Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • @nelsonic, on May 23 2006, 09:37 PM, said in My TC's Story/Progress/Info:

      Mumbling Psycho, you are a FAST worker. geez.

      A lot of a TCs dev time can either be attributed to difficulties writing a plot, syncing team efforts, or waiting for graphics. Writing progress logs all the time doesn't help either. In fact, as long as the AfterMath team doesn't start pushing out one PL a week, they're still alive and kicking.

    • Well as far as I know he is working alone. He has his pre-game plot. And I have no idea what he(if he truly is workin it solo) would be waiting for graphics wise. And one more thing, whats this "AfterMath" team your talkin about?

    • Yes, I'm alone on this. I work by "sprints & breaks" way. About 10 consecutive days a month, I give about the whole of my free time to making the plug. Yes, so far it's been pretty fast and it's probably still going to be fast compared to other projects, as working alone does have advantages, since you don't rely on anyone else. However, do remember that compared to other TCs, this one quite far away from them in size. With roughly 110 missions planned, a similar number of systems and ships, it's not the most ambitious project.

      I guess it can be compared to polycon, but it will feel more complete, with a bunch of mission strings. But depending on if I get new graphics or not, it might feel less like a TC.

      However, if I do get graphics, it might make the whole thing MUCH longer. Since I'll most certainly need to rely on someone to do them and doing so will require to move a ton of files around.That and syncing my time with the one/ones helping me. And I'm probably not going to do them myself as my skills modelling, texturing or even drawing on a computer are just a bit higher than a total newbie. Learning how to use such programs, while fun and not tedious at all, would take probably.. hum.. a long time. And even then, no work would be done on graphics after that. I'd just be ready to do it.

      I've already been told I'm working fast. I would have completed it by now though if I had the kind of time I used to. I actually do have a life outside nova. And it's growing larger, too. I have a full time job. Recently bought roller blades which I'm enjoying greatly and I'm planning to actually do stuff this summer. Stuff outside. I've been saving money, too. But I chose against investing any more into computers. I still like computers and use them a lot. But it's not like before. I have a grudge against them for making me a retard for years. So while I'm not quiting them, I ain't spending as much time on them as I used to.

      Anyways, enough of the chit chat. You wanted a progress log? Well I haven't done much since the last update. I'm on the "break" period of my work currently as I said in the beggining. But here's the most precise things I can say. I'm nearly done with outfits and their descs. Very very few left to do.. like less than ten. I've started ships descs, though I will have a lot of them to do, considering the hiring descs. As for mission, I've started both the federation and the astral corp's string. currently 3 missions are complete. By complete I do mean I don't have to touch them ever again. Everything from mission bits to descs for every possibilities and whatever ships dudes/flets and whatnot has been created already. That leaves roughly more than hundred missions and a bunch of ships. Since descs are the longest thing about this because of the long texts involved, let's make a progress log like this. Roughly four hundred descs related to missions added with roughly 200 for ships. Then add up about 70 landing descs and a similar amount of bar descs. That's what's left. Then I can release the alpha version.

      Then if I can I'll do the testing along with whoever is interested. Squash as many bugs as I can while my friend "may" be taking care of the graphics. When all that is done, then there there is going to be a 1.0 release πŸ™‚

      So start counting descs down to the alpha release. 750 descs to go.

    • More double posting. Sigh :unsure:

      Well, no, I'm not dead. Neither is the TC.
      The number of descs to do also went down a bunch. Now it's more around 500~550.
      Yes, I did slow down. Quite a bit, too. No, once again, it's not dead. Still expecting to be able to do at least an alpha release by the end of august.

      However, I did not get any news lately from all the people (that would be three people :mellow: ) who offered help so I have no idea wether or not I will actually get anything done graphically, especially ships that I can't handle by myself. Though I did some minor editing and I might actually give a try at planets and other such things. I even, gasp, made the cursor green instead of red. Congrats to me. πŸ˜›

    • Hey if u need some help, i probably can join in a hand. Im no good at graphics though.... <_<

    • @mumbling-psycho, on Jul 8 2006, 08:48 PM, said in My TC's Story/Progress/Info:

      However, I did not get any news lately from all the people (that would be three people :mellow: ) who offered help so I have no idea wether or not I will actually get anything done graphically, especially ships that I can't handle by myself

      I've been working, but there's been some stuff happening. We spent five days at a family friend's place on the Hudson River, and we spent all of yesterday checking out property in Pennsylvania. (EDIT): And for some insane reason, I've been signed up for an extra Latin class on weekday mornings which kills 1/12 of each day right off the bat.

      This post has been edited by Anaxagoras : 09 July 2006 - 09:11 AM

    • @mumbling-psycho, on Jul 8 2006, 07:48 PM, said in My TC's Story/Progress/Info:

      However, I did not get any news lately from all the people (that would be three people :mellow: ) who offered help so I have no idea wether or not I will actually get anything done graphically, especially ships that I can't handle by myself.

