OK, there seems to be some confusion as to why I set this board up, so i'll explain. First of its not targeted at competant ev-nova plugin developers, it aimed at beginers to every programming language for the web and sofware. Secondly i set it up because i have seen very few boards that cover the absolute basics of things, or go over things in plain simple english. On EV-Nova.net, most, if not all the developers are mac based, and have been developing for a while, so most of what they talk about becomes alien, to the beginners, and hence puts them off, so i'm going to try to stick to simple, plain english in any tutorials. Thats another thing, i don't see many tutorials on disscussion boards, and the ones that i do see, i don't think are best in the world, they are more like something that is put together based on something you have just learned.
The whole purpose of my board is not to give ev-nova users a place to hang out and chat about any old thing, but for beginners of programming, along with some experts, or more advanced people, so that they can be helped in learning. On the board i have got a section of links to sites which may be of use to beginners.
Btw Kame, you said my last one failed, yes it did, but that was only a test one of mine, and served no real purpose, i was just learning the basics of phpBB and how to alter the code, and to make Modifications to it. Now that i'm a bit better at it, i have launched a new one which serves a purpose, and has no real ads.
I'm open to critisum, but at the end of the day there just opinions, and the board will still be there tommorow, even if i recieve a hundered critisums. I know that to a lot of the users here, it won't serve much purpose, but then again, most of the users here are competant developers and are reluctant to learn a new language, or area of development. I'm the same, I learnt REALbasic and i find it hard to learn new languages, and i don't really want to any more.
No matter how much people try and detter me away from this board, I'm not going to give up on this one