No, ProxSafety is the amount of time before the ProxRadius is activated, a direct hit will still make the shot explode, regardless of ProxSafety.
Well, I just tested: in EVN 1.0.8, within the ProxSafety duration, direct hits will detonate upon asteroids, but the shots will simply pass through ships, from Vell-os Darts to Leviathans. The "Passes Over Asteroids" flag works on any kind of projectile, not just guided missiles, so that's one way.
Outside of the ProxSafety duration, the shots will hit things as normal, with ProxRadius.
It sounds like this behavior isn't the way it was intended, but frankly I find it more useful to easily make shots that won't hit ships (or won't hit ships for a period of time) that to have shots whose ProxRadius is disabled for a period of time but which can still hit things directly. This is one "bug" I consider more of a feature.
Don't fix it, Ambrosia!
That's what I get for not testing what I write... Though if I did test all the stuff I wrote, you wouldn't have one tenth of the guides you have today.
Amnenth, on Dec 4 2004, 11:16 PM, said:
Now, if anyone could figure out how best to use this in a plug or scenario, I'd like to see it.
i actually used this concept in a tc i was working on based on the honor harrington universe. in that series, the physics of the propulsion of their ships suggests lots of broadside weaponry, with only a small amount of chase weaponry. thus ships had turrets which could fire only to the sides, which then submunitioned into missiles (which is actually more like the missiles in the books anyway: they have magnetic accelerators which launch the missiles outside of the ship's impeller wedge before the missile powers up its own wedge and starts accelerating itself). another application of this was missile pods: a freefall bomb which submunitions into several missiles, all of which fire toward the target
Belthazar, on Dec 8 2004, 01:48 PM, said:
Ooh, you're actually making an Honor Harrington TC? I've kinda been considering making one for some time, but I really wouldn't have the first clue where to start.
it was just something i tried for myself (crappy stand-in graphics, no real storyline, etc), never really fit for public consumption. maybe someday i'll start back up on it or some of my other projects, but most of them just live in isolation on my hd