Thanks for the support, Dr. Trowel. I am trying hard to find a decent 3d modelling/rendering app that is not uber resource intensive and free (p2p or otherwise), and I guarantee you that once I have the process down I will make good ships. Some of the ships in the shipyards were incredibly impressive and I see I have a lot of work to do, but I will do it. They will be good, I am easily obsessed. (I beat EVN Basic 7 times in a week, doing each mission string once and then the Polaris one again)
1. Find decent 3d modeller/renderer. Must be freeware or otherwise appropriated, must work on PC and be Nova-friendly. Suggestions?
2. Make sure that, even if free, said modeller/renderer does not require internet access (!#$% Strata 3.0.2!!!!!), as my modelling computer does not have said access.
3. Make sure that said 3d application will run on my computer. Most will, Maya did not. (pentium 3 450, geforce 2 32 meg, 256 sd ram).
4. Learn use of said 3d application.
5. Learn more use of said 3d application.
8. Learn methods by which I may manufacture ship graphics.
a) Design ship
Texture ship
c) render ship
1. Note that, as i use PC, the methodology behind a Nova-applicable rendering is a mystery to me. As mentioned in 'a little aid?', a little aid on this subject would be appreciated.
9. Learn how to make ship graphics on a PC that will somehow transform into a Nova-Friendly format (RleD and Pict)
10.Learn how to insert said graphics into a plugin using EVNEW and a PC (this PC thing is irritating).
10.Make said graphics (RleD AND pict files, i am not making rle8 files. use 16 bit colour depth please, it is 2004.)
11.Insert said graphics into plugin.
12.Repeat steps 10 and 11 for planetary objects (est. 40), outfit pictures (est. 300+), RleD for ships, glow, lights, masks (est. 300-350 each, depending on when I enter the insane asylum), ship picts (info) (haven't decided whether I should go Procyon style and not make them, depends on how much time I have and whether i have gone insane as said above), ship picts (target) (est. 300-350), cicn (may yoink nova basics' cicns), planet landing picts (est 40-50), shot RleDs (est 150), random picts (person pictures, nebulae (maybe), est 10). Total est = 2040-2150 pictures total. AAAHH!!!!!! Suggestions here? Any numbers off?
13.Cry self to sleep at night.
14.Insert said graphics into several plugins, along with misn, desc, syst, spob, dude, pers, flet, etc. May rip off nova's status bar.
15. Release, just in time for EV4.
16.After hospital recovery, update and port.
So, if anyone can give me any help on any of these steps, please feel obligated to do so. Any would, quite obviously be appreciated. Also any support or ideas for plug refining would be appreciated.
Captain Mephistopheles