      Yeah. Sorry about that, but I did warn you that I might have to go back to another project. Which I did.

    • I was not blaming anyone, don't feel bad about it. I didn't give much news myself lately anyways, I was just wondering what was happening as well as grave-digging a bit to remind everyone it isn't dead.


      Hey if u need some help, i probably can join in a hand. Im no good at graphics though....

      Thanks for offering but unless you feel like typing lots of descriptions that blend in with the rest of the project, I doubt I have any non-graphic jobs left to do. If you feel like giving it a try PM me I'd be pleased to give you some details. Other than that not much is left. Maybe I'll think of something at some point, though, if some cool ideas of things to add spawn in the depth of my brain cells and I happen to be overwhelmed with the amount of work to do, then I'll let you know.

      Right now, the course of the missions and storyline have all been typed in a nice file, the count of descriptions I've been holding includes those for missions. A bit of tweaking will remain. I might also add up some bits of content but nothing major that I can think of right now. And then will be alpha release and testing extensively.

    • No, it's not a giant snail falling off the sky. It's real and it's here. A release way before time. πŸ˜› That's right, I'm releasing the work I have done so far right here, right now. I am hoping for feedback, constructive criticism and other comments on the work. I know it's not complete, many descs are still empty, only a few missions are done and the graphics are still the stock ones. Even worse, some of the stock graphic wasn't even bound to the right outfits, yet.

      Why release? Well, I wanna know what you people think of what I have done so far. I am hoping it might also entice some people to help, if they like what I'm trying to do. I will admit, while the project isn't that huge, it's still a lot for a single person. Therefore, if it gets flamed, trashed or something, I'm considering stashing it somewhere and take a real break from it.

      Well, without further ado, I present you the first alpha version of Chaos Theory. Version 0.1.

      Download Here

      Note: the download will work for a week starting from now, I will try to update the download source some time later once my usual file host is done with maintenance and all that jazz. Also note that it is encoded for Windows and mac users will have to convert. Otherwise, see the included FAQ. If you are going to send feedback at my e-mail written in the FAQ, please make it clear it is about the TC or I might discard it as spam.

      This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 06 August 2006 - 08:36 PM

    • @mumbling-psycho, on Aug 4 2006, 02:13 PM, said in My TC's Story/Progress/Info:

      No, it's not a giant snail falling off the sky. It's real and it's here. A release way before time. πŸ˜› That's right, I'm releasing the work I have done so far right here, right now. I am hoping for feedback, constructive criticism and other comments on the work. I know it's not complete, many descs are still empty, only a few missions are done and the graphics are still the stock ones. Even worse, some of the stock graphic wasn't even bound to the right outfits, yet.

      Why release? Well, I wanna know what you people think of what I have done so far. I am hoping it might also entice some people to help, if they like what I'm trying to do. I will admit, while the project isn't that huge, it's still a lot for a single person. Therefore, if it gets flamed, trashed or something, I'm considering stashing it somewhere and take a real break from it.

      Well, I must say that I find it quite enjoyable -- the only major problem with it is that it's still Alpha. πŸ˜‰
      That said, I do have one observation -- pirate ships universally destroy, instead of boarding and raiding. Why is that?

      Anyway, no, don't take a break from it. What you have going is quite nice. I look forward to playing the full version.

      - Bob

    • This time I decided to spell check before I played. I PMed you the spellchecked file. I look forward to trying it out.

      It seems fairly bug-free, but here's a quick bug report. I didn't try any storyline missions.

      selling some junk metal (niguuit, for example) doesn't seem possible in the Federation
      Cargo Pod costs 0
      "Fre n quency" scanner, should be frequency
      The blade laser description says the price is quite higher than the dagger laser, but it is only 7000 more
      All Power Cores have the same mass: 1 ton.
      When asking for help, freighters don't say anything. "Transport Cruiser: "
      Hornet launcher desc says it can be loaded with 25 missiles, but the Stallion comes with 30
      Astral Freighter -Weapons- starts with 60 Hornet missiles , but can only buy up to 50.
      Astral Freighter -Weapons- starts with 2 mole torp launchers, but if I sells one, I can't buy it back.
      I expect there are other similar bugs, with ships starting with more of a missile or launcher than they should.

