-torp. Not as powerful, but easier to get, and looks cooler
Light/Medium/Heavy Anti-fighter Laser - point defense beam
Telsa Beam - LIGHTNING BOLT! does high shield damage, no armor damage, ionizes
Anti-Fighter Droids - like a fighter bay, but it launches 10 small robots with heavy point defense
Ion Missle - does a ton of ionizing, and can only disable
Nanites - now you can buy them
Light/Medium/Heavy Beam Weapons - self explanatory
Etheric Laser - Low damage, uses a ton of fuel, but can be fired from cloak, expensive as hell
Raider/Assult Droids - small space fighters that disable and add to capture chance
Heavy Bays - fighter bays that weigh 120 tons each and hold 1-2 starbridge, valk, or other similar sized ship
Flamethrower - fire
Electric Hull - acts kind of like a melee weapon, would be made with a very short beam that hit anything that came within, say 10px of the ship
Mine Laying Missles - breaks into submunitions that scatter lots of mines
400/600/800mm Coilgun - like the railgun, but slower and much, much nastier
Ultra Missle - missle that does the most damage possible, max ammo is 3, launcher weighs 50 tons, each missle weighs 20 tons
Gauss Rifle - fires like a railgun accept in bursts
Neutron Gun - big blaster that fires in bursts
I also plan to make "pirated" and "cheap" versions of some weapons
Engine Pack - all the engine upgrades rolled into one
Repair Crew - boosts shield and armor recharge
Inertia Dampener - makes your ship inertialess
That's it for now. If you want me to make a weapon and are very specific about what it has to look like, please give me the spins. Or if you have any really cool looking spins that I can use (you'll get credit, of course), please give me them. Also, please tell me if there's something I should change or remove.