They are archived with the plugin archiver in your signature. You should be able to use them.
Yeah, I just don't have anything here to view them with.
I'm really worried that my file won't be within the size limit! 4.4mb all the way to 13.8mb is scary.
Is that the compressed size?? That'll probably fit on the addons pages anyway though. There isn't any specific limit defined it's just it usually doesn't like files bigger than about that.
Also, is it alright that I include the ship varients plugin in my plugin? I have to edit all of the ship resources, so I thought that it would be OK if I did.
Probably (you should contact the author to find out) but it might be nice to include a version for people who don't use ship variants (ie, put the graphics in one plug and then have two more plugs for the ships, one to use with variants and one to use without).