pipeline, on Jan 3 2006, 08:35 PM, said:
EVNEW just isn't there yet.View Post
In my own, it's really quite a wonderful program.
From the ability to import and export from both .rez files and .txt files, to the check boxes for flags and the contribute/require bits, it works quite wonderfully at making most types of plugins. I would even go so far as to say that the fact that no other Windows editors seem to exist is a great complement.
The dearth of Windows created TCs and the like I would blame primarily on the dearth of such things from the Mac side. Add in the fact that many of the larger plugins that were released for Nova, such as Polycon (and dare I say, Nova itself?), got their starts in EV:O days (which were Mac only). I would then follow this with the fact that Escape Velocity already had a Mac legacy. With Nova, the game wasn't ported to Windows for some time after the initial release, followed by the fact that most Windows users, not having access to a Mac, had no way of creating plugs at first. Then EVNEW was released, but with most of its publicity (to the best of my knowledge) reserved for the Nova Webboard (and no mention, even in new downloads of Nova, of its existence). Of course, not everyone who downloaded Windows Nova would know of the Webboards, and many of those that have gone there probably only do so sporadically, and it's likely that there is a great, untapped "pool of potential" out there that was missed entirely.
I will, of course, grant that anyone looking to create plugins will almost invariably be drawn to search online for more information and from there end up coming to these webboards, but the popularity for Nova will almost definately never increase, especially as Nova is aging (albeit quite well, I imagine). Still, that aging means that when current developers lose interest, they may not see a great demand for their product, and go from lost interest to abandonment. As more and more Mac developers lose interest, potential new developers lose sources of information and assistance. This is a wonderful community, and I love it dearly, but people do move on. It happens.
Then, the manual gives us links to Stuffit 7.5 (which I haven't tried and probably don't work), and links to this page:
The above page laments on the difficulty of creating Windows plugs and lists only three. While it does say that you can submit your own plug, I have to admit that this is the first that I've ever even heard of this page (buried as it is deep in the manual, in the Documentation folder). Either the submissions don't work, the page is never updated, or I'm not the only one visiting this page for the first time.
Sorry if it seems like I've rambled, but I felt like defending EVNEW. 
Also, I would ask the questions:
Would it be worth discussing an update of the manual (and possibly also the Bible)?
Would it be worth discussing including a new document with >all< Nova downloads, a "quick and dirty" guide to plugin creation, linking Mac Editors, EVNEW, the Dev Corner, etc. with general tips and whatnot for making your first plug (and possibly including Zacha Pedro's templates, among other things)?
I believe that if these questions are addressed, we might still see a large TC created from EVNEW (or at least created using mostly it). Or we might not, it's always difficult to tell, especially at this stage of Nova's life. This is, obviously, just all my own opinion. And, as an aside, this is what happens when I get hooked on a train of thought trying to make a simple post examining why Windows hasn't been more strongly represented.