Oh noetry.
Very recently, I thought of a way of making a missile that can cloak itself in midflight. This trick requires a grand total of three wëap resources.
Weapon 1
This should be a normal homing weapon (guidance 1), except that it has a short lifespan and subs into weapon number two.
Weapon 2
Count: 31 (30 works too, but give it 31 just to be safe.)
Guidance: 1 (Homing weapon)
Sound: This weapon's sound should be the "cloak on" sound found in the Nova files. You'll have to duplicate it and change its ID to something in the 200-263 range (the range for weapon sounds).
Falloff: 1
SubType: Weapon 3's ID
Weapon 3
JamVuln: 0 (All fields should be set to zero, as a cloaked missile cannot be effectively jammed. Alternatively, you can reserve one of the jamming types for cloaking missiles, i.e, a cloaked missile jammer.)
"Can't be targeted by point-defense" flag should be set. (Obviously, point-defense systems aren't going to be able to target a cloaked missile.)
Weapon 3 should have an invisible sprite. (A less complicated way of doing this than having a transparent rle image with a normal mask is to check the "shots are translucent" flag and give the weapon a negative falloff value, causing the shot to be invisible, but still able to interact with the game.)
When the weapon is fired in-game, stringing all of the submunitions together, the effect should be quite cool. Here's what it'll look (and sound) like: a guided missile flys toward its target for a short time, and once it reaches a certain point, it fades out, playing a cool cloaking sound, and becomes completely invisible, unjammable, and untargetable.
The trick here is, of course, is falloff. Falloff is normally used for corona falloff in beam weapons, but when used with non-beam weapons, it causes the sprite to fade out over the last thirty frames of its life. Fade rate is proportional to the value entered (blah blah blah, most of you already know this).
So what do you think? I have not tested this myself (I should get on that), but I see no reason that it shouldn't work. What say you?