Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Master 'Plug in Recruitment' list

      Since the Beta Tester list has prooved a success, i thought Id post a plug in recruitment page list. Basically, advertise what skills youve got, and if your looking for help with a plug in, scour the posts here. Whatever skills youve got are relevant.

      Format is as follows....

      1.Real name if you would like to give it, but going by username is fine.

      2.Contact details, email (ubb code here would be great), plus anything like icq, msn or aol contact numbers/addresses.

      3. A web site, if you have one.

      4. What versions of EV you are willing do develop for, and what experience you have with developing for them, past plugs maybe?

      5. What skills you have, graphics, missions, etc. Try and be really specific (especialy with graphics), for example list various 'resources' within editors you are familiar with, and are willing to develop for.

      6. What developing sortware you are literate with, anything from resedit to photoshop.

      7. Availability, when can you work, and how much time have you got.

      8. Misc; anything you feel is relevant really

      Ill add myself in due course, I cant really do much development work at the mo until im finished what im crafting at the moment.

      Take care.

      l e g i o n

      The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

    • 1.Stuart "Jager" Jager

      2. (url="http://"")

    • Name: Max Smethurst (Mazca)

      email: AIM: Mazca13 MSN Messenger

      3. Website: (although it's just a CGI script that circulates confusing random images)

      4. I will develop for EV and EVO, but I don't trust myself with EVN yet. Still more fiddling required.

      5. I prefer small, difficult jobs like debugging spďns and general plug troubleshooting to long monotonous tasks like spöb programming. However, I am skilled at every aspect of EV/O development except making 3d graphics: missions, sounds, systems, spďns, etc. are all possibilities.

      I have never encountered a stubborn plugin problem I couldn't fix.

      6. I am literate in ResEdit, Schmelta-V, EVODM, Photoshop.

      7. I am always available if you have problems - I have time scattered around the week when I am not working. Email me and I will get back to you whenI have time -this is rarely more than 3 days.

      (url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
      The one and only (url="http://"")drunken kitchen leprechaun(/url)
      (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=NovaTools.sit")NovaTools(/url) | (url="http://";=29&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Development FAQs(/url) | (url="http://"")Obligatory EVula Link(/url) |
      #evdev on for EV development chat.

    • I did one of these awhile ago. It's not up since f2s shut down thier free services, but I'll gladly send you the pages I had for it. I don't know exactlly how many people I had, but it was quite a few.

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

    • Ok, here it is. This is just that one section of my old website, so the links that don't have anything to do with the directory probably don't work.


      If you want to use that and just add on to it, it's fine with me. But keep in mind that this list is a little outdated - you may want to e-mail the people on the list and make sure thier information is still current.

      Let me know when you're done, because I'll take it back off the SRE website them.

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

      (This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 07-19-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
      **Ok, here it is. This is just that one section of my old website, so the links that don't have anything to do with the directory probably don't work.

      If you want to use that and just add on to it, it's fine with me. But keep in mind that this list is a little outdated - you may want to e-mail the people on the list and make sure thier information is still current.

      Let me know when you're done, because I'll take it back off the SRE website them.


      Thanks man. Thats really helpful, I just see 2 probs with it, firstly as you said, some of these people may not be availible anymore, and secondly, I dont want to post people on here without their concent. Ypu could e-mail them all and notify them of this thread, but its a bit out of your way....

      l e g i o n

      The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

    • I think I can just send one e-mail to all of them. With a link to those pages to check thier information, and telling them to reply to you, it shouldn't be much work.

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

    • Hey, I play bari sax too...

      Nice to meet ya.

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

    • Ok, I sent the e-mail out to everyone on my list. I'll forward their replies with corrections and consent to you (Legion). As for my updated information:

      Name: 21st Century Digital Boy

      Games: EVN and Ares

      Skills: Programming for both, writing, plot development, landscape graphics (url="http://"")Samples - only the two landscapes are my work(/url)

      Previous Projects: EVO Govt Fixer, Paralell Universe, EV AI Upgrade, Challenger

      Current Projects: The Silent Ruins of Earth


      Time: limited, especially while I'm in school and/or working on SRE

      Website: (url="http://"")

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

      (This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 07-21-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 07-24-2002).)

