Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
First, those must be some dumb beta testers ;).View Post
No, they weren't, and I don't like the implication. They found it very hard (and very annoying) to keep track of the state of the universe. The response against it was overwhelming.
Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
But beyond that, if that's the issue, then fine- but why remove the ability to do it nicely? Now, for SS and Retribution, I can't make random missions, due to the extensive visbitting. That sucks, and I don't care what you say.View Post
It came down to time. We didn't need the feature, and it would have caused Matt some serious coding grief to put it in. We had more important things to work on -- getting RLE encoding right, making sure our new animations worked, reworking every single resource type for ever-changing templates, etc.
Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
Based on what you've said previously, though, I'm confused. Before, you said that the system swaps were removed because of flaws in the system; namely, that if you have a mission to a certain planet, and the system it's in get's swapped, the travelStel/ReturnStel condition can never be met. Which is why planets in visbitted systems were automatically removed from the valid targets list when using random stellar selects. In any case, your previous testimony seems to contridict "Never planned to do that". There's an awful lot of crons in there, with some very well-defined frequencies, for you to only have been planning on putting messages up in the bar, IMHO.View Post
Jason left the crΓΆns in to give people an idea of what might have occurred. As for the issue you describe, the work-around would have required an entire rewrite of the way in which Nova handles references to stellar objects.
Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
Next, we're talking about two separate concepts here and getting our signals crossed. I like the fact that two systems in the same location will share links, which is what you're talking about. It does have the side effect of making it very annoying to remove system links dynamically, though, and this you have to conceed.
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What's the alternative? A whole series of fields in the template specified as "static links"? Yeah, cheers. That would have added another whole bag of work to Matt's coding efforts. Nova's complex enough as it is.
Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
The assumed implicit links in other cases, though, are simply craptastic. I assume it was designed this way so that you can do the shared links, however, I fail to see the necessity of extending this to all cases. Say I have two stacked systems with mutually exclusive visbitting (as is proper), A and B, both with links to C. C only links to A. When B becomes visible and A is hidden, C redirects to B. This is good. Obviously, in this case, it needs to assume an implicit link. But why does it need to assume this in other cases? There's more than enough data to be able to differentiate when you're linking to a stacked set of systems from when you're not, in which case you simply want a one-way jump.View Post
Once again, it comes down to time and necessity. The instance Matt coded suited our needs well, and didn't cause us any headaches. We were pushed for time as it was -- extra features that we were never going to use in the scenario were dropped or never considered.
Masamune, on Nov 3 2004, 10:49 AM, said:
Anyway, Pipeline, I don't want to rag on you. You guys did an excellent job on Nova. But I disagree with some of your design decsions, as they remove alot of power from one of the most powerful tools at our disposal, and have caused me various headaches! So, I won't be getting over it until my headaches go away.
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You seem to forget that the Nova engine was designed to do our job, not yours. Nova is not the be-all and end-all flying Edsel. It does the jobs we needed it to do, and very little more. Our design decisions were excellent because they enabled us to do the two most important things:
Anything else above and beyond that is sheer happenstance. It's called "project management".
If you think that your feature request is worth Matt's time (and no extra money) to code up for you now, go right ahead and mail him. I guarantee you, though, that if it involves changing the template types for Nova resources, he'll give you a flat "no". What's more, were he to change it then WinNova would also need to be changed, including all the resource reading code. Since WinNova is stuck in limbo land, I don't think we'll be changing anything.
Dave @ ATMOS
ps. Yes, you've annoyed me.
This post has been edited by pipeline : 02 November 2004 - 08:21 PM