      This post has been edited by draco_2488 : 05 August 2006 - 03:48 PM

    • Here's a sample of my 98 k debug log... heh

      warning: Dardenelle-Class Destroyer (296) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: .Λ‡Εƒ/.Λ‡np (297) lacks target picture
      warning: .Λ‡Εƒ/.Λ‡np (297) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: f"Yč/.Λ‡ΒΈp!/ (298) lacks target picture
      warning: f"Yč/.Λ‡ΒΈp!/ (298) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  /<nbcfp? (299) lacks target picture
      warning:  /<nbcfp? (299) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Γ“ο£ΏΛ‡Γ‹N^NuNVΛ‡xHÁ (300) lacks target picture
      warning: Γ“ο£ΏΛ‡Γ‹N^NuNVΛ‡xHÁ (300) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Bosporus-Class Cruiser (301) lacks target picture
      warning: Bosporus-Class Cruiser (301) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Á(n (302) lacks target picture
      warning: Á(n (302) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: ⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄nˀmβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€m (303) lacks target picture
      warning: ⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄nˀmβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€mβˆ‚Β€m (303) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (304) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (304) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (305) lacks target picture
      warning:  (305) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Discovery Fighter  (306) lacks target picture
      warning: Discovery Fighter  (306) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (307) lacks target picture
      warning:  (307) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (308) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (308) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (309) lacks target picture
      warning:  (309) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (310) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (310) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Paris-Class Destroyer (311) lacks target picture
      warning: Paris-Class Destroyer (311) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (312) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (312) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (313) lacks target picture
      warning:  (313) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (314) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (314) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (315) lacks target picture
      warning:  (315) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Bosporus-Class Carrier (cruiser variant) (316) lacks target picture
      warning: Bosporus-Class Carrier (cruiser variant) (316) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (317) lacks target picture
      warning:  (317) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (318) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (318) lacks shipyard picture
      warning:  (319) lacks target picture
      warning:  (319) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (320) lacks target picture
      warning: Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡Λ‡ (320) lacks shipyard picture
      warning: Advanced Terran Fighter (321) lacks target picture
      warning: Advanced Terran Fighter (321) lacks shipyard picture
    • 98k eh? Ouch.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 05 August 2006 - 04:43 PM

    • @rmx256 & JacaByte
      No such things as a Bosporus or Dardenelle in my plug. Read the FAQ. Not for use with mostly any other plugs. Not even ship variants. My debuglog stopped at 31k over here.

      As for the lenght of the log, I am aware of it. However, if you take time to look around at what actually pops up, it's mostly due to the unused ressources from the stock nova files. Therefore, all the spobs that weren't overwritten pop as an error. Many ships that are not used also pop because of the odd weaponry they get from the altered weaps ressource.

      No problem with mole torp launchers on the Astral Freighter - Weapons - variant over here, you should be able to buy them back. Do note that many spobs will buy whatever you want to sell them, but they won't sell it back to you. Reasonning behind this is that many places will just love to get their hands on foreign technology and the likes, but they won't give it back once you part with it. I will fix the other things, though. Thanks for pointing that stuff out.

      Well, heading out for some bug fixing. Thanks guys, so far, so good. πŸ™‚

      EDIT @ Anaxagoras: It's fine, I just thought I'd point out not to look for graphics as nothing has been implemented yet, save for few modifications of the splash screen and cursor.. with paint...

      EDIT 2 @ Consul Bob: Oh yeah, I was forgetting that. Yeah, I've been wondering what I had done the wrong way. I will look into it. I noticed, too. I tried to take a look at nova's stock pirates govt but I'm still wondering what's the matter. If anyone knows, I'd love to know.

      This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 05 August 2006 - 06:46 PM

    • I'd like to point out that I have been working, but that I am going out to Wisconsin where I won't have internet access for two weeks or so.

    • <snip> Never mind.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 05 August 2006 - 06:38 PM

    • No problem, any words on the content itself, though?

      By the way, I've been fixin' the mentionned things and a first update should be up when I'll be done with that and have a bit of extra content, too.

      Anyways, I'm fairly happy with the feedback I'm getting, especially so soon after releasing it. I will probably work more seriously to complete soon as I get information from you people.

      Thanks again!

    • Again, so sorry: I don't have Nova, so it was a little difficult to get this to work. Had to DL Nova over again.

    • @mumbling-psycho, on Aug 5 2006, 07:48 PM, said in My TC's Story/Progress/Info:

      No problem, any words on the content itself, though?

      Well, after playing it some more, I do have some observations on things I think are a tad unbalanced/odd.

      The Dagger/Blade laser weapons are kinda weak -- they both have pretty bad range with pretty bad damage. The projectile guns have much better range, and at closer range, all of the enemies seem to have electric arcs, which'll put down a ship using those in a second. Maybe boost the range a bit.

      Additionally, I think there should be at least one weapon immune to the effects of an electric arcing -- as it is, unless you have really good de-ionization/de-electrification, you've essentially lost the moment they fired it. Larger ships can solve the problem by not being hit to start with, since their gun ranges are high enough, but the smaller ones always lose.

      For the most part, it seems to work -- it just seems to me that the only way to win at low-level combat is to have an electric arc of some type handy, because the attackers always do.

      The Bomber/Interceptor things are kinda confusing, with larger ships -- maybe change the designations later on?

      - Bob

      P.S: Are the greater Pirate vessels and weapons (such as Basi torps and heavy electric arc) available only through missions? I couldn't see them on either of the two.