Did I say 3 reasons? I meant 20 reasons...
rmx256, on Jul 20 2005, 02:35 PM, said:
They don't have Nova
- this is my favourite reason.
Can get away with polygon graphics and lower production standards- though this is somewhat subjective. There were many examples of very fine graphics in many EV/O plugs. In addition since there aren't banks, large shipyard pics or other special ship considerations/features these don't need to be worried with.
A well-documented engine that doesn't make claims that it can't back up.
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1: Not an argument at all in my book. If they're serious about their art, they'll spend the measly $30 for the most recent, fully functioned engine. If the game its self, the development tools or the copyright licence cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, I could understand your point. But seriously $30? Kids; go without your sherbet-dips for a couple of weeks and you'll have that licence code in your hands before you know it.
2: Anyone who thinks that just because they have fewer colours to play with, they don't have to try as hard with their graphics, isn't worthy of the title 'Developer'. Perhaps the title 'Reducer' would be more appropriate. If anything, the challenges of the older graphics engines should mean that artists have to put more work in, not less.
3: And that argument won't stand the test of time. In a couple of years, if not sooner, N will be as well documented as C or O ever were. Then what? And based on my experience of these boards, I'd be inclined to say that the relative lack of official documentation on N has meant that the community at large has put far more effort into annotating, commenting upon and sharing their own findings.