NebuchadnezzaR, on May 15 2005, 08:54 PM, said:
Well, techincally, you can build the rotation into hardware. Ever heard of a graphics card? Thats most of what they do, rotate triangles of images. And they can do it damned fast, since it doesnt even use code.
And having the whole sprite is a huge drain on ram, which is a legit concern. In every situation, there is a tradeoff between ram usage and speed. There is always a way to rewrite some bit of code so it either takes up more ram, or it goes faster, but not always both (unless its crappily written). prerendered, prerotated wastes ram, rotating in the program (or rendering for real, on the fly) wastes time.
You're forgetting the key element here: difficulty of coding. Also, some people (albeit few) have no graphics card, so they're SOL on that aspect. And I think you mean takes up more RAM, or goes slower, not faster.