    • 1. Steve

      2. Since my email might change, just click the email button on this post, that should be always updated 🙂

      3. No website (yet)

      4. Ive developed quite a few plugs for the original EV, but I never released them. Im mainly intrested in developing for Nova now.

      5. Im currently perfecting the art of creating ship graphics, all thats left is mastering the shan resource. Other than that I can create*any graphics for Nova. I particularily enjoy creating conceptual art for people.

      6. Photoshop, Bryce, 3dsmax, resedit/NovaTools being the main ones.

      7. Im not availible at the moment unfortunatley, since im working on releasing an expansion plug in for Nova. Although ill try and squeeze in creating some concept ship designs for people if i get a moment.

      8. Incedently, if anyone is willing to help with my plug, please email me. The more help I get, the quicker its released. Graphics and Mission texts have been prettey much covered, but Im in need of alot of people willing to create syst resources, and more importaintly, people with good knowlege of the misn resource.

      take care.

      l e g i o n

      The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

      (This message has been edited by Legion (edited 07-16-2003).)

    • 1.Drew AIM: Trael Baron... ICQ: Dash (Currently unable to use...)

      3. nay

      4. EVN. Plug-ins I created that are un-released...

      5. I've got so many stories I've written under my belt it would make your head spin. I can use Res-Edit with: Char, Misn, Junk, Govt, Dude, Oops, Rank, SOME Cron, Desc, Outf, Pers, (NOT YET Weap knowledgable), Flet, and I'm learning string numbers. Also, if it has a template in Nova Tools and is mentioned in the EVN bible...I'm able to do it (Hopefully...)

      6. Res-edit (See above). Microsoft word...thats all. (Once I get 10.2 and familure with POVRay I'll have that down...)

      7. Depends on the week...

      8. Don't be surprised if I take on more than about 5 projects at once. I have a spurratic mind and I tend to switch between projects (At one point I was writting two sonnets, a poem, a short story, and four novels all at once and dividing time between them...the novels never got done though, I botched them. Don't ask why...)

      Will Beta Test decent me via E-mail.

    • 1. Simon Ridley (a.k.a. SilverDragon)

      2. (url="http://"")

    • Apparently, I'm hired.

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      1. Michael Clodfelter (Mike Vaderrr)
      2., or AIM (clodflopper)
      3. None
      4. EVN mainly, but will work on others. I have made a few plugins and submitted one to the EVN Addons section today. Also, I worked on the 0083 plugin until it turned vaporware.
      5. Missons, Planets, Systems, and any other resource related thing part of a plug
      6. Res-Edit (NovaTools), Photoshop, and trying to figure out POV-Ray
      7. Will dedicate as much time as I humanly can, I will need to scedule it around my sports.
      8. I will try my best to get the Plugin done, with the greast details possible.

      Mike Clodfelter (Mike
      Be sure to stop at the
      wonderful world of Clod 1.

    • (edit) post deleted

      (This message has been edited by The Lone Gunman (edited 02-16-2004).)

    • 1. Jameson Sasser

      2. AIM SN: JamoTheTitan

      3. (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....jamo/Menu4.html(/url)

      4. EVN. I have made very small plug for Nova. And am currently working on a very large plug for Nova. See this site for destails (url="http://"")

      5. I am great with oütf,wëap,desc, and pict.

      6.I have capabilities with ResEdit, Appleworks, and Photoshop.

      7. 24/7 Unless on vac.

      8. I wont bale off the plug and i check e-mail everyday, and I am on AIM alot.

      Altough PC's are the most popular comp in the world. My outlook on this is that it can be imagined that PC's will one day be uterlly anihhilated,terminated, abliterated, flamed, or simply Liqufied!