Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Can somebody please make me a Plug-in?

      If it isn't too much trouble.

      I would like one that give each government/group of people at different shield.

      eg: Feds --- Blue large sheilds

      Pirates: Brown
      Sigma shipyards: White
      Aurora: Red Large
      Rebels: Green small (hugs the ship)
      Poleris: Purple small( " " " )
      Vel-os: Lite Blue
      Wild Geese: Yellow (Medium)

      If it isn't too much trouble, I think it would be a good plug in. 🙂

      MMMMMMMMM......Warp speed

    • Maybe you should have an email address or messenger name in case they want to contact you privately.

      Two Lefts Don't Make A Right, But Three Do
      (url="http://"")JuKe's Malevolence(/url)
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      "Forever in your debt." - Deaths-Witness

    • I basically never check my email.
      So IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!!! in doing this plug for me and not a quier old man then my MSN is

      But please also reply here. 😄

      MMMMMMMMM......Warp speed

    • OOO, this sound's like it would take a lot of time to make.
      You'd have to copy, and then edit ever frame used in flight in the game to add shields to all of them.

      And it would be hard to make it look nice.
      I hope whoever take's up this project has lots of time.

      Also, this may be better suited to the developers corner, since, well, that's where people who make plug's go.

      "It's going to look pretty good, then, isn't it," said War testily, "The One Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse."
      The Four Horsemen of the Apocralypse encounter unexpected difficulties.
      Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

    • Not only does this belong in the EV Developer's Corner, it would be rather difficult to do. Not to mention that most people aren't inclined to just make plug-in's upon request unless they're relatively simple, which this isn't. In essence, the chance of your request being fuflfilled is probably low unless you're willing to do it yourself in which case, we'd be happy to help you figure out how to do so.

      (url="http://"")Days of Glory(/url), Upcoming TC for EV: Nova

      (This message has been edited by zhouj (edited 03-09-2004).)

    • There is a plug-in in the addons that adds shield buubles but it doesn't have a different one for each gov. still it is the next best thing. i think its called 3dshield bubbles.

      Kestrel rocks!

    • I have atleast three of the groups remade from my old shield plugs.
      It dosnt go by the colors you want though. I think some of those colors would look god awful in-game.

      dont know if I will ever finish though.

      Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
      "You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"

      (This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 03-09-2004).)

    • If someone could provide me with a Mac copy of Nova Data 1 (just the shäns), this would be fairly simple to make. It would require maybe 4 sizes (I did over half the ships with shields once in a single 64x64 shield) and the colors and effects wouldn't be too hard to make. (BTW, you don't need to add 1 for each frame. Nova will automatically make any shield RLE transparent. Animations would only be needed for a "fluctuating" shield which I'd be willing to do (as my first "true" plugin other than the TC I'm working on...))

      (edit)When looking at it again, it 'twould be slightly harder to make, but not outside the realm of 2 hours. Of course, each ship would have a specific shield. You can't just make Sigma Starbridges only have white shields without adding new "Sigma Only" ships into the game. It'd be more realistic if all Starbridges had white shields anyway, since the Starbridge is a SS ship.

      When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!

      (This message has been edited by Zzap212 (edited 03-09-2004).)

    • Why do you need a copy of the Mac Data 1? What's wrong with the PC one?

    • Well, I don't have a converter and I use a Mac. Obviously, if someone from a PC gave me a copy without converting it to a Macintosh usable format, then I woudln't be able to use it.

      I mean, now that Nova is multi-platform, I must conform and get myself a converter sometime, but not until April.

      (maybe I'm wrong - I know nothing about PC Nova except that the plugins Cunjo sent me don't work)

      When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!

    • So why haven't you got your own copy of Nova Data 1, then?

    • What is this? Twenty questions? I accidentally deleted all of my shäns. I'm not willing to sit at my computer for an hour downloading it (which I why I'm asking for shäns only with the data fields intact) until April, when I have access to a broadband connection.

      When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!

    • Yeah, it sucks 'cause I've been implementing a new concept (for me at least) using different speed hyperdrives. Can't use Nova at all... And I just now have realized exactly how primitive EV is even if it has a great-ish storyline...

      When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
      **I have atleast three of the groups remade from my old shield plugs.
      It dosnt go by the colors you want though. I think some of those colors would look god awful in-game.

      dont know if I will ever finish though.


      That is what I have, (the purple one), and I think it is SWEET!
      If someone would like to do this, it doesn't have to all be the one plug.
      Satrbridge shields is one plug in, so make feds one plug, Vell-os one plug etc etc.


      MMMMMMMMM......Warp speed

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MATTYBE:
      Satrbridge shields ...


      With that misspelling. I must now make a Satyr varient of a starbridge.

      Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
      "You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"

    • Well, if it isn't AAC. (you make champion plug-ins. Except Space traders, it's all well and good but 2 problems: pirate starbridge bay is imposibly huge, and the teriforming of the planet doesn't work)

      Would you be willing to have a crack at it?
      BTW I have v 1.7 i think. 😄 Please have a go.

      MMMMMMMMM......Warp speed

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MATTYBE:
      **Well, if it isn't AAC. (you make champion plug-ins. Except Space traders, it's all well and good but 2 problems: pirate starbridge bay is imposibly huge, and the teriforming of the planet doesn't work)

      I didnt do that one.

      Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
      "You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"

    • hmmmm.........FINE!

      Well do you want to give this a go? :)plz?

      MMMMMMMMM......Warp speed

    • I suppose if this is going to continue as a "make me a plug, please" thread, I'd better move it to the Developer's Corner where it belongs. I had thought that it had resolved itself, but apparently not.


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